►NAC | |
CFactionManagerData | |
CFactionMemberData | |
CRememberFactionManager | Adventure Creator Remember script for FactionManager |
CRememberFactionMember | Adventure Creator Remember script for FactionMember |
►NGameCreator | |
►NLoveHate | |
CActionAddDirectParent | |
CActionCreateNewFaction | |
CActionDestroyFaction | |
CActionGetAffinity | |
CActionGetArousal | |
CActionGetDominance | |
CActionGetEmotionalState | |
CActionGetFactionName | |
CActionGetHappiness | |
CActionGetPersonalityTrait | |
CActionGetPleasure | |
CActionGetRelationshipTrait | |
CActionGetTemperament | |
CActionInheritsTraitsFromParents | |
CActionModifyAffinity | |
CActionModifyPAD | |
CActionModifyRelationshipTrait | |
CActionRemoveDirectParent | |
CActionReportDeed | |
CActionSetAffinity | |
CActionSetRelationshipInheritability | |
CActionSetRelationshipTrait | |
CActionShareRumors | |
CActionSwitchFaction | |
CConditionHasAncestor | |
CConditionHasDirectParent | |
CConditionKnowsDeed | |
►NMakinom | |
►NSchematics | |
►NNodes | |
CAddDirectParentSchematicNode | |
CChangeAffinityStep | |
CChangePADSteps | |
CChangeRelationshipTraitSchematicNode | |
CCheckAffinityStep | |
CCheckArousalStep | |
CCheckDominanceStep | |
CCheckHappinessStep | |
CCheckHasAncestorStep | |
CCheckHasDirectParentStep | |
CCheckKnowsDeedSchematicNode | |
CCheckPleasureStep | |
CCheckRelationshipTraitStep | |
CCreateNewFactionStep | |
CDestroyFactionStep | |
CGetTemperamentStep | |
CInheritTraitsSchematicNode | |
CRemoveDirectParentStep | |
CReportDeedStep | |
CShareRumorsStep | |
CSwitchFactionSchematicNode | |
CUseFactionManagerSchematicNode | |
►NORKFramework | |
►NEvents | |
►NSteps | |
CAddDirectParentStep | |
CChangeAffinityStep | |
CChangePADSteps | |
CChangeRelationshipTraitStep | |
CCheckAffinityStep | |
CCheckArousalStep | |
CCheckDominanceStep | |
CCheckHappinessStep | |
CCheckHasAncestorStep | |
CCheckHasDirectParentStep | |
CCheckKnowsDeedStep | |
CCheckPleasureStep | |
CCheckRelationshipTraitStep | |
CCreateNewFactionStep | |
CDestroyFactionStep | |
CGetEmotionalStateStep | |
CGetTemperamentStep | |
CInheritTraitsStep | |
CRemoveDirectParentStep | |
CReportDeedStep | |
CShareRumorsStep | |
CSwitchFactionStep | |
CUseFactionManagerStep | |
►NPixelCrushers | |
►NLoveHate | |
►NAdventureCreatorSupport | |
CACUtility | Utility functions to assist with Love/Hate Adventure Creator integration |
►NBoltSupport | |
CLoveHateBoltCustomEvents | Handles LoveHate events as Bolt custom events |
►NEmeraldAISupport | |
►CEmeraldAILoveHateMember | Provides options to integrate Emerald AI and Love/Hate activity: |
CFactionRelationThresholds | |
CPermittedTemperaments | |
CEmeraldPlayerLoveHateMember | When attacked, reports Love/Hate deeds |
CGossipEmote | |
CGreetingEmote | |
CGreetingEmoteEditor | This is a custom editor for GreetingEmote that uses reorderable lists |
CRangeEmote | |
►NExample | |
CFarmAI | Basic AI script for the Farmer Example scene |
CFarmSpawner | This script provides on click methods for spawning rabbits and wolves |
CInteractionUI | This script maintains the faction info window in the lower right of the example scene |
CMover2D | This script moves 2D GameObjects |
CNPC | Basic NPC script for the example scene |
CRudimentaryPlayerController2D | This is a rudimentary 2D player controller for the example scene |
►NGameCreatorSupport | |
CLHUtility | Utility methods used by Love/Hate conditions and actions |
CSaveFactionManagerToGameCreator | Add to the Faction Manager GameObject |
CSaveFactionMemberToGameCreator | Add to a Faction Member |
►NMakinomSupport | |
CAuraEventMachine | This script runs a schematic when an aura is triggered |
CLoveHateEventMachine | Plays schematics when various Love/Hate events occurs on a faction member |
CMakinomLoveHateFactionManager | This subclass of FactionManager integrates with Makinom's save system |
CMakinomTools | |
►NORKFrameworkSupport | |
CAuraEventInteraction | This subclass of EventInteraction runs when an aura is triggered |
COrkEventTools | |
COrkFactionManager | This subclass of FactionManager integrates with ORK's save system |
►COrkFactionMember | This subclass of FactionMember integrates with ORK's faction system |
CEventInteractions | |
COrkFactionMemberEditor | Custom editor for OrkFactionMember |
►NPlayMaker | |
CAddDirectParent | |
CCreateNewFaction | |
CDeserializeFromString | |
CDestroyFaction | |
CGetAffinity | |
CGetArousal | |
CGetDominance | |
CGetEmotionalState | |
CGetFactionName | |
CGetHappiness | |
CGetPersonalityTrait | |
CGetPleasure | |
CGetRelationshipTrait | |
CGetTemperament | |
CHasAncestor | |
CHasDirectParent | |
CInheritTraitsFromParents | |
CKnowsDeed | |
CLoveHateEventsToPlayMaker | Adds Love/Hate events to PlayMaker |
CModifyAffinity | |
CModifyPAD | |
CModifyRelationshipTrait | |
CRemoveDirectParent | |
CReportDeed | |
CSerializeToString | |
CSetAffinity | |
CSetPersonalityTrait | |
CSetRelationshipInheritabilty | |
CSetRelationshipTrait | |
CShareRumors | |
CSwitchFaction | |
CUseFactionManager | |
►NplyGame | |
CAddDirectParent_plyBlock | |
CCreateNewFaction_plyBlock | |
CDestroyFaction_plyBlock | |
CEventHandler_Base | This is the base script for handling Love/Hate events |
CEventHandler_OnAura | This script handles the OnAura Love/Hate event |
CEventHandler_OnEnterAura | This script handles the OnEnterAura Love/Hate event |
CEventHandler_OnForgetDeed | This script handles the OnForgetDeed Love/Hate event |
CEventHandler_OnGossip | This script handles the OnGossip Love/Hate event |
CEventHandler_OnGreet | This script handles the OnGreet Love/Hate event |
CEventHandler_OnModifyPad | This script handles the OnModifyPad Love/Hate event |
CEventHandler_OnRememberDeed | This script handles the OnRememberDeed Love/Hate event |
CEventHandler_OnShareRumors | This script handles the OnShareRumors Love/Hate event |
CEventHandler_OnWitnessDeed | This script handles the OnWitnessDeed Love/Hate event |
CGetAffinity_plyBlock | |
CGetArousal_plyBlock | |
CGetDominance_plyBlock | |
CGetEmotionalState_plyBlock | |
CGetFactionID_plyBlock | |
CGetFactionName_plyBlock | |
CGetHappiness_plyBlock | |
CGetPleasure_plyBlock | |
CGetRelationshipTrait_plyBlock | |
CGetTemperament_plyBlock | |
CHasAncestor_plyBlock | |
CHasDirectParent_plyBlock | |
CInheritTraitsFromParents_plyBlock | |
CKnowsDeed_plyBlock | |
CLoveHatePlyBlockUtility | |
CModifyAffinity_plyBlock | |
CModifyPAD_plyBlock | |
CModifyRelationshipTrait_plyBlock | |
COnAuraEvent | |
COnEnterAuraEvent | |
COnForgetDeedEvent | |
COnGossipEvent | |
COnGreetEvent | |
COnModifyPadEvent | |
COnRememberDeedEvent | |
COnShareRumorsEvent | |
COnWitnessDeedEvent | |
CPersistableFactionManager | This script implements plyGame's IPersistable interface to enable saving and loading of FactionManager data |
CPersistableFactionMember | This script implements plyGame's IPersistable interface to enable saving and loading of FactionMember data |
CRemoveDirectParent_plyBlock | |
CReportDeed_plyBlock | |
CSetAffinity_plyBlock | |
CSetRelationshipInheritability_plyBlock | |
CSetRelationshipTrait_plyBlock | |
CShareRumors_plyBlock | |
CSwitchFaction_plyBlock | |
►NTradeSysSupport | |
CLoveHateTradePost | Add this script to a trade post to integrate it with Love/Hate |
CLoveHateTrader | Add this script to a trader to integrate it with Love/Hate |
CTSPlayer2D | This is a modified version of TradeSys's example TSPlayer script |
CTSTraderAI2D | This is a modified version of TradeSys's example TSTraderAI script |
►NWrappers | |
CAuraTrigger | This wrapper keeps references intact if you switch between the compiled assembly and source code versions of the original class |
CAuraTrigger2D | This wrapper keeps references intact if you switch between the compiled assembly and source code versions of the original class |
CCanSeeAdvanced | This wrapper keeps references intact if you switch between the compiled assembly and source code versions of the original class |
CDeedCategory | This wrapper keeps references intact if you switch between the compiled assembly and source code versions of the original class |
CDeedEvaluationOverrides | This wrapper keeps references intact if you switch between the compiled assembly and source code versions of the original class |
CDeedReactionEvents | This wrapper keeps references intact if you switch between the compiled assembly and source code versions of the original class |
CDeedReporter | This wrapper keeps references intact if you switch between the compiled assembly and source code versions of the original class |
CDeedTemplateLibrary | This wrapper keeps references intact if you switch between the compiled assembly and source code versions of the original class |
CEmotionalState | This wrapper keeps references intact if you switch between the compiled assembly and source code versions of the original class |
CEmotionModel | This wrapper keeps references intact if you switch between the compiled assembly and source code versions of the original class |
CFactionDatabase | This wrapper keeps references intact if you switch between the compiled assembly and source code versions of the original class |
CFactionManager | This wrapper keeps references intact if you switch between the compiled assembly and source code versions of the original class |
CFactionManagerSaver | This wrapper keeps references intact if you switch between the compiled assembly and source code versions of the original class |
CFactionMember | This wrapper keeps references intact if you switch between the compiled assembly and source code versions of the original class |
CFactionMemberDebugger | This wrapper keeps references intact if you switch between the compiled assembly and source code versions of the original class |
CFactionMemberDebuggerCanvas | This wrapper keeps references intact if you switch between the compiled assembly and source code versions of the original class |
CFactionMemberEvents | This wrapper keeps references intact if you switch between the compiled assembly and source code versions of the original class |
CFactionMemberSaver | This wrapper keeps references intact if you switch between the compiled assembly and source code versions of the original class |
CGossipAnimation | This wrapper keeps references intact if you switch between the compiled assembly and source code versions of the original class |
CGossipTrigger | This wrapper keeps references intact if you switch between the compiled assembly and source code versions of the original class |
CGossipTrigger2D | This wrapper keeps references intact if you switch between the compiled assembly and source code versions of the original class |
CGreetingTrigger | This wrapper keeps references intact if you switch between the compiled assembly and source code versions of the original class |
CGreetingTrigger2D | This wrapper keeps references intact if you switch between the compiled assembly and source code versions of the original class |
CLoveHateCoreMenuItems | This class implements asset creation menu items |
CLoveHateInteractionMenuItems | This class implements asset creation menu items |
CStabilizePAD | This wrapper keeps references intact if you switch between the compiled assembly and source code versions of the original class |
CTraits | This wrapper keeps references intact if you switch between the compiled assembly and source code versions of the original class |
CAbstractAuraTrigger | This abstract aura trigger is the workhorse for AuraTrigger (3D) and AuraTrigger2D |
CAbstractGossipTrigger | This abstract class is the workhorse for GossipTrigger and GossipTrigger2D |
CAbstractGreetingAnimationTrigger | This abstract greeting trigger is the workhorse for GreetingTrigger (3D) and GreetingTrigger2D |
CAbstractGreetingAnimationTriggerEditor | This is a custom editor for AbstractGreetingAnimationTrigger that uses reorderable lists |
CAbstractGreetingTrigger | This abstract greeting trigger is the workhorse for GreetingTrigger (3D) and GreetingTrigger2D, through an intermediate AbstractGreetingAnimationTrigger |
CAbstractTriggerInteractor | This is the base class for trigger components such as AbstractGreetingTrigger and AbstractGossipTrigger |
CAuraTrigger | Applies an aura effect when a faction member enters the trigger |
CAuraTrigger2D | Applies an aura effect when a faction member enters the trigger |
CCanSeeAdvanced | Add to a GameObject that has a FactionMember |
CCanSeeAdvancedEditor | Custom editor for CanSeeAdvanced that shows debug info in the Scene view |
CDeed | A deed is an objective record of an act committed by an actor to a target |
CDeedCategory | Optional category to assign to a deed |
CDeedEvaluationOverrides | |
CDeedOverrideInfo | |
CDeedOverridesEditor | This is a custom editor for DeedOverrides |
►CDeedReactionEvents | This component provides UnityEvent blocks for reactions that cause different pleasure values |
CReaction | |
CDeedReactionEventsEditor | This is a custom editor for DeedReactionEvents that uses reorderable lists |
CDeedReporter | Provides a higher-level way to report deeds to the FactionManager using a deed template library |
CDeedTemplate | A deed template defines the attributes of a deed that the DeedReporter can report to the FactionManager |
CDeedTemplateLibrary | A deed template library contains a list of deed templates |
CDeedTemplateLibraryEditor | This is a custom editor for DeedTemplateLibrary |
CEmotionalState | This optional component adds a more customizable emotion model based on PAD values than the PAD's built-in Temperament value |
CEmotionalStateEditor | Custom editor for EmotionalState, which is the component that runs on a faction member to determine its current emotional state |
CEmotionDefinition | Emotion definition for EmotionModel and EmotionalState |
CEmotionDefinitionDrawer | This custom property drawer for EmotionDefinion uses min-max sliders |
CEmotionModel | This scriptable object asset defines an emotion model, which is an EmotionDefinition list |
CFaction | Defines a faction record for the faction database |
CFactionDatabase | A faction database is a collection of traits, presets, and factions |
►CFactionDatabaseEditor | This is a custom editor for FactionDatabase |
CFactionDatabaseFoldouts | |
►CFactionDatabaseImportExportCSVWindow | Exports & imports FactionDatabase contents to CSV |
CPrefs | |
CFactionManager | Coordinates data exchange between factions |
CFactionManagerEditor | This script reserves the possibility of a custom editor for FactionManager |
CFactionManagerSaver | Saves the FactionManager's FactionDatabase to the SaveSystem |
CFactionMember | A faction member is a GameObject that's a member of a faction |
CFactionMemberDebugger | Manages a debug canvas that reports a faction member's state |
CFactionMemberDebuggerCanvas | Canvas used by FactionMemberDebugger |
CFactionMemberEditor | Custom editor for FactionMember |
►CFactionMemberEvents | This component provides UnityEvent blocks for faction member events |
CFactionMemberEvent | |
CPadEvent | |
CRumorEvent | |
CFactionMemberSaver | Saves a FactionMember's data to the SaveSystem |
CFactionPopupAttribute | Add [FactionPopup] to an int to use a popup of corresponding factions using the faction database assigned to the current scene's FactionManager |
CFactionPopupDrawer | |
CFieldOfView | Defines a field of view, which is an area with a horizontal arc and vertical arc |
CGossipAnimation | Triggers an animation when the character gossips |
CGossipTrigger | Gossips with another character when entering its trigger area |
CGossipTrigger2D | Gossips with another character when entering its trigger area |
CGreetingTrigger | Plays a greeting animation when near another character based on affinity to that character |
CGreetingTrigger2D | Plays a greeting animation when near another character based on affinity to that character |
CGreetingTrigger2DEditor | |
CGreetingTriggerEditor | |
CIAuraEventHandler | Unity Event system event handler interface for aura Affect(FactionMember) |
CIEnterAuraEventHandler | Unity Event system event handler interface for faction members who enter aura |
CIForgetDeedEventHandler | Unity Event system event handler interface for OnForgetDeed() |
CIGossipEventHandler | Unity Event system event handler interface for OnGossip(FactionMember) |
CIGreetEventHandler | Unity Event system event handler interface for OnGreet(FactionMember) |
CIModifyPadDeedEventHandler | Unity Event system event handler interface for OnModifyPad() |
CInheritedRelationship | This class is used to display inherited relationships in the inspector |
CIRememberDeedEventHandler | Unity Event system event handler interface for OnRememberDeed() |
CIShareRumorsEventHandler | Unity Event system event handler interface for OnShareRumors(FactionMember) |
CIWitnessDeedEventHandler | Unity Event system event handler interface for OnWitnessDeed() |
CLoveHate | This static wrapper class provides easy access to FactionManager methods |
CPad | An emotional state, based on the PAD model: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PAD_emotional_state_model |
CPreset | A preset is a predefined set of traits, useful as a shortcut to apply traits to factions and deeds |
CRangeAnimation | Defines an animation trigger that applies to a [min,max) range and a set of temperaments |
CRelationship | Defines a relationship to another faction, which is a set of traits that always includes affinity as the first trait |
CRumor | A rumor is a faction member's subjective memory of a deed |
►CStabilizePAD | Stabilizes PAD values toward target values |
CStabilizeSettings | |
CStabilizePADEditor | This is a custom editor for StabilizePAD |
CTraitDefinition | A trait definition defines a single personality value (such as Charity) or relationship value (such as Rivalry) |
CTraits | Adds personality traits to a GameObject |
CTraitsEditor | Custom editor for Traits MonoBehaviour |
CWitnessQueueItem | Witness queue items are deeds waiting to be evaluated by witnesses |
►NPlayMakerSupport | |
CAddMessageSystemListener | |
CApplySavedGameData | |
CDeleteSavedGameInSlot | |
CGetCurrentTextTableLanguage | |
CGetTextTableField | |
CIsGameSavedInSlot | |
CLoadGameFromSlot | |
CLoadSceneAtSpawnpoint | |
CMessageSystemToPlayMaker | Listens for a message from the Message System and sends an event to PlayMaker |
CRecordSavedGameData | |
CRemoveMessageSystemListener | |
CSaveGameToSlot | |
CSendToMessageSystem | |
CSetCurrentTextTableLanguage | |
►NRewiredSupport | |
CInputDeviceManagerRewired | This script tells the Input Device Manager to use Rewired for GetButtonDown and GetAxis checks |
►NWrappers | |
CActiveSaver | This wrapper for PixelCrushers.ActiveSaver keeps references intact if you switch between the compiled assembly and source code versions of the original class |
CAlwaysFaceCamera | This wrapper for PixelCrushers.AlwaysFaceCamera keeps references intact if you switch between the compiled assembly and source code versions of the original class |
CAnimatorSaver | This wrapper for PixelCrushers.AnimatorSaver keeps references intact if you switch between the compiled assembly and source code versions of the original class |
CAutoSaveLoad | This wrapper for PixelCrushers.AutoSaveLoad keeps references intact if you switch between the compiled assembly and source code versions of the original class |
CBinaryDataSerializer | This wrapper for PixelCrushers.BinaryDataSerializer keeps references intact if you switch between the compiled assembly and source code versions of the original class |
CCheckPhysics2D | This wrapper for PixelCrushers.CheckPhysics2D keeps references intact if you switch between the compiled assembly and source code versions of the original class |
CCollisionEvent | This wrapper for PixelCrushers.CollisionEvent keeps references intact if you switch between the compiled assembly and source code versions of the original class |
CDataSynchronizer | This wrapper for PixelCrushers.DataSynchronizer keeps references intact if you switch between the compiled assembly and source code versions of the original class |
CDeselectPreviousOnPointerEnter | This script deselects the previous selectable when the pointer enters this one |
CDestructibleSaver | This wrapper for PixelCrushers.DestructibleSaver keeps references intact if you switch between the compiled assembly and source code versions of the original class |
CDisappearEvent | This wrapper for PixelCrushers.DisappearEvent keeps references intact if you switch between the compiled assembly and source code versions of the original class |
CDiskSavedGameDataStorer | This wrapper for PixelCrushers.DiskSavedGameDataStorer keeps references intact if you switch between the compiled assembly and source code versions of the original class |
CDontDestroyGameObject | This wrapper for PixelCrushers.DontDestroyGameObject keeps references intact if you switch between the compiled assembly and source code versions of the original class |
CEditorNote | This class holds a text note in the Unity editor |
CEnabledSaver | This wrapper for PixelCrushers.EnabledSaver keeps references intact if you switch between the compiled assembly and source code versions of the original class |
CEnableOnStart | This wrapper for PixelCrushers.EnableOnStart keeps references intact if you switch between the compiled assembly and source code versions of the original class |
CGlobalTextTable | This wrapper for PixelCrushers.LocalizeUIText keeps references intact if you switch between the compiled assembly and source code versions of the original class |
CInputActionRegistry | Wrapper for InputActionRegistry to allow switching between precompiled DLL and loose scripts |
CInputDeviceManager | This script checks for joystick and keyboard input |
CInputDeviceMethods | Wrapper to retain references when switching between DLL and script |
CInstantiatePrefabs | This wrapper for PixelCrushers.InstantiatePrefabs keeps references intact if you switch between the compiled assembly and source code versions of the original class |
CJsonDataSerializer | This wrapper for PixelCrushers.JsonDataSerializer keeps references intact if you switch between the compiled assembly and source code versions of the original class |
CKeepRectTransformOnscreen | This wrapper class keeps references intact if you switch between the compiled assembly and source code versions of the original class |
CLoadingScreenProgressBar | This wrapper for PixelCrushers.LoadingScreenProgressBar keeps references intact if you switch between the compiled assembly and source code versions of the original class |
CLocalizedFonts | This wrapper for PixelCrushers.LocalizedFonts keeps references intact if you switch between the compiled assembly and source code versions of the original class |
CLocalizeUI | This wrapper for PixelCrushers.LocalizeUI keeps references intact if you switch between the compiled assembly and source code versions of the original class |
CLODManager | This wrapper for PixelCrushers.LODManager keeps references intact if you switch between the compiled assembly and source code versions of the original class |
CMessageEvents | This wrapper for PixelCrushers.MessageEvents keeps references intact if you switch between the compiled assembly and source code versions of the original class |
CMessageSystemLogger | This wrapper for PixelCrushers.MessageSystemLogger keeps references intact if you switch between the compiled assembly and source code versions of the original class |
CMultiActiveSaver | This wrapper for PixelCrushers.MultiActiveSaver keeps references intact if you switch between the compiled assembly and source code versions of the original class |
CMultiEnabledSaver | This wrapper for PixelCrushers.MultiEnabledSaver keeps references intact if you switch between the compiled assembly and source code versions of the original class |
CPlayerPrefsSavedGameDataStorer | This wrapper for PixelCrushers.PlayerPrefsSavedGameDataStorer keeps references intact if you switch between the compiled assembly and source code versions of the original class |
CPositionSaver | This wrapper for PixelCrushers.PositionSaver keeps references intact if you switch between the compiled assembly and source code versions of the original class |
CSaveSystem | This wrapper for PixelCrushers.SaveSystem keeps references intact if you switch between the compiled assembly and source code versions of the original class |
CSaveSystemEvents | This wrapper for PixelCrushers.SaveSystemEvents keeps references intact if you switch between the compiled assembly and source code versions of the original class |
CSaveSystemMethods | This wrapper for PixelCrushers.SaveSystemMethods keeps references intact if you switch between the compiled assembly and source code versions of the original class |
CSaveSystemTestMenu | This wrapper for PixelCrushers.SaveSystemTestMenu keeps references intact if you switch between the compiled assembly and source code versions of the original class |
CScenePortal | This wrapper for PixelCrushers.ScenePortal keeps references intact if you switch between the compiled assembly and source code versions of the original class |
CSetEventSystem | This wrapper class keeps references intact if you switch between the compiled assembly and source code versions of the original class |
CSetLocalizedFont | This wrapper class keeps references intact if you switch between the compiled assembly and source code versions of the original class |
CShowCursorWhileEnabled | This wrapper for PixelCrushers.LocalizeUI keeps references intact if you switch between the compiled assembly and source code versions of the original class |
CSpawnedObject | This wrapper for PixelCrushers.SpawnedObject keeps references intact if you switch between the compiled assembly and source code versions of the original class |
CSpawnedObjectList | This wrapper for PixelCrushers.SpawnedObjectList keeps references intact if you switch between the compiled assembly and source code versions of the original class |
CSpawnedObjectManager | This wrapper for PixelCrushers.SpawnedObjectManager keeps references intact if you switch between the compiled assembly and source code versions of the original class |
CStandardSceneTransitionManager | This wrapper for PixelCrushers.StandardSceneTransitionManager keeps references intact if you switch between the compiled assembly and source code versions of the original class |
CStringAsset | This wrapper for PixelCrushers.StringAsset keeps references intact if you switch between the compiled assembly and source code versions of the original class |
CTextTable | This wrapper for PixelCrushers.TextTable keeps references intact if you switch between the compiled assembly and source code versions of the original class |
CTimedEvent | This wrapper for PixelCrushers.TimedEvent keeps references intact if you switch between the compiled assembly and source code versions of the original class |
CTriggerEvent | This wrapper for PixelCrushers.TriggerEvent keeps references intact if you switch between the compiled assembly and source code versions of the original class |
CUIButtonKeyTrigger | This script adds a key or button trigger to a Unity UI Selectable |
CUILocalizationManager | This wrapper for PixelCrushers.UILocalizationManager keeps references intact if you switch between the compiled assembly and source code versions of the original class |
CUIPanel | Manages a UI panel |
CUIScrollbarEnabler | Enables a scrollbar only if the content is larger than the scroll rect |
CUITextColor | This script provides methods to change a Text element's color |
►CActiveSaver | Saves the active/inactive state of a GameObject |
CData | |
CAlwaysFaceCamera | Always keeps the GameObject facing the main camera |
►CAnimatorSaver | Saves an animator's state |
CData | |
CLayerData | |
CTriggerData | |
CAssetUtility | |
CAutoSaveLoad | Auto-saves when the game closes and auto-loads when the game opens |
CBinaryDataSerializer | Implementation of DataSerializer that uses BinaryFormatter |
CCheckInputManagerSettings | This script runs when Unity starts or reloads assemblies after compilation |
CCheckPhysics2D | Checks if the scripting symbol USE_PHYSICS2D is defined |
CCollisionEvent | Invokes events on collision enter and exit |
CComponentUtility | Utility functions for working with components |
CCoroutineUtility | Utility functions for working with coroutines |
CCSVUtility | |
CCursorControl | Methods to hide and show the cursor |
CDataSerializer | Abstract base class for serializers that serialize objects to strings and deserialize strings back into objects |
CDataSynchronizer | Uses the MessageSystem to keep data synchronized between a source and a listener |
CDeselectPreviousOnPointerEnter | This script deselects the previous selectable when the pointer enters this one |
►CDestructibleSaver | Saves when a GameObject has been destroyed or disabled |
CDestructibleData | |
CDictionaryExtensions | Extension methods for generic dictionaries |
CDisappearEvent | Invokes an event when the component is disabled or destroyed |
►CDiskSavedGameDataStorer | Implements SavedGameDataStorer using local disk files |
CSavedGameInfo | |
CDiskSavedGameDataStorerEditor | |
CDontDestroyGameObject | Marks the GameObject as DontDestroyOnLoad |
CEditorGUIZoomArea | |
►CEnabledSaver | Saves the enabled/disabled state of a component |
CData | |
CEnableOnStart | Enables a component when the scene starts |
CEnablePhysics2DMenuItem | |
CEncodingTypeTools | |
CEncryptionUtility | |
CGameObjectUnityEvent | |
CGameObjectUtility | Utility functions for working with GameObjects |
CGameTime | This is a wrapper around Unity's Time class that allows you to specify a mode: UnityStandard (Time.time), Realtime (Time.realtimeSinceStartup), or Manual (you set the time values each frame) |
CGlobalTextTable | Maintains a reference to a global TextTable that other scripts can use |
CHelpBoxAttribute | Attribute to draw a help box |
CHelpBoxAttributeDrawer | |
CIEventSystemUser | Allows classes to have a reference to an EventSystem |
CIMessageHandler | Interface for MessageSystem message handlers |
CInputActionRegistry | Registers Input System actions with the Pixel Crushers Input Device Manager |
CInputDeviceManager | This script checks for joystick and keyboard input |
►CInputDeviceManagerEditor | |
CInputAxis | |
CInputDeviceMethods | This script provides methods to control InputDeviceManager that you can hook up in scripts where the InputDeviceManager instance isn't accessible at design time |
CInstantiatePrefabs | Instantiates prefabs on Awake |
CIntUnityEvent | |
CJsonDataSerializer | Implementation of DataSerializer that uses JsonUtility |
CKeepRectTransformOnscreen | Keeps a RectTransform's bounds in view of the main camera |
CListExtensions | Extension methods for generic lists |
CLoadingScreenProgressBar | Manages a loading screen progress bar |
►CLocalizedFonts | Specifies fonts to use for different languages |
CFontForLanguage | |
CLocalizeUI | |
►CLODManager | Implements a Level of Detail (LOD) system according to distance from the player |
CLOD | |
CMessageArgs | This struct is passed to listeners of the MessageSystem when a message is sent |
CMessageArgsEvent | |
►CMessageEvents | Provides a in-editor way to listen for messages and invoke events when they occur, and to send a message on demand |
CMessageEvent | |
CMessageToSend | |
CMessageEventsEditor | |
►CMessageSystem | General purpose message system |
CListenerInfo | |
CMessageSystemLogger | |
CMoreEditorGuiUtility | |
CMoreEditorUtility | |
CMoreGizmos | Provides more drawing routines for gizmos |
CMorePhysics2D | Provides more routines for Physics2D |
►CMultiActiveSaver | Saves the active/inactive state of a list of GameObjects |
CData | |
►CMultiEnabledSaver | Saves the enabled/disabled state of a list of components |
CData | |
CObjectUnityEvent | |
CPlayerPrefsSavedGameDataStorer | Implements SavedGameDataStorer using PlayerPrefs |
CPlayerPrefsSavedGameDataStorerEditor | |
►CPlayMakerGlobalVariableSaver | Saves all global bool, int, float, and string variable values |
CData | |
CObjectArray | |
CPool | This generic class implements an object pool |
►CPositionSaver | Saves a GameObject's position |
CMultiscenePositionData | |
CPositionData | |
CScenePositionData | |
CQuaternionSerializationSurrogate | Adds .NET serialization support for Quaternion |
CRectExtensions | |
CRuntimeTypeUtility | Utility methods to work with types |
CSafeConvert | Conversion methods that return default values instead of throwing exceptions |
►CSavedGameData | Holds the data for a saved game |
CSaveRecord | Holds the data returned by a Saver along with the Saver's key and the index of the scene that the Saver was in |
CSavedGameDataStorer | Abstract base class for "storage providers" that store saved game data somewhere, such as PlayerPrefs or a disk file |
CSaver | Abstract base class for a "saver", which is a component that contributes to saved game data |
CSaverEditor | |
CSaveSystem | This is the main Save System class |
CSaveSystemEditorUtility | Utility menu items for the Save System |
CSaveSystemEvents | Provides Save System UnityEvents |
CSaveSystemMethods | Provides inspector-selectable methods to control SaveSystem |
CSaveSystemTestMenu | Simple menu for testing the Save System |
CSceneNotifier | Service to notify subscribers when a scene is being unloaded |
CScenePortal | Changes scenes, either by calling UsePortal() or OnTriggerEnter |
CSceneTransitionManager | |
CScriptableObjectUtility | Utility functions for creating ScriptableObjects |
CSetEventSystem | Sets EventSystem to use for self and all children that implement IEventSystemUser interface |
CSetLocalizedFont | Sets a Text or TextMeshProUGUI component's font according to the current language and the settings in a LocalizedFonts asset |
CShowCursorWhileEnabled | Shows the cursor when this component is enabled |
CSpawnedObject | A spawned object or spawnable prefab |
CSpawnedObjectList | Holds a list of references to SpawnedObject prefabs |
►CSpawnedObjectManager | Manages spawned objects for a scene |
CSpawnedObjectData | |
CSpawnedObjectDataList | |
►CStandardSceneTransitionManager | This implementation of SceneTransitionManager plays optional outro and intro animations, and optionally loads a loading scene |
CTransitionInfo | |
CStringAsset | A StringAsset is a ScriptableObject that encapsulates a string |
CStringField | A StringField is an object that can refer to a string, StringAsset, or field in a TextTable |
CStringFieldDrawer | |
CStringFieldTextAreaAttribute | Attribute to draw a StringField's text value as a multi-line text area |
CStringFieldTextAreaAttributeDrawer | |
CStringUnityEvent | |
CTagMask | A list of tags |
►CTagMaskDrawer | |
CMenuItemTagInfo | |
CTagMaskEvent | |
►CTextTable | A TextTable is a 2D table of languages and fields |
CFieldKeyValuePair | |
CLanguageKeyValuePair | |
CTextTableEditor | |
►CTextTableEditorWindow | Custom editor window for TextTable |
CSearchBarSettings | |
CTextTableField | A field in a TextTable |
►CTextTableMassExportImportWindow | Custom editor window for mass exporting text tables to CSV |
CPrefs | |
CTimedEvent | Invokes an event after a specified duration |
CTimedEventEditor | |
CTriggerEvent | Invokes events on trigger enter and exit |
CTypeUtility | |
CUIAnimatorMonitor | Invokes a callback method when an animator has entered and then exited a specified trigger state |
CUIButtonKeyTrigger | This script adds a key or button trigger to a Unity UI Selectable |
CUIDropdownField | A UIDropdownField can refer to a UI.Dropdown or TMPro.TMP_Dropdown |
CUIDropdownFieldDrawer | |
CUIInputField | A UIInputField can refer to a UI.Text or TMPro.TextMeshProUGUI |
CUILocalizationManager | Manages localization settings |
CUILocalizationManagerEditor | |
CUIPanel | Manages a UI panel |
CUIScrollbarEnabler | Enables a scrollbar only if the content is larger than the scroll rect |
CUITextColor | This script provides methods to change a Text element's color |
CUITextField | A UITextField can refer to a UI.Text, TMPro.TextMeshProUGUI, or SuperTextMesh |
CUITextFieldDrawer | |
CUIUtility | |
CVector3SerializationSurrogate | Adds .NET serialization support for Vector3 |