Namespaces | |
namespace | DialogueSystem |
namespace | Wrappers |
Classes | |
class | ActiveSaver |
Saves the active/inactive state of a GameObject. More... | |
class | AlwaysFaceCamera |
Always keeps the GameObject facing the main camera. More... | |
class | AnimatorSaver |
Saves an animator's state. More... | |
class | AssetUtility |
class | AutoSaveLoad |
Auto-saves when the game closes and auto-loads when the game opens. More... | |
class | BinaryDataSerializer |
Implementation of DataSerializer that uses BinaryFormatter. More... | |
class | CheckInputManagerSettings |
This script runs when Unity starts or reloads assemblies after compilation. More... | |
class | CheckPhysics2D |
Checks if the scripting symbol USE_PHYSICS2D is defined. More... | |
class | CollisionEvent |
Invokes events on collision enter and exit. More... | |
class | ComponentUtility |
Utility functions for working with components. More... | |
class | CoroutineUtility |
Utility functions for working with coroutines. More... | |
class | CSVUtility |
class | CursorControl |
Methods to hide and show the cursor. More... | |
class | DataSerializer |
Abstract base class for serializers that serialize objects to strings and deserialize strings back into objects. More... | |
class | DataSynchronizer |
Uses the MessageSystem to keep data synchronized between a source and a listener. More... | |
class | DeselectPreviousOnPointerEnter |
This script deselects the previous selectable when the pointer enters this one. More... | |
class | DestructibleSaver |
Saves when a GameObject has been destroyed or disabled. More... | |
class | DictionaryExtensions |
Extension methods for generic dictionaries. More... | |
class | DisappearEvent |
Invokes an event when the component is disabled or destroyed. More... | |
class | DiskSavedGameDataStorer |
Implements SavedGameDataStorer using local disk files. More... | |
class | DiskSavedGameDataStorerEditor |
class | DontDestroyGameObject |
Marks the GameObject as DontDestroyOnLoad. More... | |
class | EditorGUIZoomArea |
class | EnabledSaver |
Saves the enabled/disabled state of a component. More... | |
class | EnableOnStart |
Enables a component when the scene starts. More... | |
class | EnablePhysics2DMenuItem |
class | EncodingTypeTools |
class | EncryptionUtility |
class | GameObjectUnityEvent |
class | GameObjectUtility |
Utility functions for working with GameObjects. More... | |
class | GameTime |
This is a wrapper around Unity's Time class that allows you to specify a mode: UnityStandard (Time.time), Realtime (Time.realtimeSinceStartup), or Manual (you set the time values each frame). More... | |
class | GlobalTextTable |
Maintains a reference to a global TextTable that other scripts can use. More... | |
class | HelpBoxAttribute |
Attribute to draw a help box. More... | |
class | HelpBoxAttributeDrawer |
interface | IEventSystemUser |
Allows classes to have a reference to an EventSystem. More... | |
interface | IMessageHandler |
Interface for MessageSystem message handlers. More... | |
class | InputActionRegistry |
Registers Input System actions with the Pixel Crushers Input Device Manager. More... | |
class | InputDeviceManager |
This script checks for joystick and keyboard input. More... | |
class | InputDeviceManagerEditor |
class | InputDeviceMethods |
This script provides methods to control InputDeviceManager that you can hook up in scripts where the InputDeviceManager instance isn't accessible at design time. More... | |
class | InstantiatePrefabs |
Instantiates prefabs on Awake. More... | |
class | IntUnityEvent |
class | JsonDataSerializer |
Implementation of DataSerializer that uses JsonUtility. More... | |
class | KeepRectTransformOnscreen |
Keeps a RectTransform's bounds in view of the main camera. More... | |
class | ListExtensions |
Extension methods for generic lists. More... | |
class | LoadingScreenProgressBar |
Manages a loading screen progress bar. More... | |
class | LocalizedFonts |
Specifies fonts to use for different languages. More... | |
class | LocalizeUI |
class | LODManager |
Implements a Level of Detail (LOD) system according to distance from the player. More... | |
struct | MessageArgs |
This struct is passed to listeners of the MessageSystem when a message is sent. More... | |
class | MessageArgsEvent |
class | MessageEvents |
Provides a in-editor way to listen for messages and invoke events when they occur, and to send a message on demand. More... | |
class | MessageEventsEditor |
class | MessageSystem |
General purpose message system. More... | |
class | MessageSystemLogger |
class | MoreEditorGuiUtility |
class | MoreEditorUtility |
class | MoreGizmos |
Provides more drawing routines for gizmos. More... | |
class | MorePhysics2D |
Provides more routines for Physics2D. More... | |
class | MultiActiveSaver |
Saves the active/inactive state of a list of GameObjects. More... | |
class | MultiEnabledSaver |
Saves the enabled/disabled state of a list of components. More... | |
class | ObjectUnityEvent |
class | PlayerPrefsSavedGameDataStorer |
Implements SavedGameDataStorer using PlayerPrefs. More... | |
class | PlayerPrefsSavedGameDataStorerEditor |
class | Pool |
This generic class implements an object pool. More... | |
class | PositionSaver |
Saves a GameObject's position. More... | |
class | QuaternionSerializationSurrogate |
Adds .NET serialization support for Quaternion. More... | |
class | RectExtensions |
class | RuntimeTypeUtility |
Utility methods to work with types. More... | |
class | SafeConvert |
Conversion methods that return default values instead of throwing exceptions. More... | |
class | SavedGameData |
Holds the data for a saved game. More... | |
class | SavedGameDataStorer |
Abstract base class for "storage providers" that store saved game data somewhere, such as PlayerPrefs or a disk file. More... | |
class | Saver |
Abstract base class for a "saver", which is a component that contributes to saved game data. More... | |
class | SaverEditor |
class | SaveSystem |
This is the main Save System class. More... | |
class | SaveSystemEditorUtility |
Utility menu items for the Save System. More... | |
class | SaveSystemEvents |
Provides Save System UnityEvents. More... | |
class | SaveSystemMethods |
Provides inspector-selectable methods to control SaveSystem. More... | |
class | SaveSystemTestMenu |
Simple menu for testing the Save System. More... | |
class | SceneNotifier |
Service to notify subscribers when a scene is being unloaded. More... | |
class | ScenePortal |
Changes scenes, either by calling UsePortal() or OnTriggerEnter. More... | |
class | SceneTransitionManager |
class | ScriptableObjectUtility |
Utility functions for creating ScriptableObjects. More... | |
class | SetEventSystem |
Sets EventSystem to use for self and all children that implement IEventSystemUser interface. More... | |
class | SetLocalizedFont |
Sets a Text or TextMeshProUGUI component's font according to the current language and the settings in a LocalizedFonts asset. More... | |
class | ShowCursorWhileEnabled |
Shows the cursor when this component is enabled. More... | |
class | SpawnedObject |
A spawned object or spawnable prefab. More... | |
class | SpawnedObjectList |
Holds a list of references to SpawnedObject prefabs. More... | |
class | SpawnedObjectManager |
Manages spawned objects for a scene. More... | |
class | StandardSceneTransitionManager |
This implementation of SceneTransitionManager plays optional outro and intro animations, and optionally loads a loading scene. More... | |
class | StringAsset |
A StringAsset is a ScriptableObject that encapsulates a string. More... | |
class | StringField |
A StringField is an object that can refer to a string, StringAsset, or field in a TextTable. More... | |
class | StringFieldDrawer |
class | StringFieldTextAreaAttribute |
Attribute to draw a StringField's text value as a multi-line text area. More... | |
class | StringFieldTextAreaAttributeDrawer |
class | StringUnityEvent |
class | TagMask |
A list of tags. More... | |
class | TagMaskDrawer |
class | TagMaskEvent |
class | TextTable |
A TextTable is a 2D table of languages and fields. More... | |
class | TextTableEditor |
class | TextTableEditorWindow |
Custom editor window for TextTable. More... | |
class | TextTableField |
A field in a TextTable. More... | |
class | TextTableMassExportImportWindow |
Custom editor window for mass exporting text tables to CSV. More... | |
class | TimedEvent |
Invokes an event after a specified duration. More... | |
class | TimedEventEditor |
class | TriggerEvent |
Invokes events on trigger enter and exit. More... | |
class | TypeUtility |
class | UIAnimatorMonitor |
Invokes a callback method when an animator has entered and then exited a specified trigger state. More... | |
class | UIButtonKeyTrigger |
This script adds a key or button trigger to a Unity UI Selectable. More... | |
class | UIDropdownField |
A UIDropdownField can refer to a UI.Dropdown or TMPro.TMP_Dropdown. More... | |
class | UIDropdownFieldDrawer |
class | UIInputField |
A UIInputField can refer to a UI.Text or TMPro.TextMeshProUGUI. More... | |
class | UILocalizationManager |
Manages localization settings. More... | |
class | UILocalizationManagerEditor |
class | UIPanel |
Manages a UI panel. More... | |
class | UIScrollbarEnabler |
Enables a scrollbar only if the content is larger than the scroll rect. More... | |
class | UITextColor |
This script provides methods to change a Text element's color. More... | |
class | UITextField |
A UITextField can refer to a UI.Text, TMPro.TextMeshProUGUI, or SuperTextMesh. More... | |
class | UITextFieldDrawer |
class | UIUtility |
class | Vector3SerializationSurrogate |
Adds .NET serialization support for Vector3. More... | |
Enumerations | |
enum | Dimension { Is2D , Is3D } |
This enum is used to specify 2D or 3D. More... | |
enum | GameTimeMode { UnityStandard , Realtime , Manual } |
enum | HelpBoxMessageType { None , Info , Warning , Error } |
enum | SceneValidationMode { LoadingScene , LoadingSavedGame , RestartingGame } |
Specifies the reason why SaveSystem.validateSceneName is being called. More... | |
enum | EncodingType { Default , ASCII , Unicode , UTF7 , UTF8 , UTF32 , ISO_8859_1 } |
enum | InputDevice { Joystick , Keyboard , Mouse , Touch } |
Enumerator | |
UnityStandard | Direct mapping to Unity's Time class (e.g., Time.time). |
Realtime | Realtime, ignoring Time.timeScale. Never pauses. |
Manual | Manually-controlled time. You must set GameTime.time and GameTime.deltaTime. |