No Matches
PixelCrushers.QuestMachine Namespace Reference


namespace  ArticySupport
namespace  CorgiEngineSupport
namespace  Demo
namespace  EmeraldAISupport
namespace  OpsiveUCCSupport
namespace  ORKSupport
namespace  PlayMakerSupport
namespace  TopDownEngineSupport
namespace  uMMORPGSupport
namespace  uSurvivalSupport
namespace  Wrappers


class  Action
 Actions are tasks that quest givers can ask questers to do to an entity. More...
class  ActionCompletion
 Defines how to know when an action is completed. More...
class  ActionEditor
class  ActionEffect
 Defines the expected change to the world model when an action is done. More...
class  ActionRequirement
 Defines a precondition to doing an action. More...
class  ActionStateText
 Action text for a quest node state. More...
class  ActionStateTextDrawer
class  ActionText
 UI text for actions to use when creating quests. More...
class  ActivateGameObjectQuestAction
 Activates a GameObject. More...
class  ActivateGameObjectQuestActionEditor
 Custom inspector for ActivateGameObjectQuestAction assets. More...
class  AddInventoryEngineItemQuestAction
 Adds or removes items from an inventory. More...
class  AddInventoryEngineItemQuestActionEditor
class  AlertQuestAction
 Sends a QuestAlert message with some UI content. More...
class  AlertQuestActionEditor
 Custom inspector for AlertQuestAction assets. More...
class  AnimatorQuestAction
 Controls an animator. More...
class  AnimatorQuestActionEditor
 Custom inspector for AnimatorQuestAction assets. More...
class  ArticyLocalizedQuestContent
 This quest content type uses Articy localization to show localized text. More...
class  ArticyQuestAction
class  ArticyQuestCondition
class  AssetInfo
class  AssetInfoLists
 Holds cached lists of quest assets for use by the Quest Generator editor window and individual quest asset editors. More...
class  AudioClipQuestContent
 AudioClip UI content. More...
class  AudioQuestAction
 Plays an audio clip. More...
class  AudioQuestActionEditor
 Custom inspector for AudioQuestAction assets. More...
class  BasicUIContent
class  BasicUIContentDrawer
 Custom property drawer for BasicUIContent. More...
class  BodyTextQuestContent
 Body text UI content. More...
class  ButtonQuestContent
 Button UI content that executes actions when clicked. More...
class  ButtonQuestUIContentEditor
 Custom inspector for ButtonQuestContent assets. More...
class  ByteData
 Serializable array of bytes. More...
class  CategorizedQuestContentInspectorGUI
 Editor GUI for a set of UI content lists (dialogue, journal, HUD, alert) which is typically part of a QuestStateInfo object. More...
class  CompassProPOIQuestAction
class  ControlSpawnerQuestAction
 Controls a spawner. More...
class  CounterQuestCondition
 Quest condition that becomes true when a counter reaches a specified value. More...
class  CounterQuestConditionEditor
 Custom inspector for CounterQuestCondition assets. More...
class  DemoInputRegistration
 This class helps Quest Machine's demo work with the New Input System. More...
class  DomainSpecifier
 This class provides a method of specifying a domain. More...
class  DomainSpecifierDrawer
class  DomainType
 Domain types are the abstract definitions of domains, which are locations where entities exist. More...
class  DomainTypeEditor
class  Drive
 Drives define quest givers' personalities, which in turn influence the quests they generate. More...
class  DriveAlignmentUrgencyFunction
 Urgency based on how well the observed entity's drives align with the observer's, where 0 is no alignment and 1 is perfect alignment. More...
class  DriveEditor
class  DriveValue
 Associates a value with a drive. More...
class  EntitySpecifier
 This class provides a method of specifying an entity. More...
class  EntitySpecifierDrawer
class  EntityType
 Entity types are abstract definitions of entities. More...
class  EntityTypeEditor
class  EntityTypeSaver
 Saves entity types' runtime-changeable values. More...
class  Fact
 A fact is a record in a world model, specifically a count of entities in a domain. More...
class  Faction
 Factions define relationships between entities. More...
class  FactionEditor
class  FactionRequirementFunction
 Requires that a faction have a specific affinity range to another faction. More...
class  FactionRequirementFunctionEditor
class  FactionUrgencyFunction
 Returns the faction affinity. More...
class  FactSpecifier
class  GiveQuestToQuesterQuestAction
 Gives a quest to a quester and activates it. More...
class  HeadingTextQuestContent
 Heading text UI content. More...
class  HeadingTextQuestUIContentEditor
 Custom inspector for HeadingTextQuestContent assets. More...
class  IconQuestContent
 Icon UI content (image with optional count and caption) with an optional list of actions. More...
class  IconQuestUIContentEditor
 Custom inspector for IconQuestContent assets. More...
class  IdentifiableQuestListContainer
 A quest list with an ID. More...
class  InstantiatePrefabQuestAction
 Instantiates a prefab. More...
class  InstantiatePrefabQuestActionEditor
 Custom inspector for InstantiatePrefabQuestAction assets. More...
class  InventoryEngineHasItemsQuestCondition
 Checks an inventory for a required quantity of an item. More...
class  InventoryEngineHasItemsQuestConditionEditor
class  InventoryEngineRewardSystem
class  InventoryProCurrencyQuestAction
 Adjusts currency. More...
class  InventoryProCurrencyQuestCondition
 Checks the amount of currency on a player. More...
class  InventoryProGetItemAction
class  InventoryProGetItemActionEditor
class  InventoryProItemQuestAction
 Adds or removes items. More...
class  InventoryProItemQuestCondition
 Checks if a player has an amount of an item. More...
class  InventoryProItemQuestConditionEditor
 Custom inspector for InventoryProItemQuestCondition assets. More...
class  InventoryProPlanToQuestBuilder
class  InventoryProQuestGeneratorEntity
 This subclass of QuestGeneratorEntity assigns a InventoryProPlanToQuestBuilder, which is a subclass of PlanToQuestBuilder that handles collection of Inventory Pro items. More...
class  InventoryProQuestMachineItem
 Defines an item type that sends a message to the Message System and invokes an event when used. More...
class  InventoryProRewardSystem
class  InventoryProStatQuestAction
 Adjusts a stat. More...
class  InventoryProStatQuestCondition
 Checks the value of a stat. More...
class  InventoryProUtility
 Utility functions for Inventory Pro support. More...
class  InventoryProXPQuestAction
 Adds experience to a stat. More...
interface  IProxySerializationCallbackReceiver
 Add this interface to objects that are included in proxy serialization. More...
interface  IQuestAlertUI
 Interface for quest alert UIs. More...
class  IQuestAlertUIInspectorFieldAttribute
 Inspector attribute for IQuestAlertUI fields. More...
class  IQuestAlertUIInspectorFieldAttributeDrawer
 Custom drawer that allows assignment of the C# interface IQuestAlertUI. More...
interface  IQuestDialogueUI
 Interface for quest dialogue UIs. More...
class  IQuestDialogueUIInspectorFieldAttribute
 Inspector attribute for IQuestDialogueUI fields. More...
class  IQuestDialogueUIInspectorFieldAttributeDrawer
 Custom drawer that allows assignment of the C# interface IQuestDialogueUI. More...
interface  IQuestHUD
 Interface for quest HUDs. More...
class  IQuestHUDInspectorFieldAttribute
 Inspector attribute for IQuestHUD fields. More...
class  IQuestHUDInspectorFieldAttributeDrawer
 Custom drawer that allows assignment of the C# interface IQuestHUD. More...
interface  IQuestJournalUI
 Interface for quest journal UIs. More...
class  IQuestJournalUIInspectorFieldAttribute
 Inspector attribute for IQuestJournalUI fields. More...
class  IQuestJournalUIInspectorFieldAttributeDrawer
 Custom drawer that allows assignment of the C# interface IQuestJournalUI. More...
interface  IQuestMachineID
 Interface for classes that have an id, displayName, and image such as QuestEntity, IdentifiableQuestListContainer, and QuestMachineID. More...
interface  IQuestTimer
 Interface for classes that handle timer ticks. More...
class  LinkQuestContent
 Link UI content. More...
class  LinkQuestContentEditor
 Custom inspector for LinkQuestContent assets. More...
class  LiteralUrgencyFunction
 Returns a literal urgency value, not scaled by any factors. More...
class  MessageQuestAction
 Sends a message to the MessageSystem. More...
class  MessageQuestActionEditor
 Custom inspector for MessageQuestAction assets. More...
class  MessageQuestCondition
 Quest condition that becomes true on receipt of a message from the MessageSystem. More...
class  MessageQuestConditionEditor
 Custom inspector for MessageQuestCondition assets. More...
class  MessageRewardSystem
 This reward system sends a message with number of user-definable "things". More...
class  MessageValue
 Specifies a value passed with a message and parameter. More...
class  MessageValueDrawer
class  Motive
 A motive is text associated with a set of drive values. More...
class  MotiveDrawer
class  ParentQuestCondition
 Quest condition that becomes true when a specified number of parent nodes are true. More...
class  ParentQuestConditionEditor
 Custom inspector for ParentQuestCondition assets. More...
class  Plan
class  PlanStep
class  PlanToQuestBuilder
 Class to build a quest from a plan created by a QuestGenerator. More...
class  PlayerEntityType
 This special entity type is essentially a singleton reserved for the player entity. More...
class  Quest
 Quest object. More...
class  QuestAction
 Abstract base class for quest actions, which are executed when quests or quest nodes become active. More...
class  QuestActionListInspectorGUI
 Editor GUI for a list of QuestAction objects, which is typically a part of a QuestStateInfo object. More...
class  QuestActionProxy
class  QuestActionProxyContainer
class  QuestAlertDisplayer
 Listens for quest alerts and displays them through a QuestAlertUI. More...
class  QuestAssetModificationProcessor
 Intercepts modifications to quest assets to update the cached lists in AssetInfoLists. More...
class  QuestAudioSourceIdentifier
 Specifies which audio source to use to play audio. More...
class  QuestAudioSourceIdentifierDrawer
 Custom property drawer for QuestAudioSourceIdentifier. More...
class  QuestBuilder
 Utility class for procedurally building quests. More...
class  QuestCanvasGUI
 This class draws the GUI canvas for a Quest in the Quest Editor window. More...
class  QuestCondition
 Abstract base class for quest conditions. More...
class  QuestConditionProxy
class  QuestConditionSet
 Manages a set of conditions, invoking a delegate when true. More...
class  QuestConditionSetInspectorGUI
 Editor GUI for a ConditionSet. More...
class  QuestConditionSetProxy
class  QuestContent
 Abstract base class for UI content. More...
class  QuestContentListInspectorGUI
class  QuestContentProxy
class  QuestContentSet
 Contains a list of UI content elements. More...
class  QuestControl
 Provides methods to control parts of a quest. More...
class  QuestCounter
 Holds an integer that a quest can use to track a value. More...
class  QuestCounterDrawer
 Custom property drawer for QuestCounter. More...
class  QuestCounterListInspectorGUI
 Editor GUI for a list of QuestCounter objects. More...
class  QuestCounterMessageEvent
 Specifies how to modify a counter when it receives a message from the MessageSystem. More...
class  QuestCounterMessageEventProxy
class  QuestCounterProxy
class  QuestDatabase
 A ScriptableObject that holds a list of quest assets. More...
class  QuestDatabaseEditor
 Custom inspector for QuestDatabase. More...
class  QuestDomain
 The physical instance of a domain type in a scene. More...
class  QuestEditor
 Top level inspector for Quest objects. More...
class  QuestEditorAssetUtility
 Utility methods used by the custom editors to manage assets, namely to save a quest ScriptableObject and all of its sub-ScriptableObjects to an asset file. More...
class  QuestEditorCounterWizard
 Wizard that adds a counter and condition node. More...
class  QuestEditorMessageWizard
 Wizard that adds a message condition node. More...
class  QuestEditorPrefs
 Quest editor preferences. More...
class  QuestEditorReturnWizard
 Wizard that adds a return to quest giver node. More...
class  QuestEditorStyles
 GUI styles, images, etc., used by the custom editors. More...
class  QuestEditorUtility
 Utility methods used by the custom editors. More...
class  QuestEditorWindow
 Main Quest Editor window. More...
class  QuestEditorWizard
 Base class for wizards used by the Quest Editor window. More...
class  QuestEntity
 Physical instance of an entity type in a scene. More...
class  QuestEntityUnityEvent
class  QuestEvent
class  QuestGenerator
 Class to procedurally generate quests. More...
class  QuestGeneratorActionListGUI
class  QuestGeneratorAssetListGUI
class  QuestGeneratorDomainListGUI
class  QuestGeneratorDriveListGUI
class  QuestGeneratorEditorWindow
class  QuestGeneratorEditorWindowGUI
class  QuestGeneratorEditorWindowToolbar
class  QuestGeneratorEntity
 A quest generator entity is an entity that can generate quests. More...
class  QuestGeneratorEntityEditor
class  QuestGeneratorEntityTypeListGUI
class  QuestGeneratorFactionListGUI
class  QuestGeneratorSettings
class  QuestGeneratorUrgencyFunctionListGUI
class  QuestGiver
 A GameObject that can offer quests. More...
class  QuestGiverEditor
 Custom inspector for QuestGiver. More...
class  QuestIndicatorManager
 Manages quest indicators for an entity. More...
class  QuestIndicatorSaver
 Saves the state of the QuestIndicatorManager on the same GameObject. More...
class  QuestIndicatorStateRecordProxy
class  QuestIndicatorUI
 Manages the UI elements for each indicator state. More...
class  QuestInspectorGUI
 Performs the main GUI work for the custom Quest inspector, QuestEditor. More...
class  QuestJournal
 This subclass of QuestList provides facilities to show the list in a QuestJournalUI. More...
class  QuestJournalButton
 Since the player's quest journal and the quest journal UI may not be in the same scene at design time, use this component to show and hide the journal UI. More...
class  QuestJournalEditor
 Custom inspector for QuestJournal. More...
class  QuestListContainer
 Maintains a list of quests on a GameObject. More...
class  QuestListContainerEditor
 Custom inspector for QuestListContainer. More...
class  QuestListEvents
 Exposes UnityEvents for QuestListContainer. More...
class  QuestMachine
 Quest Machine static manager class. More...
class  QuestMachineConfiguration
 Configuration information for Quest Machine. More...
class  QuestMachineConfigurationDebugSettings
class  QuestMachineID
 Provides an ID to GameObjects that don't have a QuestEntity or IdentifiableQuestListContainer component. More...
class  QuestMachineIDEditor
 Custom inspector for QuestGiver. More...
class  QuestMachineMessageEvents
 Provides a in-editor way to listen for messages and invoke events when they occur, and to send a message on demand, with awareness of Quest Machine IDs. More...
class  QuestMachineMessageEventsEditor
class  QuestMachineMessages
 Quest Machine-specific messages used with the MessageSystem. More...
class  QuestMachineSceneEvent
class  QuestMachineSceneEvents
 Holds scene-specific UnityEvents referenced by a dialogue database's dialogue entries. More...
class  QuestMachineTags
 Quest Machine-specific string constants (tags) and utility methods to replace tags with their runtime values. More...
class  QuestMainInspectorGUI
 Custom inspector GUI when the Quest itself (and not a QuestNode) is selected in the Quest Editor window. More...
class  QuestNode
 A quest node is a task or stage in a quest. More...
class  QuestNodeEvent
class  QuestNodeInspectorGUI
 Custom inspector GUI when a QuestNode (and not the Quest itself) is selected in the Quest Editor window. More...
class  QuestNodeOrderInspectorGUI
 Draws the node reordering editor GUI for a Quest. More...
class  QuestNodeProxy
class  QuestNodeStateInfoInspectorGUI
 Editor GUI for a QuestStateInfo object inside a QuestNode. More...
class  QuestNodeStateQuestCondition
 Quest condition that becomes true when another quest's node reaches a specified state. More...
class  QuestNumber
 References a literal value or quest counter value. More...
class  QuestNumberDrawer
 Custom property drawer for QuestNumber. More...
class  QuestParticipantTextInfo
 Holds text info about a quest partcipant without referencing the participant, to decouple QuestGiver/Quester from Quest. More...
class  QuestProxy
 Runtime-serializable proxy object for Quest. More...
class  QuestReferenceEditorWindow
 Utility window that lets the user copy tags and messages to the clipboard to make it easier to enter them in text fields in the Quest Editor. More...
class  QuestStateInfo
 Information about a specific quest state (Inactive, Active, etc.). More...
class  QuestStateInfoInspectorGUI
 Inspector GUI for QuestStateInfo. More...
class  QuestStateInfoProxy
class  QuestStateQuestCondition
 Quest condition that becomes true when another quest reaches a specified state. More...
class  QuestStateSerializer
 Utility to serialize the minimum data necessary for design-time quests. More...
class  QuestSubasset
 Abstract base class for quest subassets (ScriptableObjects) such as QuestCondition, QuestAction, and QuestContent. More...
class  QuestSubassetEditor
 Base abstract editor class for quest subassets. More...
class  QuestTagsToTextTableWizard
class  QuestTextToTextTableWizard
class  QuestTimerManager
 Central manager for all timers that implement the IQuestTimer interface. More...
class  QuestTrackingPOI
 Ties a POI to a quest. More...
class  RequirementFunction
 Abstract base ScriptableObject class for requirement functions. More...
class  RewardSystem
 Base reward system class. More...
class  SceneEventQuestAction
 Runs a UnityEvent pointing to GameObjects in a scene. More...
class  SceneEventQuestActionEditor
 Custom inspector for SceneEventQuestAction assets. More...
class  ServerSpawner
 Mirror-enabled version of Spawner that does network-aware spawning from the server. More...
class  ServerSpawnerHelper
 ServerSpawner automatically adds this helper. More...
class  SetCounterValueQuestAction
 Sets a counter value. More...
class  SetCounterValueQuestActionEditor
 Custom inspector for SetCounterValueQuestAction assets. More...
class  SetDMMapIconQuestAction
 Sets a DMMapIcon's appearance. More...
class  SetIndicatorQuestAction
 Sets a quest indicator. More...
class  SetQuestNodeStateQuestAction
 Sets a quest node state. More...
class  SetQuestStateQuestAction
 Sets a quest state. More...
class  SetTrackingQuestAction
 Tracks or untracks a quest in the HUD. More...
class  SpawnedEntity
 This helper component invokes a delegate method when disabled. More...
class  Spawner
 Spawner. More...
class  TagDictionary
 Maintains a dictionary of tags and their values. More...
class  ThreatUrgencyFunction
 Urgency based on the affinity between two factions, scaled by the number of entities. More...
class  TimerQuestCondition
 Quest condition that becomes true after a specified duration. More...
class  TimerQuestConditionEditor
 Custom inspector for TimerQuestCondition assets. More...
class  uMMORPGAddExpQuestAction
class  uMMORPGAddGoldQuestAction
class  uMMORPGAddItemQuestAction
class  uMMORPGAddSkillExpQuestAction
class  uMMORPGCanLearnSkillQuestCondition
class  uMMORPGClassQuestCondition
class  uMMORPGItemAmountQuestCondition
class  uMMORPGItemAmountQuestConditionEditor
class  uMMORPGLevelQuestCondition
class  uMMORPGSetSkillLevelQuestAction
class  uMMORPGSkillLevelQuestCondition
class  UnityEventQuestAction
 Invokes a UnityEvent. More...
class  UnityUIBaseUI
 Base functionality for Unity UI quest UIs. More...
class  UnityUIButtonListTemplate
 Unity UI holder for buttons. More...
class  UnityUIButtonTemplate
 Unity UI template for a button. More...
class  UnityUIContainerTemplate
 Unity UI holder for general UI content. More...
class  UnityUIContentTemplate
 Abstract base class for Unity UI content templates. More...
class  UnityUIFoldoutTemplate
 Unity UI template for foldouts. More...
class  UnityUIIconListTemplate
 Unity UI holder for icons. More...
class  UnityUIIconTemplate
 Unity UI template for an icon. More...
class  UnityUIInstancedContentManager
 Manages Unity UI content that has been instantiated from templates. More...
class  UnityUIQuestAlertUI
 Unity UI implementation of QuestAlertUI. More...
class  UnityUIQuestDialogueUI
 Unity UI implementation of QuestDialogueUI. More...
class  UnityUIQuestHUD
 Unity UI implementation of Quest HUD. More...
class  UnityUIQuestJournalUI
 Unity UI implementation of Quest Journal UI. More...
class  UnityUIQuestNameButtonTemplate
 Unity UI template for a quest name button with a toggle for progress tracking. More...
class  UnityUITextTemplate
 Unity UI template for text. More...
class  UnityUIToggleTemplate
 Unity UI template for a toggle. More...
class  UrgencyFunction
 Base abstract class for urgency functions, which quest generators use to identify which entity is most urgent to generate a quest about. More...
struct  UrgentFactSelectionMode
 Specifies the method to use to select the most urgent fact(s). More...
class  uSurvivalAddItemQuestAction
class  uSurvivalGetItemQuestAction
class  uSurvivalHasItemsQuestCondition
class  uSurvivalHasItemsQuestConditionEditor
 Custom inspector for uSurvivalHasItemsQuestCondition assets. More...
class  uSurvivalModifyStatQuestAction
class  uSurvivalPlanToQuestBuilder
class  uSurvivalQuestGeneratorEntity
 This subclass of QuestGeneratorEntity assigns a uSurvivalPlanToQuestBuilder, which is a subclass of PlanToQuestBuilder that handles uSurvival items. More...
class  WelcomeWindow
 This is the Quest Machine welcome window. More...
class  WorldModel
 A world model is a collection of facts that an observer believes to be true, representing the observer's knowledge of the current world state. More...
class  XPRewardSystem
 Sends a message "Add XP" with a value of XP equal to the reward points. More...


enum  DomainSpecifierType { ThisEntityDomain , QuestGiverDomain , QuesterDomain , Other }
enum  EntitySpecifierType { ThisEntity , QuestGiver , Quester , Other }
enum  RewardMultiplier {
  Default , XP , Currency , Item ,
  Reputation , Custom1 , Custom2 , Custom3
enum  UrgentFactionSelectionCriterion { SameAsGlobalSetting , Weighted , WeightedSquared , EqualWeight }
enum  DriveAlignmentMethod { Difference , DifferenceSquared }
 Specifies how to compute how closely motives align with drives. More...
enum  GoalFactSelection { MostUrgent , Weighted , WeightedSquared , EqualWeight }
 Specifies how the generator should select the goal fact. More...
enum  CompletedQuestGlobalDialogueMode { ShowCompletedQuest , ShowNoQuests }
 Specifies what to show in dialogue when quest givers only have completed quests. More...
enum  CompletedQuestDialogueMode { SameAsGlobal , ShowCompletedQuest , ShowNoQuests }
 Allows a specific quest giver to override the global mode. More...
enum  ConditionCountMode { Any , All , Min }
 For conditions that are based on the status of otherconditions, this describes how those other conditions are counted. More...
enum  QuestAudioSourceIdentifierType { MainCamera , QuestMachine , GameObjectWithTag , GameObjectWithName }
enum  QuestContentCategory {
  Dialogue , Journal , HUD , Alert ,
  Offer , OfferConditionsUnmet
 These categories of content may be shown in UIs. More...
enum  QuestCounterSetValueMode { InformListeners , DontInformListeners , DontInformDataSync }
 Specifies how to inform listeners when setting a quest counter value. More...
enum  QuestCounterUpdateMode { DataSync , Messages }
 Specifies how a quest counter updates its value. More...
enum  QuestIndicatorState {
  None , OfferDisabled , TalkDisabled , InteractDisabled ,
  Offer , Talk , Interact , Custom0 ,
  Custom1 , Custom2 , Custom3 , Custom4 ,
  Custom5 , Custom6 , Custom7 , Custom8 ,
 The states that a quest indicator can be in. More...
enum  QuestNodeState { Inactive , Active , True }
 The states that a quest node can be in. More...
enum  QuestNodeType {
  Start , Success , Failure , Passthrough ,
 Types of nodes supported in quests. More...
enum  QuestState {
  WaitingToStart , Active , Successful , Failed ,
  Abandoned , Disabled
 The states that a quest can be in. More...
enum  AnimatorControlAction { Play , SetTrigger , SetBool , SetFloat }
enum  CounterValueConditionMode { AtLeast , AtMost }
enum  MessageValueType { None , Int , String }
enum  QuestMessageParticipant { Any , Quester , QuestGiver , Other }


delegate void GeneratedQuestDelegate (Quest quest)
delegate void ToggleChangedDelegate (bool value, object data)
delegate void QuestCounterParameterDelegate (QuestCounter counter)
delegate void QuestParameterDelegate (Quest quest)
delegate void QuestNodeParameterDelegate (QuestNode questNode)
delegate void StringFieldParameterDelegate (StringField stringField)

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ AnimatorControlAction


◆ CompletedQuestDialogueMode

Allows a specific quest giver to override the global mode.


◆ CompletedQuestGlobalDialogueMode

Specifies what to show in dialogue when quest givers only have completed quests.


◆ ConditionCountMode

For conditions that are based on the status of otherconditions, this describes how those other conditions are counted.


The condition becomes true if any watched condition becomes true.


The condition becomes true if all watched conditions become true.


The condition becomes true if a specified minimum number of watched conditions become true.

◆ CounterValueConditionMode


◆ DomainSpecifierType


◆ DriveAlignmentMethod

Specifies how to compute how closely motives align with drives.


Align by difference.


Align by difference squared.

This makes differences in the values more important.

◆ EntitySpecifierType


◆ GoalFactSelection

Specifies how the generator should select the goal fact.


Always choose the most urgent fact.


Weight facts by urgency value.

A fact with urgency 20 will be chosen 66% of the time compared to a fact with urgency 10.


Weight fact urgencies by the square of the urgency value.

This adds more importance to differences in urgency values.


Randomly choose from list without regard to relative urgency.

◆ MessageValueType


◆ QuestAudioSourceIdentifierType


Use the audio source on the current main camera.


Use the audio source on the current Quest Machine Configuration instance.


Use the audio source on the GameObject with the specified tag.


Use the audio source on the GameObject with the specified name.

◆ QuestContentCategory

These categories of content may be shown in UIs.

While Offer and OfferConditionsUnmet are technically dialogue, they use separate categories so the quest editor can keep track of their foldout states separately from the regular dialogue foldout state.


Content shown in the dialogue UI.


Content shown in the quest journal UI.


Content shown in the quest tracker HUD.


Content shown in the alert UI.


Content shown in the dialogue UI when the quest giver offers the quest.


Content shown in the dialogue UI when the offer conditions haven't been met yet.

◆ QuestCounterSetValueMode

Specifies how to inform listeners when setting a quest counter value.


Inform listeners and the data synchronizer if applicable.


Don't inform listeners or the data synchronizer.


Inform listeners but not the data synchronizer.

◆ QuestCounterUpdateMode

Specifies how a quest counter updates its value.


Counter uses a DataSynchronizer to synchronize its value with an external source.

Synchronizes using the counter's name.


Counter listens for messages and adjusts its value accordingly.

◆ QuestIndicatorState

The states that a quest indicator can be in.


◆ QuestMessageParticipant


Accepts any object.


Must be the quester assigned to this quest.


Must be this quest's quest giver.


Specified by ID.

◆ QuestNodeState

The states that a quest node can be in.

Note that the quest's overall state is specified by QuestState.


Not active yet.


Waiting for conditions to be met.


Conditions have been met.

◆ QuestNodeType

Types of nodes supported in quests.


Start node is where the quest starts.


When a success node becomes active, it immediately sets the quest successful.


When a failure node becomes active, it immediately sets the quest failed.


When passthrough node becomes active, it immediately changes to the successful state.


Monitors success and failure conditions; if either become true, sets the node state and activates destinations.

◆ QuestState

The states that a quest can be in.

Note that quest nodes each have their own states specified by QuestNodeState.


Not active yet.


Waiting for the quester to complete objectives.


Quester completed the objectives successfully.


Quester failed to complete the objectives.


Quester abandoned the quest.


Quest is disabled.

◆ RewardMultiplier


◆ UrgentFactionSelectionCriterion


Function Documentation

◆ GeneratedQuestDelegate()

delegate void PixelCrushers.QuestMachine.GeneratedQuestDelegate ( Quest  quest)

◆ QuestCounterParameterDelegate()

delegate void PixelCrushers.QuestMachine.QuestCounterParameterDelegate ( QuestCounter  counter)

◆ QuestNodeParameterDelegate()

delegate void PixelCrushers.QuestMachine.QuestNodeParameterDelegate ( QuestNode  questNode)

◆ QuestParameterDelegate()

delegate void PixelCrushers.QuestMachine.QuestParameterDelegate ( Quest  quest)

◆ StringFieldParameterDelegate()

delegate void PixelCrushers.QuestMachine.StringFieldParameterDelegate ( StringField  stringField)

◆ ToggleChangedDelegate()

delegate void PixelCrushers.QuestMachine.ToggleChangedDelegate ( bool  value,
object  data 