PixelCrushers Namespace Reference


namespace  DialogueSystem
namespace  Wrappers


class  ActiveSaver
 Saves the active/inactive state of a GameObject. More...
class  AlwaysFaceCamera
 Always keeps the GameObject facing the main camera. More...
class  AnimatorSaver
 Saves an animator's state. More...
class  AssetUtility
class  AutoSaveLoad
 Auto-saves when the game closes and auto-loads when the game opens. More...
class  BinaryDataSerializer
 Implementation of DataSerializer that uses BinaryFormatter. More...
class  CheckInputManagerSettings
 This script runs when Unity starts or reloads assemblies after compilation. More...
class  CheckPhysics2D
 Checks if the scripting symbol USE_PHYSICS2D is defined. More...
class  CollisionEvent
 Invokes events on collision enter and exit. More...
class  ComponentUtility
 Utility functions for working with components. More...
class  CoroutineUtility
 Utility functions for working with coroutines. More...
class  CSVUtility
class  CursorControl
 Methods to hide and show the cursor. More...
class  DataSerializer
 Abstract base class for serializers that serialize objects to strings and deserialize strings back into objects. More...
class  DataSynchronizer
 Uses the MessageSystem to keep data synchronized between a source and a listener. More...
class  DeselectPreviousOnPointerEnter
 This script deselects the previous selectable when the pointer enters this one. More...
class  DestructibleSaver
 Saves when a GameObject has been destroyed or disabled. More...
class  DictionaryExtensions
 Extension methods for generic dictionaries. More...
class  DisappearEvent
 Invokes an event when the component is disabled or destroyed. More...
class  DiskSavedGameDataStorer
 Implements SavedGameDataStorer using local disk files. More...
class  DiskSavedGameDataStorerEditor
class  DontDestroyGameObject
 Marks the GameObject as DontDestroyOnLoad. More...
class  EditorGUIZoomArea
class  EnabledSaver
 Saves the enabled/disabled state of a component. More...
class  EnableOnStart
 Enables a component when the scene starts. More...
class  EnablePhysics2DMenuItem
class  EncodingTypeTools
class  EncryptionUtility
class  GameObjectUnityEvent
class  GameObjectUtility
 Utility functions for working with GameObjects. More...
class  GameTime
 This is a wrapper around Unity's Time class that allows you to specify a mode: UnityStandard (Time.time), Realtime (Time.realtimeSinceStartup), or Manual (you set the time values each frame). More...
class  GlobalTextTable
 Maintains a reference to a global TextTable that other scripts can use. More...
class  HelpBoxAttribute
 Attribute to draw a help box. More...
class  HelpBoxAttributeDrawer
interface  IEventSystemUser
 Allows classes to have a reference to an EventSystem. More...
interface  IMessageHandler
 Interface for MessageSystem message handlers. More...
class  InputActionRegistry
 Registers Input System actions with the Pixel Crushers Input Device Manager. More...
class  InputDeviceManager
 This script checks for joystick and keyboard input. More...
class  InputDeviceManagerEditor
class  InputDeviceMethods
 This script provides methods to control InputDeviceManager that you can hook up in scripts where the InputDeviceManager instance isn't accessible at design time. More...
class  InstantiatePrefabs
 Instantiates prefabs on Awake. More...
class  IntUnityEvent
class  JsonDataSerializer
 Implementation of DataSerializer that uses JsonUtility. More...
class  KeepRectTransformOnscreen
 Keeps a RectTransform's bounds in view of the main camera. More...
class  ListExtensions
 Extension methods for generic lists. More...
class  LoadingScreenProgressBar
 Manages a loading screen progress bar. More...
class  LocalizedFonts
 Specifies fonts to use for different languages. More...
class  LocalizeUI
class  LODManager
 Implements a Level of Detail (LOD) system according to distance from the player. More...
struct  MessageArgs
 This struct is passed to listeners of the MessageSystem when a message is sent. More...
class  MessageArgsEvent
class  MessageEvents
 Provides a in-editor way to listen for messages and invoke events when they occur, and to send a message on demand. More...
class  MessageEventsEditor
class  MessageSystem
 General purpose message system. More...
class  MessageSystemLogger
class  MoreEditorGuiUtility
class  MoreEditorUtility
class  MoreGizmos
 Provides more drawing routines for gizmos. More...
class  MorePhysics2D
 Provides more routines for Physics2D. More...
class  MultiActiveSaver
 Saves the active/inactive state of a list of GameObjects. More...
class  MultiEnabledSaver
 Saves the enabled/disabled state of a list of components. More...
class  ObjectUnityEvent
class  PlayerPrefsSavedGameDataStorer
 Implements SavedGameDataStorer using PlayerPrefs. More...
class  PlayerPrefsSavedGameDataStorerEditor
class  Pool
 This generic class implements an object pool. More...
class  PositionSaver
 Saves a GameObject's position. More...
class  QuaternionSerializationSurrogate
 Adds .NET serialization support for Quaternion. More...
class  RectExtensions
class  RuntimeTypeUtility
 Utility methods to work with types. More...
class  SafeConvert
 Conversion methods that return default values instead of throwing exceptions. More...
class  SavedGameData
 Holds the data for a saved game. More...
class  SavedGameDataStorer
 Abstract base class for "storage providers" that store saved game data somewhere, such as PlayerPrefs or a disk file. More...
class  Saver
 Abstract base class for a "saver", which is a component that contributes to saved game data. More...
class  SaverEditor
class  SaveSystem
 This is the main Save System class. More...
class  SaveSystemEditorUtility
 Utility menu items for the Save System. More...
class  SaveSystemEvents
 Provides Save System UnityEvents. More...
class  SaveSystemMethods
 Provides inspector-selectable methods to control SaveSystem. More...
class  SaveSystemTestMenu
 Simple menu for testing the Save System. More...
class  SceneNotifier
 Service to notify subscribers when a scene is being unloaded. More...
class  ScenePortal
 Changes scenes, either by calling UsePortal() or OnTriggerEnter. More...
class  SceneTransitionManager
class  ScriptableObjectUtility
 Utility functions for creating ScriptableObjects. More...
class  SetEventSystem
 Sets EventSystem to use for self and all children that implement IEventSystemUser interface. More...
class  SetLocalizedFont
 Sets a Text or TextMeshProUGUI component's font according to the current language and the settings in a LocalizedFonts asset. More...
class  ShowCursorWhileEnabled
 Shows the cursor when this component is enabled. More...
class  SpawnedObject
 A spawned object or spawnable prefab. More...
class  SpawnedObjectList
 Holds a list of references to SpawnedObject prefabs. More...
class  SpawnedObjectManager
 Manages spawned objects for a scene. More...
class  StandardSceneTransitionManager
 This implementation of SceneTransitionManager plays optional outro and intro animations, and optionally loads a loading scene. More...
class  StringAsset
 A StringAsset is a ScriptableObject that encapsulates a string. More...
class  StringField
 A StringField is an object that can refer to a string, StringAsset, or field in a TextTable. More...
class  StringFieldDrawer
class  StringFieldTextAreaAttribute
 Attribute to draw a StringField's text value as a multi-line text area. More...
class  StringFieldTextAreaAttributeDrawer
class  StringUnityEvent
class  TagMask
 A list of tags. More...
class  TagMaskDrawer
class  TagMaskEvent
class  TextTable
 A TextTable is a 2D table of languages and fields. More...
class  TextTableEditor
class  TextTableEditorWindow
 Custom editor window for TextTable. More...
class  TextTableField
 A field in a TextTable. More...
class  TextTableMassExportImportWindow
 Custom editor window for mass exporting text tables to CSV. More...
class  TimedEvent
 Invokes an event after a specified duration. More...
class  TimedEventEditor
class  TriggerEvent
 Invokes events on trigger enter and exit. More...
class  TypeUtility
class  UIAnimatorMonitor
 Invokes a callback method when an animator has entered and then exited a specified trigger state. More...
class  UIButtonKeyTrigger
 This script adds a key or button trigger to a Unity UI Selectable. More...
class  UIDropdownField
 A UIDropdownField can refer to a UI.Dropdown or TMPro.TMP_Dropdown. More...
class  UIDropdownFieldDrawer
class  UIInputField
 A UIInputField can refer to a UI.Text or TMPro.TextMeshProUGUI. More...
class  UILocalizationManager
 Manages localization settings. More...
class  UILocalizationManagerEditor
class  UIPanel
 Manages a UI panel. More...
class  UIScrollbarEnabler
 Enables a scrollbar only if the content is larger than the scroll rect. More...
class  UITextColor
 This script provides methods to change a Text element's color. More...
class  UITextField
 A UITextField can refer to a UI.Text, TMPro.TextMeshProUGUI, or SuperTextMesh. More...
class  UITextFieldDrawer
class  UIUtility
class  Vector3SerializationSurrogate
 Adds .NET serialization support for Vector3. More...


enum  Dimension { Is2D , Is3D }
 This enum is used to specify 2D or 3D. More...
enum  GameTimeMode { UnityStandard , Realtime , Manual }
enum  HelpBoxMessageType { None , Info , Warning , Error }
enum  SceneValidationMode { LoadingScene , LoadingSavedGame , RestartingGame }
 Specifies the reason why SaveSystem.validateSceneName is being called. More...
enum  EncodingType {
  Default , ASCII , Unicode , UTF7 ,
  UTF8 , UTF32 , ISO_8859_1
enum  InputDevice { Joystick , Keyboard , Mouse , Touch }

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ Dimension

This enum is used to specify 2D or 3D.


The context is 2D (e.g., sprites, 2D Physics, etc.).


The context is 3D (e.g., models, 3D Physics, etc.).

◆ EncodingType


◆ GameTimeMode


Direct mapping to Unity's Time class (e.g., Time.time).


Realtime, ignoring Time.timeScale.

Never pauses.


Manually-controlled time.

You must set GameTime.time and GameTime.deltaTime.

◆ HelpBoxMessageType


◆ InputDevice


◆ SceneValidationMode

Specifies the reason why SaveSystem.validateSceneName is being called.


Just loading a new scene.


Loading a saved game.


Resetting the game state and loading the first gameplay scene.