Classes | |
class | AbstractBarkUI |
This abstract class forms the base for many IBarkUI implementations. More... | |
class | AbstractConverterWindow |
This is a base class for custom converter windows. More... | |
class | AbstractConverterWindowPrefs |
This is the base prefs (converter window settings) class. More... | |
class | AbstractDialogueUI |
This abstract class forms the base for many IDialogueUI implementations. More... | |
class | AbstractDialogueUIControls |
Abstract dialogue user interface controls. More... | |
class | AbstractTypewriterEffect |
This is an abstract base typewriter class. More... | |
class | AbstractUIAlertControls |
Abstract alert message controls. More... | |
class | AbstractUIControls |
Base class for abstract UI controls. More... | |
class | AbstractUIQTEControls |
Abstract QTE controls. More... | |
class | AbstractUIResponseMenuControls |
Abstract response menu controls. More... | |
class | AbstractUIRoot |
Abstract UI root. More... | |
class | AbstractUISubtitleControls |
Abstract subtitle controls. More... | |
class | AbstractUsableUI |
This abstract class forms the base for StandardUsableUI and UsableUnityUI. More... | |
class | ActiveConversationRecord |
Keeps track of an active conversation. More... | |
class | ActOnDialogueEvent |
Deprecated by DialogueSystemTrigger. More... | |
class | Actor |
An actor asset in a DialogueDatabase. More... | |
class | ActorPicker |
class | ActorPopupAttribute |
Add [ActorPopup] to a string to use a popup of actor names in the inspector. More... | |
class | ActorPopupDrawer |
class | ActorSubtitleColor |
Uses a specified text color for subtitle lines spoken by the actor. More... | |
class | AlertTrigger |
Deprecated by DialogueSystemTrigger. More... | |
class | AlertTriggerEditor |
class | AlwaysFaceCamera |
class | AnimatedPortrait |
Specifies the animated portrait to use for this actor. More... | |
class | Asset |
The base class of all assets such as actors, conversations, items, locations and variables found in a DialogueDatabase. More... | |
class | AssetBundleManager |
This class manages a list of asset bundles. More... | |
class | BarkController |
BarkController is a static utility class provides a method to make characters bark. More... | |
class | BarkDialogueUI |
This is an implementation of IDialogueUI that uses the participants' bark UIs to run a conversation. More... | |
class | BarkGroupManager |
Manages bark groups specified by BarkGroupMember. More... | |
class | BarkGroupManagerEditor |
Custom editor for BarkGroupManager that shows the current membership of bark group members. More... | |
class | BarkGroupMember |
A member of a bark group. More... | |
class | BarkHistory |
Keeps track of a character's current bark. More... | |
class | BarkOnDialogueEvent |
Deprecated by DialogueSystemTrigger. More... | |
class | BarkOnDialogueEventEditor |
class | BarkOnIdle |
The Bark On Idle component can be used to make an NPC bark on timed intervals. More... | |
class | BarkOnIdleEditor |
class | BarkStarter |
This is the base class for bark trigger components such as BarkOnIdle and BarkTrigger. More... | |
class | BarkTrigger |
Deprecated by DialogueSystemTrigger. More... | |
class | BarkTriggerEditor |
class | BitMaskAttribute |
This attribute marks a bit mask enum so it will use a custom property drawer to allow the designer to select a mask, similar to how the built-in LayerMask works. More... | |
class | BitMaskDrawer |
Custom property drawer for bit mask enums. More... | |
class | BringSubtitlePanelToFrontOnFocus |
class | CameraAngleEditor |
This Camera Angle Editor window helps you create camera angle prefabs that you can use with the Sequencer. More... | |
class | CanvasDialogueUI |
This abstract subclass of AbstractDialogueUI is used for dialogue UIs that use a UI Canvas. More... | |
class | Celtx3ImportWindowDisabled |
class | CeltxImportWindowDisabled |
class | CharacterInfo |
Contains information about a conversation participant that the dialogue UI or Sequencer may need. More... | |
class | CharacterTypeUtility |
A static tool class for working with CharacterType. More... | |
class | ChatMapperConverter |
The Chat Mapper Converter editor window converts a Chat Mapper project into a DialogueDatabase asset. More... | |
class | ChatMapperExporter |
This part of the Dialogue Editor window contains the Chat Mapper export code. More... | |
class | ChatMapperToDialogueDatabase |
This static utility class converts Chat Mapper projects to dialogue databases. More... | |
class | CinemachineCameraPriorityOnDialogueEvent |
class | CommonLibraryLua |
Adds Lua functions that interface with the Pixel Crushers Common Library. More... | |
class | Condition |
Conditions are used to selectively run actions. More... | |
class | ConditionEditor |
This custom editor for Condition uses LuaConditionWizard. More... | |
class | ConditionObserver |
The Condition Observer component evaluates a condition on a set frequency. More... | |
class | ConditionObserverEditor |
class | ConditionPriorityUtility |
A static tool class for working with ConditionPriority. More... | |
class | ConditionPropertyDrawer |
This custom drawer for Condition uses LuaConditionWizard. More... | |
class | ContinueButtonStopTextSyncActor |
Subclass of StandardUIContinueButtonFastForward that also stops TextSync. More... | |
class | Conversation |
A conversation asset. More... | |
class | ConversationControl |
Provides AutoPlay and SkipAll functionality. More... | |
class | ConversationController |
Mediates between a ConversationModel (data) and ConversationView (user interface) to run a conversation. More... | |
class | ConversationLogger |
When you attach this script to an actor, conversations involving that actor will be logged to the console. More... | |
class | ConversationModel |
Handles logic for the data model of a conversation. More... | |
class | ConversationOverrideDisplaySettings |
class | ConversationPicker |
class | ConversationPopupAttribute |
Add [ConversationPopup] to a string show a popup of conversation titles in the inspector. More... | |
class | ConversationPopupDrawer |
class | ConversationPositionStack |
Adds three Lua functions: More... | |
class | ConversationStarter |
This is the base class for the ConversationOnXXX (e.g., ConversationOnUse) and BarkOnXXX (e.g., BarkOnUse) components. More... | |
class | ConversationState |
The current state of a conversation, which can also be thought of as the current position in the dialogue tree. More... | |
class | ConversationStateSaver |
Add this script to your Dialogue Manager to keep track of the current conversation and dialogue entry. More... | |
class | ConversationTrigger |
Deprecated by DialogueSystemTrigger. More... | |
class | ConversationTriggerEditor |
class | ConversationView |
Handles the user interaction part of a conversation. More... | |
class | CSVConverterWindow |
This is an example converter that demonstrates how to make a subclass of AbstractConverterWindow to make your own converter for the Dialogue System. More... | |
class | CSVExporter |
This part of the Dialogue Editor window contains the CSV export code. More... | |
class | CustomFieldType |
The abstract base custom field type. More... | |
class | CustomFieldType_Actor |
class | CustomFieldType_Boolean |
class | CustomFieldType_Files |
class | CustomFieldType_Item |
class | CustomFieldType_Localization |
class | CustomFieldType_Location |
class | CustomFieldType_Number |
class | CustomFieldType_QuestState |
class | CustomFieldType_Text |
class | CustomFieldTypeService |
This class manages custom field types. More... | |
class | CustomLuaFunctionInfo |
class | CustomLuaFunctionInfoRecord |
class | DatabaseManager |
Manages a master DialogueDatabase and its data in the global Lua environment. More... | |
class | DatabaseMerger |
This static utility class merges the contents of a dialogue database into another dialogue database. More... | |
class | DatabaseUtility |
This static utility class for working with dialogue databases. More... | |
class | DefaultCameraAngle |
This component allows you specify a camera angle to use when a Camera() sequencer command uses the reserved keyword 'angle'. More... | |
class | DemoInputRegistration |
This class helps the Dialogue System's demo work with the New Input System. More... | |
class | DialogueActor |
This component allows you to override the actor name used in conversations, which is normally set to the name of the GameObject. More... | |
class | DialogueActorEditor |
class | DialogueDatabase |
A dialogue database asset. More... | |
class | DialogueDatabaseEditor |
Custom inspector editor for dialogue database assets. More... | |
class | DialogueDatabaseEditorTools |
class | DialogueDatabaseLocalizationImporter |
Imports CSV files created by Dialogue Editor's Database section > Localization Export/Import. More... | |
class | DialogueDebug |
A simple static class to keep track of a global debug level setting for Dialogue System log messages. More... | |
class | DialogueEditorStyles |
GUI styles, images, etc., used by the custom editors. More... | |
class | DialogueEntry |
A dialogue entry is a single line of dialogue in a Conversation, with a list of links to possible responses (see Link). More... | |
class | DialogueEntryPicker |
Utility class to choose a dialogue entry ID using a dropdown menu. More... | |
class | DialogueEntryPopupAttribute |
Add [DialogueEntryPopup] to an int show a popup of dialogue entries in the most recent conversation selection shown in the inspector. More... | |
class | DialogueEntryPopupDrawer |
class | DialogueEntrySceneEvent |
class | DialogueEventStarter |
This is the base class for all deprecated dialogue event trigger components. More... | |
class | DialogueLua |
A static class that adds additional Chat Mapper-related functionality to the Lua environment, since Chat Mapper projects can define conditions and actions in Lua, modify Lua variables, and use Chat Mapper-specific Lua functions. More... | |
class | DialogueManager |
A static class that provides a simplified interface to the Dialogue System's core functions. More... | |
class | DialogueManagerWizard |
This wizard sets up the Dialogue Manager object. More... | |
class | DialogueSystem1xTo2xUpdater |
class | DialogueSystemAssetRenamerUtility |
Renames Dialogue System database assets (e.g., variables) across databases, prefabs, and asset files. More... | |
class | DialogueSystemAssetRenamerWindow |
Renames Dialogue System database assets (e.g., variables) across databases, prefabs, and asset files. More... | |
class | DialogueSystemController |
This component ties together the elements of the Dialogue System: dialogue database, dialogue UI, sequencer, and conversation controller. More... | |
class | DialogueSystemControllerEditor |
Custom inspector editor for DialogueSystemController (e.g., Dialogue Manager). More... | |
class | DialogueSystemControllerHierarchyIcon |
Draws the Dialogue Manager icon in the Hierarchy view. More... | |
class | DialogueSystemEvents |
Add this to the Dialogue Manager and/or participants to hook into various Dialogue System events. More... | |
class | DialogueSystemFields |
Special field names used in the Dialogue System. More... | |
class | DialogueSystemMenuItems |
This class defines the menu items in the Dialogue System menu, except for custom Editor Windows which define their own menu items. More... | |
class | DialogueSystemMessages |
The Dialogue System may send these messages using SendMessage or BroadcastMessage. More... | |
class | DialogueSystemSaver |
This is a saver that saves the Dialogue System's save data to the Pixel Crushers Common Library Save System. More... | |
class | DialogueSystemSceneEvents |
Holds scene-specific UnityEvents referenced by a dialogue database's dialogue entries. More... | |
class | DialogueSystemTrigger |
The Dialogue System Trigger is a general-purpose trigger that can execute most Dialogue System functions such as starting conversations, barks, alerts, sequences, and Lua code. More... | |
class | DialogueSystemTriggerEditor |
class | DialogueSystemTriggerEventAttribute |
Add [DialogueSystemTriggerEvent] to a string variable show a popup of dialogue trigger events in the inspector. More... | |
class | DialogueSystemTriggerEventDrawer |
This custom property drawer for DialogueSystemTriggerEvent reorders the popup for trigger events. More... | |
class | DialogueTime |
A static wrapper class for the built-in Time class. More... | |
class | DialogueTriggerEventAttribute |
Add [DialogueTriggerEvent] to a string variable show a popup of dialogue trigger events in the inspector. More... | |
class | DialogueTriggerEventDrawer |
This custom property drawer for DialogueTriggerEvent reorders the popup for trigger events. More... | |
class | DisplaySettings |
Display settings to apply to the dialogue UI and sequencer. More... | |
class | EditModePlayerWindow |
class | EditorTools |
Utility functions used by the Dialogue System's custom editors. More... | |
class | EditorWindowTools |
Utility methods for custom editors. More... | |
struct | Emphasis |
Specifies special text formatting for a substring. More... | |
class | EmphasisSetting |
An emphasis setting specifies a text style. More... | |
class | EntryGroup |
class | ExtraDatabases |
Adds and removes extra dialogue databases. More... | |
class | Field |
Assets are composed primarily of data elements called fields. More... | |
class | FormattedText |
A line of text including formatting. More... | |
class | GameSaver |
Allows you to save and load games to the SaveSystem or PlayerPrefs without writing any scripts. More... | |
interface | IBarkUI |
Interface for bark UI components. More... | |
interface | IDialogueUI |
Interface for dialogue UI components. More... | |
class | IncrementOnDestroy |
Increments an element of the Lua Variable[] table when the GameObject is destroyed or disabled, and then updates the quest tracker if it's attached to the Dialogue Manager object or its children. More... | |
class | InputTrigger |
Defines an input trigger using a key code and/or button name. More... | |
interface | IStandardDialogueUI |
This interface allows other dialogue UI implementations to work with code that normally affects StandardDialogueUIs. More... | |
class | Item |
An item asset. More... | |
class | ItemPicker |
class | ItemPopupAttribute |
Add [ItemPopup] to a string to show a popup of item names in the inspector. More... | |
class | ItemPopupDrawer |
interface | ITextFieldUI |
Interface for text field UI components. More... | |
class | JsonImportWindow |
class | LanguageTextExporter |
This part of the Dialogue Editor window contains the language text export code. More... | |
class | LevelManager |
This component combines Application.LoadLevel[Async] with the saved-game data features of PersistentDataManager. More... | |
class | Link |
A link from one DialogueEntry (the origin) to another (the destination). More... | |
class | LinkUtility |
A static tool class for working with links (see Link). More... | |
class | Localization |
This static class contains localization methods and the current language as defined by a string (e.g., "es" for generic Spanish, "fr-CA" for French - Canadian). More... | |
class | LocalizationToolsWindow |
Extra localization tools for dialogue databases. More... | |
class | LocalizationToolsWindowPrefs |
class | LocalizedTextTable |
Deprecated by PixelCrushers.Common.TextTable. More... | |
class | LocalizedTextTableEditor |
Custom inspector editor for localized text tables. More... | |
class | LocalizeTextMesh |
This script localizes the content of the TextMesh element on this GameObject. More... | |
class | LocalizeUIText |
This older LocalizeUIText script is now a wrapper for the newer LocalizeUI script. More... | |
class | Location |
A location asset. More... | |
class | LocationPopupAttribute |
Add [LocationPopup] to a string to show a popup of location names in the inspector. More... | |
class | LocationPopupDrawer |
class | Lua |
A static class that provides a global Lua virtual machine. More... | |
class | LuaConditionsWizardAttribute |
Add the attribute [LuaConditionsWizard] to a string variable to use the Lua Conditions Wizard in the inspector. More... | |
class | LuaConditionsWizardDrawer |
class | LuaConditionWizard |
This Lua condition wizard is meant to be called from a custom editor's OnInspectorGUI() method. More... | |
class | LuaConsole |
An in-game Lua console presented using Unity GUI. More... | |
class | LuaOnDialogueEvent |
Deprecated by DialogueSystemTrigger. More... | |
class | LuaOnDialogueEventEditor |
class | LuaScriptWizard |
This Lua script wizard is meant to be called from a custom editor's OnInspectorGUI() method. More... | |
class | LuaScriptWizardAttribute |
Add the attribute [LuaScriptWizard] to a string variable to use the Lua Script Wizard in the inspector. More... | |
class | LuaScriptWizardDrawer |
class | LuaTableWrapper |
This is a Lua table wrapper for LuaInterpreter. More... | |
class | LuaTrigger |
Deprecated by DialogueSystemTrigger. More... | |
class | LuaTriggerEditor |
class | LuaWatchers |
This class maintains a list of watchers by watch frequency. More... | |
class | LuaWatchItem |
Watch item for Lua observers. More... | |
class | LuaWatchList |
This class maintains a list of watch items. More... | |
class | LuaWizardBase |
This part of the Dialogue Editor window contains common code for the Conditions and Script wizards. More... | |
class | NPCSetupWizard |
NPC setup wizard. More... | |
class | OverrideActorName |
OverrideActorName was renamed to DialogueActor. More... | |
class | OverrideDialogueUI |
Overrides the dialogue UI for conversations involving the game object. More... | |
class | OverrideDisplaySettings |
Overrides the display settings for conversations involving the game object. More... | |
class | OverrideUIBase |
Abstract base class for OverrideDialogueUI and OverrideDisplaySettings. More... | |
class | OverrideUnityUIDialogueControls |
This component allows actors to override Unity UI dialogue controls. More... | |
class | PanelNumberUtility |
Utility methods for working with StandardDialogueUI panel numbers. More... | |
class | ParserException |
Custom exception for parser errors. More... | |
class | PauseGameOnConversation |
Deprecated by DialogueSystemTrigger. More... | |
class | PersistentActiveData |
The persistent active data component works with the PersistentDataManager to set a target game object active or inactive when loading a game (or when applying persistent data between level changes). More... | |
class | PersistentActiveDataEditor |
class | PersistentActiveDataMultiple |
class | PersistentActiveDataMultipleEditor |
class | PersistentDataManager |
A static class for saving and loading game data using the Dialogue System's Lua environment. More... | |
class | PersistentDataSettings |
Settings used by DialogueSystemController to set up the PersistentDataManager. More... | |
class | PersistentDeadBody |
Customized for RFPS. More... | |
class | PersistentDestructible |
This persistent data component keeps track of when the GameObject has been destroyed or disabled. More... | |
class | PersistentPositionData |
The persistent position data component works with the PersistentDataManager to keep track of a game object's position when saving and loading games or changing levels. More... | |
class | PlayerSetupWizard |
Player setup wizard. More... | |
class | PreloadActorPortraits |
Preloads actor portraits to prevent hiccups when conversations start. More... | |
class | ProofreadingExporter |
This part of the Dialogue Editor window contains the proofreading export code. More... | |
class | ProximitySelector |
This component implements a proximity-based selector that allows the player to move into range and use a usable object. More... | |
class | QuestCondition |
A quest condition checks the state of a quest. More... | |
class | QuestConditionDrawer |
struct | QuestEntryArgs |
class | QuestEntryPopupAttribute |
Add [QuestEntryPopup] to a string to show a popup of quest names in the inspector. More... | |
class | QuestEntryPopupDrawer |
class | QuestGroupRecord |
Contains a quest title and its group name. More... | |
class | QuestLog |
A static class that manages a quest log. More... | |
class | QuestLogWindow |
This is the abstract base class for quest log windows. More... | |
class | QuestLogWindowHotkey |
Allows toggling of the quest log window using a key or button, or by calling ToggleQuestLogWindow. More... | |
class | QuestPicker |
class | QuestPopupAttribute |
Add [QuestPopup] to a string to show a popup of quest names in the inspector. More... | |
class | QuestPopupDrawer |
class | QuestStateAttribute |
Add [QuestState] to a QuestState variable to show a nicer popup. More... | |
class | QuestStateDispatcher |
Add this to the Dialogue Manager to allow it to dispatch quest state updates to QuestStateListener components on other GameObjects. More... | |
class | QuestStateDrawer |
This custom property drawer for the QuestState enum shows the states in lowercase so they match Lua. More... | |
class | QuestStateIndicator |
Associates GameObjects (e.g., world space canvas elements) with indicator levels. More... | |
class | QuestStateListener |
Add this to a GameObject such as an NPC that wants to know about quest state changes to a specific quest. More... | |
class | QuestTracker |
When you attach this script to the Dialogue Manager object (or a child), it will display tracked quests. More... | |
class | QuestTrigger |
Deprecated by DialogueSystemTrigger. More... | |
class | QuestTriggerEditor |
class | QueuedUIAlert |
class | RangeTrigger |
This component activates game objects and enables components when it receives OnTriggerEnter and the conditions are true, and deactivates/disables when it receives OnTriggerExit and the conditions are true. More... | |
class | ReferenceDatabaseDialogueEventEditor |
This is a base class for most of the "On dialogue event" editors. More... | |
class | RelationsInspectorLink |
This class provides optional integration with Seldom Tools' RelationsInspector. More... | |
class | Response |
Info about a response, which is a link from one dialogue entry to another. More... | |
class | RTVoiceActor |
class | RTVoiceGenerateAudioFilesWindow |
Editor utility to use RT-Voice to generate and save audio files for the lines of dialogue in a dialogue database. More... | |
class | ScreenplayExporter |
This part of the Dialogue Editor window contains the screenplay export code. More... | |
class | ScriptingSymbolNames |
class | SelectedResponseEventArgs |
When the player selects a response, these event arguments are passed back from the dialogue UI. More... | |
class | Selector |
This component implements a selector that allows the player to target and use a usable object. More... | |
class | SelectorFollowTarget |
This component modifies the behavior of a Selector or ProximitySelector to draw the heading and reticle on top of the selection instead an absolute screen position. More... | |
class | SelectorUseStandardUIElements |
Tells the Selector/ProximitySelector to use StandardUISelectorElements to show the current selection. More... | |
class | SelectorUseStandardUIElementsEditor |
class | SendMessageOnDialogueEvent |
Deprecated by DialogueSystemTrigger. More... | |
class | SendMessageOnDialogueEventEditor |
class | SequenceEditorTools |
This class provides a custom drawer for Sequence fields. More... | |
class | SequenceParser |
Basic recursive descent parser for sequences. More... | |
class | Sequencer |
A sequencer plays sequences of commands such as camera cuts, animation, audio, activating game objects, etc. More... | |
class | SequencerCommandGroupAttribute |
This optional attribute specifies a submenu name in which to organize a custom sequencer command. More... | |
class | SequencerKeywords |
Keywords that can be used in sequences. More... | |
class | SequencerMessages |
Commonly used sequencer messages. More... | |
class | SequencerShortcuts |
Registers shortcuts and subjects with the sequencer. More... | |
class | SequencerShortcutsEditor |
class | SequencerTools |
A static utility class for Sequencer. More... | |
class | SequenceStarter |
Deprecated by DialogueSystemTrigger. More... | |
class | SequenceTrigger |
Deprecated by DialogueSystemTrigger. More... | |
class | SequenceTriggerEditor |
class | SetActiveOnDialogueEvent |
Deprecated by DialogueSystemTrigger. More... | |
class | SetActiveOnDialogueEventEditor |
class | SetAnimationOnDialogueEvent |
Deprecated by DialogueSystemTrigger. More... | |
class | SetAnimationOnDialogueEventEditor |
class | SetAnimatorStateOnDialogueEvent |
Deprecated by DialogueSystemTrigger. More... | |
class | SetAnimatorStateOnDialogueEventEditor |
class | SetComponentEnabledOnDialogueEvent |
Deprecated by DialogueSystemTrigger. More... | |
class | SetComponentEnabledOnDialogueEventEditor |
class | SetEnabledOnDialogueEvent |
Deprecated by DialogueSystemTrigger. More... | |
class | SetEnabledOnDialogueEventEditor |
class | SetQuestStateOnDialogueEvent |
Deprecated by DialogueSystemTrigger. More... | |
class | SetQuestStateOnDialogueEventEditor |
class | ShowCursorOnConversation |
Deprecated by DialogueSystemTrigger. More... | |
class | SLATESequencerSettings |
class | SMSDialogueUI |
SMS-style dialogue UI. More... | |
class | StandardBarkUI |
Standard UI implementation of IBarkUI. More... | |
class | StandardDialogueUI |
class | StandardUIAlertControls |
Controls for StandardDialogueUI's alert message. More... | |
class | StandardUIButtonTemplate |
Unity UI template for a button. More... | |
class | StandardUIColorText |
This script provides methods to change a Text element's color. More... | |
class | StandardUIContainerTemplate |
UI holder for general UI content. More... | |
class | StandardUIContentTemplate |
Abstract base class for UI content templates. More... | |
class | StandardUIContinueButtonFastForward |
This script replaces the normal continue button functionality with a two-stage process. More... | |
class | StandardUIDialogueControls |
Contains all dialogue (conversation) controls for a Standard Dialogue UI. More... | |
class | StandardUIFoldoutTemplate |
This component hooks up the elements of a Standard UI quest group template. More... | |
class | StandardUIInputField |
StandardDialogueUI input field implementation. More... | |
class | StandardUIInstancedContentManager |
Manages UI content that has been instantiated from templates. More... | |
class | StandardUIMenuPanel |
class | StandardUIMenuPanelEditor |
class | StandardUIQTEControls |
Quick Time Event (QTE) indicator controls for StandardDialogueUI. More... | |
class | StandardUIQuestLogWindow |
This is the Standard UI implementation of the abstract QuestLogWindow class. More... | |
class | StandardUIQuestTemplateAlternateDescriptions |
class | StandardUIQuestTitleButtonTemplate |
Unity UI template for a quest name button with a toggle for progress tracking. More... | |
class | StandardUIQuestTracker |
When you attach this script to the Dialogue Manager object (or a child), it will display tracked quests using the new Unity UI. More... | |
class | StandardUIQuestTrackerEditor |
Custom editor for StandardUIQuestTracker that adds a button to clear the visibility PlayerPrefs key. More... | |
class | StandardUIQuestTrackTemplate |
This component hooks up the elements of a Standard UI quest track template, which is used by the Unity UI Quest Tracker. More... | |
class | StandardUIResponseButton |
Response button for use with Standard Dialogue UI. More... | |
class | StandardUIResponseMenuControls |
Manages response menus for StandardDialogueUI. More... | |
class | StandardUIRoot |
StandardDialogueUI wrapper for AbstractUIRoot. More... | |
class | StandardUISelectorElements |
References to standard UI selector elements to display the current selection instead of using Selector/ProximitySelector's default OnGUI method. More... | |
class | StandardUISubtitleControls |
Manages subtitle panels for StandardDialogueUI. More... | |
class | StandardUISubtitlePanel |
class | StandardUISubtitlePanelEditor |
class | StandardUITextTemplate |
Standard UI template for text. More... | |
class | StandardUITimer |
Basic slider-based timer for response menus. More... | |
class | StandardUIToggleTemplate |
UI template for a toggle. More... | |
class | StandardUsableUI |
Replaces the Selector/ProximitySelector's OnGUI method with a method that enables or disables UI controls. More... | |
class | StartConversationEditor |
class | StartConversationOnDialogueEvent |
Deprecated by DialogueSystemTrigger. More... | |
class | StartConversationOnDialogueEventEditor |
class | StartSequenceOnDialogueEvent |
Deprecated by DialogueSystemTrigger. More... | |
class | StartSequenceOnDialogueEventEditor |
class | StopConversationIfTooFar |
Deprecated by DialogueSystemTrigger. More... | |
class | Subtitle |
Info about a line of dialogue. More... | |
class | SymbolExtensions |
class | Template |
This class defines the template that the Dialogue Database Editor will use when creating new dialogue database assets such as actors and conversations. More... | |
class | TemplateTools |
Utility methods to work with Template. More... | |
class | TextlessBarkUI |
A textless implementation of IBarkUI. More... | |
class | TextMeshProTypewriterEffect |
class | TextSyncActor |
Add this component to an actor GameObject. More... | |
class | ToggleUtility |
A static utility class to work with toggle values. More... | |
class | Tools |
A static class of general purpose functions used by the Dialogue System. More... | |
class | TypewriterUtility |
class | UIAnimationTransitions |
class | UIAutonumberSettings |
class | UIButtonKeyTrigger |
This script adds a key or button trigger to a UIButton. More... | |
class | UIShowHideController |
This is a deprecated class that has been replaced by UIAnimatorMonitor in StandardDialogueUI and elsewhere. More... | |
class | UniqueIDWindow |
class | UniqueIDWindowPrefs |
This class manages the Unique ID Window prefs. More... | |
class | UnityUIAlertControls |
Controls for UnityUIDialogueUI's alert message. More... | |
class | UnityUIBarkSubtitleDialogueUI |
This is a variation of UnityUIDialogueUI that uses the speaker's bark UI for subtitles. More... | |
class | UnityUIBarkUI |
Implements IBarkUI using Unity UI. More... | |
class | UnityUIColorText |
This script provides methods to change a Text element's color. More... | |
class | UnityUIContinueButtonFastForward |
This script replaces the normal continue button functionality with a two-stage process. More... | |
class | UnityUIDialogueControls |
Contains all dialogue (conversation) controls for a Unity UI Dialogue UI. More... | |
class | UnityUIDialogueUI |
This component implements IDialogueUI using Unity UI. More... | |
class | UnityUIQTEControls |
Unity UI Quick Time Event (QTE) indicator controls. More... | |
class | UnityUIQuestGroupTemplate |
This component hooks up the elements of a Unity UI quest group template. More... | |
class | UnityUIQuestLogWindow |
This is an implementation of the abstract QuestLogWindow class for the Unity UI. More... | |
class | UnityUIQuestTemplate |
This component hooks up the elements of a Unity UI quest template. More... | |
class | UnityUIQuestTemplateAlternateDescriptions |
class | UnityUIQuestTitle |
This holds a quest title. More... | |
class | UnityUIQuestTracker |
When you attach this script to the Dialogue Manager object (or a child), it will display tracked quests using the new Unity UI. More... | |
class | UnityUIQuestTrackTemplate |
This component hooks up the elements of a Unity UI quest track template, which is used by the Unity UI Quest Tracker. More... | |
class | UnityUIResponseButton |
A Unity UI response button for use with UnityUIDialogueControls. More... | |
class | UnityUIResponseMenuControls |
Response menu controls for UnityUIDialogueUI. More... | |
class | UnityUIRoot |
Unity UI UIRoot wrapper for AbstractUIRoot. More... | |
class | UnityUIScrollbarEnabler |
Enables a scrollbar only if the content is larger than the container. More... | |
class | UnityUISelectorDisplay |
Replaces the Selector/ProximitySelector's OnGUI method with a method that enables or disables new Unity UI controls. More... | |
class | UnityUISelectorElements |
Optional component to provide references to selector UI elements. More... | |
class | UnityUISubtitleControls |
Subtitle Unity UI controls for UnityUIDialogueUI. More... | |
class | UnityUITextFieldUI |
Unity UI text field UI implementation. More... | |
class | UnityUITimer |
Basic slider-based timer for response menus. More... | |
class | UnityUITypewriterEffect |
This is a typewriter effect for Unity UI. More... | |
class | UpdateLocalizedUITexts |
This script provides a facility to update the localized text of all localized Text elements. More... | |
class | Usable |
This component indicates that the game object is usable. More... | |
class | UsableUnityEvent |
UnityEvent that has a Usable parameter. More... | |
class | UsableUnityUI |
Replaces the Selector/ProximitySelector's OnGUI method with a method that enables or disables new Unity UI controls. More... | |
class | UseAnimatedPortraits |
Add this to the Dialogue Manager to support animated portraits in Unity UI Dialogue UIs. More... | |
class | Variable |
A user variable asset. More... | |
class | VariablePicker |
class | VariablePopupAttribute |
Add [VariablePopup] to a string to show a popup of database variable names in the inspector. More... | |
class | VariablePopupDrawer |
class | VoiceoverScriptExporter |
This part of the Dialogue Editor window contains the voiceover script export code. More... | |
class | WelcomeWindow |
This is the Dialogue System welcome window. More... | |
Functions | |
delegate void | SetupGenericMenuDelegate (GenericMenu menu) |
delegate bool | TryDragAndDropDelegate (UnityEngine.Object obj, ref string sequence) |
delegate void | LuaChangedDelegate (LuaWatchItem luaWatchItem, Lua.Result newValue) |
Lua expression changed delegate. | |
delegate bool | GetInputButtonDownDelegate (string buttonName) |
delegate void | TransformDelegate (Transform t) |
delegate void | AssetLoadedDelegate (UnityEngine.Object asset) |
delegate string | GetLocalizedTextDelegate (string s) |
delegate bool | IsDialogueEntryValidDelegate (DialogueEntry dialogueEntry) |
This defines the syntax of the optional delegate that conversations can use to double-check that a dialogue entry is valid to use. | |
delegate void | AcceptedTextDelegate (string text) |
This delegate is called when the player accepts the input. | |
delegate void | DialogueEntrySpokenDelegate (Subtitle subtitle) |
delegate float | GetDefaultSubtitleDurationDelegate (string text) |
delegate QuestState | StringToQuestStateDelegate (string s) |
delegate string | QuestStateToStringDelegate (QuestState state) |
delegate string | CurrentQuestStateDelegate (string quest) |
delegate void | SetQuestStateDelegate (string quest, string state) |
delegate void | SetQuestEntryStateDelegate (string quest, int entryNumber, string state) |
delegate string | CurrentQuestEntryStateDelegate (string quest, int entryNumber) |
delegate string | GetCustomSaveDataDelegate () |
delegate void | SelectedUsableObjectDelegate (Usable usable) |
This delegate is called when a selector targets a usable object. | |
delegate void | DeselectedUsableObjectDelegate (Usable usable) |
This delegate is called when a selector un-targets a usable object. | |
delegate void | UsableDelegate (Usable usable) |
delegate void | ToggleChangedDelegate (bool value, object data) |
Specifies whether a character is a player character (PC) or non-player character (NPC).
Enumerator | |
PC | Player character. |
NPC | Non-player character. |
Used by DialogueEntry to define the priority of a dialogue entry.
Entries are Normal by default. When the dialogue system chooses lines and responses, it evaluates them in order of priority from High to Low.
Enumerator | |
Low | Low priority - evaluated last. |
BelowNormal | Below normal priority. |
Normal | Normal priority (the default) |
AboveNormal | Above normal priority. |
High | High priority - evaluated first. |
Database reset options used by DatabaseManager.Reset.
Enumerator | |
KeepAllLoaded | Keep all currently-loaded databases and just reset them to their initial states. |
RevertToDefault | Remove all but the default database and reset it to its initial state. |
A bit mask enum that defines the events that can trigger DialogueSystemTrigger.
As the Dialogue System has grown, trigger events were added to the end rather than reordering the enum (which would break serialization in existing projects). This is an expanded version of the deprecated DialogueTriggerEvent. If you modify the list, you must also update the property drawer DialogueSystemTriggerEventDrawer.
This enum is used for the deprecated trigger components.
It has been replaced by DialogueSystemTriggerEvent, which is used by DialogueSystemTrigger.
A bit mask enum that defines the events that can trigger barks, conversations, and sequences. As the Dialogue System has grown, trigger events were added to the end rather than reordering the enum (which would break serialization in existing projects). If you modify the list, you must also update the property drawer DialogueTriggerEventDrawer.
Quest state is a bit-flag enum that indicates the state of a quest.
This enum is used by the QuestLog class.
Response button alignment specifies how to add response buttons to the dialogue UI.
A dialogue UI may predefine any number of response button slots. For example, a "dialogue wheel" layout could define six response button slots going clockwise around the wheel. The response button alignment specifies whether to add responses starting from the first slot (clockwise) or the last slot (counter-clockwise).
The meanings of the enum values are:
If there are more responses than predefined slots, it's up to the IDialogueUI implementation to decide how to handle this case.
If the dialogue author has specified a position (via the "[position #]" tag in the response's text), then the response will always go in that position, regardless of the alignment setting.
Enumerator | |
ToFirst | Align responses to the first slot. |
ToLast | Align responses to the last slot. |
Response timeout action specifies what to do if the response menu times out.
delegate void PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.AcceptedTextDelegate | ( | string | text | ) |
This delegate is called when the player accepts the input.
delegate void PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.AssetLoadedDelegate | ( | UnityEngine.Object | asset | ) |
delegate string PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.CurrentQuestEntryStateDelegate | ( | string | quest, |
int | entryNumber | ||
) |
delegate string PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.CurrentQuestStateDelegate | ( | string | quest | ) |
delegate void PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.DeselectedUsableObjectDelegate | ( | Usable | usable | ) |
This delegate is called when a selector un-targets a usable object.
delegate void PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.DialogueEntrySpokenDelegate | ( | Subtitle | subtitle | ) |
delegate string PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.GetCustomSaveDataDelegate | ( | ) |
delegate float PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.GetDefaultSubtitleDurationDelegate | ( | string | text | ) |
delegate bool PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.GetInputButtonDownDelegate | ( | string | buttonName | ) |
delegate string PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.GetLocalizedTextDelegate | ( | string | s | ) |
delegate bool PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.IsDialogueEntryValidDelegate | ( | DialogueEntry | dialogueEntry | ) |
This defines the syntax of the optional delegate that conversations can use to double-check that a dialogue entry is valid to use.
delegate void PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.LuaChangedDelegate | ( | LuaWatchItem | luaWatchItem, |
Lua.Result | newValue | ||
) |
Lua expression changed delegate.
delegate string PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.QuestStateToStringDelegate | ( | QuestState | state | ) |
delegate void PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.SelectedUsableObjectDelegate | ( | Usable | usable | ) |
This delegate is called when a selector targets a usable object.
Example uses:
delegate void PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.SetQuestEntryStateDelegate | ( | string | quest, |
int | entryNumber, | ||
string | state | ||
) |
delegate void PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.SetQuestStateDelegate | ( | string | quest, |
string | state | ||
) |
delegate void PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.SetupGenericMenuDelegate | ( | GenericMenu | menu | ) |
delegate QuestState PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.StringToQuestStateDelegate | ( | string | s | ) |
delegate void PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.ToggleChangedDelegate | ( | bool | value, |
object | data | ||
) |
delegate void PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.TransformDelegate | ( | Transform | t | ) |
delegate bool PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.TryDragAndDropDelegate | ( | UnityEngine.Object | obj, |
ref string | sequence | ||
) |
delegate void PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.UsableDelegate | ( | Usable | usable | ) |