▼NAC | |
CLuaVarChangeWatcher | This is an action list triggered by a change in a Dialogue System Lua variable |
CLuaVarChangeWatcherEditor | |
▼NICode | |
►NActions | |
CAddDialogueDatabase | |
CApplyPersistentData | |
CApplySavegameData | |
CBark | |
CBroadcastLevelWillBeUnloaded | |
CDeleteData | |
CGetBoolVariable | |
CGetFloatVariable | |
CGetIntVariable | |
CGetIsConversationActive | |
CGetQuestEntryState | |
CGetQuestState | |
CGetRelationship | |
CGetSavegameData | |
CGetStatus | |
CGetStringVariable | |
CPlaySequence | |
CPreloadMasterDatabase | |
CRecordPersistentData | |
CRemoveDialogueDatabase | |
CResetMasterDatabase | |
CResetPersistentData | |
CRunLua | |
CSaveData | |
CSetBoolVariable | |
CSetFloatVariable | |
CSetIntVariable | |
CSetOverheadIcon | |
CSetQuestEntryState | |
CSetQuestState | |
CSetRelationship | |
CSetStatus | |
CSetStringVariable | |
CStartConversation | |
CStopConversation | |
CSyncLuaToRPG | |
CSyncRPGToLua | |
CUpdateQuestTracker | |
CUpdateResponses | |
►NConditions | |
CDoesConversationHaveValidEntries | |
CIsConversationActive | |
▼NKeraLua | |
CCharPtr | |
CLua | |
CLuaDebug | Structure for lua debug information |
CLuaState | |
CLuaTag | |
CNativeMethods | |
▼NLanguage | |
►NLua | |
►NLibrary | |
CBaseLib | |
CFileLib | |
CIOLib | |
CMathLib | |
COSLib | |
CStringLib | |
CTableLib | |
CAccess | |
CArgs | |
CAssignment | |
CBaseExpr | |
CBoolLiteral | |
CBreakStmt | |
CChunk | |
CDoStmt | |
CElseifBlock | |
CExpr | |
CExprStmt | |
CField | |
CForInStmt | |
CForStmt | |
CFunction | |
CFunctionBody | |
CFunctionCall | |
CFunctionName | |
CFunctionValue | |
CGroupExpr | |
CIfStmt | |
CItemValue | |
CKeyAccess | |
CKeyValue | |
CLocalFunc | |
CLocalVar | |
CLuaBoolean | |
CLuaError | |
CLuaFunction | |
CLuaInterpreter | |
CLuaInterpreterExtensions | |
CLuaMethodFunction | [PixelCrushers] This class wraps the Lua Interpreter's LuaFunction around a C# style method identified by its MethodInfo |
CLuaMultiValue | |
CLuaNil | |
CLuaNumber | |
CLuaString | |
CLuaTable | |
CLuaUserdata | |
CLuaValue | |
CMethodCall | |
CNameAccess | |
CNameValue | |
CNilLiteral | |
CNumberLiteral | |
COperation | Represent Unary or Binary Operation, for Unary Operation the LeftOperand is not used |
COperatorExpr | |
COperTable | |
CParamList | |
CParser | |
CParserInput | |
CPrimaryExpr | |
CRepeatStmt | |
CReturnStmt | |
CStatement | |
CStringLiteral | |
CTableConstructor | |
CTerm | |
CTextInput | |
CTuple | Implements the Tuple classes missing from Monodevelop's .NET implementation |
CVar | |
CVariableArg | |
CVarName | |
CWhileStmt | |
▼NMakinom | |
►NSchematics | |
►NNodes | |
CBarkNode | This node starts a Dialogue System bark |
CCheckConversationActiveNode | Checks if a conversation is active right now |
CLuaNode | This node runs Lua code in the Dialogue System's Lua environment |
CPlaySequenceNode | This node plays a Dialogue System sequence |
CShowAlertNode | This node shows a Dialogue System alert message |
CStartConversationNode | This node starts a Dialogue System conversation |
CConversationData | Conversation data for the Dialogue System's conversation schematic nodes |
▼NNLua | |
►NEvent | |
CDebugHookEventArgs | Event args for hook callback event |
CHookExceptionEventArgs | |
►NExceptions | |
CLuaException | Exceptions thrown by the Lua runtime |
CLuaScriptException | Exceptions thrown by the Lua runtime because of errors in the script |
►NExtensions | |
CCheckNull | Some random extension stuff |
►NMethod | |
CEventHandlerContainer | We keep track of what delegates we have auto attached to an event - to allow us to cleanly exit a NLua session |
CLuaClassHelper | |
CLuaDelegate | |
CLuaEventHandler | |
CLuaMethodWrapper | |
CMethodArgs | |
CMethodCache | |
CRegisterEventHandler | |
CCheckType | |
CClassGenerator | |
CCodeGeneration | |
CDelegateGenerator | |
CILuaGeneratedType | |
CLua | |
CLuaBase | Base class to provide consistent disposal flow across lua objects |
CLuaClassType | |
CLuaFunction | |
CLuaGlobalAttribute | Marks a method for global usage in Lua scripts |
CLuaHideAttribute | Marks a method, field or property to be hidden from Lua auto-completion |
CLuaIndexes | |
CLuaLib | |
CLuaRegistrationHelper | |
CLuaTable | |
CLuaUserData | |
CMetaFunctions | |
CObjectTranslator | |
CProxyType | Summary description for ProxyType |
▼NORKFramework | |
►NEvents | |
►NSteps | |
CBarkStep | This ORK step starts a Dialogue System bark |
CGetDSVariableStep | This ORK step retrieves the value of a Dialogue System Lua variable |
CGetQuestStateStep | This ORK step gets the state of a Dialogue System quest or quest entry |
CLuaStep | This ORK step runs Lua code in the Dialogue System's Lua environment |
CPlaySequenceStep | This ORK step plays a Dialogue System sequence |
CSetDSVariableStep | This ORK step sets a Dialogue System Lua variable |
CSetQuestStateStep | This ORK step sets a Dialogue System quest or quest entry to a specified state |
CShowAlertStep | This ORK step shows a Dialogue System alert message |
CShowVariableAlertStep | This ORK step shows a Dialogue System alert message |
CStartConversationStep | This ORK step starts a Dialogue System conversation |
CConversationData | Conversation data for the Dialogue System's StartConversationStep |
▼NPixelCrushers | |
►NDialogueSystem | |
►NActionRPG2D | |
CActionRPG2DBridge | This component synchronizes 2D Action RPG data with Dialogue System data |
CExampleMenu | This script provides a rudimentary example main menu for the 2D Action RPG demo |
►NAdventureCreator | |
►CAdventureCreatorBridge | This component synchronizes Adventure Creator data with Dialogue System data |
CSyncSettings | |
CDialogueSystemSaver | |
CFitUIToAspectRatio | Fits a fullscreen Unity UI panel into AC's aspect ratio |
CShowGameState | This is a tiny utility script to show AC's current game state |
►NARPG | |
CActionRPGKitMenuItems | |
CARPGBridge | This provides a data bridge between ARPG and the Dialogue System |
CDisableCheckKey | Disables the "[E] check" key for ShopC and QuestTriggerC by sending fake "OnTriggerExit" messages to them |
CDSGameOverC | |
CDSSaveLoad | This runs on top of ARPG's SaveLoad |
CDSTeleporter | Replaces ARPG's teleporter to also tie in the Dialogue System |
CPauseARPGCameraOnConversation | Pauses ARPG camera control during conversations |
CPersistentPlayerSpawner | This script handles player spawning in the correct place when changing levels |
CSetCursorOnStart | Shows or hides the mouse cursor on start |
CStopPlayerMecanimOnConversation | Stops ARPG's player mecanim on conversations |
►NArticy | |
►NArticy_1_4 | |
CAllowedCategory | |
CAllowedTemplate | |
CArticy_1_4_EditorTools | This static utility class contains editor-side tools to convert an articy:draft 1.4 XML schema into a schema-independent ArticyData object |
CArticy_1_4_Tools | This static utility class contains tools to convert an articy:draft 1.4 XML schema into a schema-independent ArticyData object |
CAssetType | |
CBooleanPropertyDefinitionType | |
CBooleanPropertyType | |
CCircleType | |
CCommentType | |
CConnectionRefType | |
CConnectionType | |
CContentType | |
CDialogFragmentType | |
CDialogType | |
CEntityType | |
CEnumerationPropertyDefinitionType | |
CEnumerationValuesDefinitionType | |
CEnumPropertyType | |
CEnumValueType | |
CExportType | |
CFeatureDefinitionRefType | |
CFeatureDefinitionsType | |
CFeatureDefinitionType | |
CFeaturesType | |
CFeatureType | |
CFlowFragmentType | |
CHierarchyType | |
CHubType | |
CJourneyPointSettingsType | |
CJourneyPointsType | |
CJourneyPointType | |
CJourneyRefType | |
CJourneySettingsType | |
CJourneyType | |
CJumpType | |
CLinkType | |
CLocalizableTextPropertyType | |
CLocalizableTextType | |
CLocalizedStringType | |
CLocationType | |
CNamedReferenceType | |
CNodeType | |
CNoteContentType | |
CNoteType | |
CNumberPropertyDefinitionType | |
CNumberPropertyType | |
CObjectTemplateDefinitionType | |
CObjectType | |
CObjectTypes | |
CPathType | |
CPinsType | |
CPinType | |
CPolygonType | |
CPreviewImageType | |
CProjectType | |
CPropertiesType | |
CPropertyDefinitionRefType | |
CPropertyDefinitionsType | |
CRectangleType | |
CReferenceSlotPropertyDefinitionType | |
CReferenceSlotPropertyType | |
CReferenceStripPropertyDefinitionType | |
CReferenceStripPropertyType | |
CReferencesType | |
CReferenceType | |
CSpotType | |
CStringPropertyType | |
CSystemFolderType | |
CTextPropertyDefinitionType | |
CTextPropertyDefinitionValueType | |
CUserFolderType | |
CVerticesType | |
CZoneType | |
►NArticy_2_2 | |
CAllowedCategory | |
CAllowedTemplate | |
CArticy_2_2_EditorTools | This static utility class contains editor-side tools to convert an articy:draft 2.2 XML schema into a schema-independent ArticyData object |
CArticy_2_2_Tools | This static utility class contains tools to convert an articy:draft 2.2 XML schema into a schema-independent ArticyData object |
CAssetType | |
CBooleanPropertyDefinitionType | |
CBooleanPropertyType | |
CCircleType | |
CCommentType | |
CConditionType | |
CConnectionRefType | |
CConnectionType | |
CContentType | |
CDialogueFragmentType | |
CDialogueType | |
CDocumentType | |
CEntityType | |
CEnumerationPropertyDefinitionType | |
CEnumerationValuesDefinitionType | |
CEnumPropertyType | |
CEnumValueType | |
CErrorEntryType | |
CExportErrorsType | |
CExportType | |
CFeatureDefinitionRefType | |
CFeatureDefinitionsType | |
CFeatureDefinitionType | |
CFeaturesType | |
CFeatureType | |
CFlowFragmentType | |
CHierarchyType | |
CHubType | |
CInstructionType | |
CJourneyPointSettingsType | |
CJourneyPointsType | |
CJourneyPointType | |
CJourneyRefType | |
CJourneySettingsType | |
CJourneyType | |
CJumpType | |
CLinkType | |
CLocalizableTextPropertyType | |
CLocalizableTextType | |
CLocalizedStringType | |
CLocationGroupType | |
CLocationType | |
CNamedReferenceType | |
CNodeType | |
CNumberPropertyDefinitionType | |
CNumberPropertyType | |
CObjectTemplateDefinitionType | |
CObjectType | |
CObjectTypes | |
CPathType | |
CPinsType | |
CPinType | |
CPolygonType | |
CPreviewImageType | |
CProjectType | |
CPropertiesType | |
CPropertyDefinitionRefType | |
CPropertyDefinitionsType | |
CQueryReferenceStripPropertyDefinitionType | |
CRectangleType | |
CReferenceSlotPropertyDefinitionType | |
CReferenceSlotPropertyType | |
CReferenceStripPropertyDefinitionType | |
CReferenceStripPropertyType | |
CReferencesType | |
CReferenceType | |
CScriptPropertyDefinitionType | |
CSpotType | |
CStringPropertyType | |
CSystemFolderType | |
CTextObjectType | |
CTextPropertyDefinitionType | |
CTextPropertyDefinitionValueType | |
CUserFolderType | |
CVariableSetType | |
CVariablesType | |
CVariableType | |
CVerticesType | |
CZoneType | |
►NArticy_2_4 | |
CAllowedCategory | |
CAllowedTemplate | |
CApplicationDefinitionType | |
CArticy_2_4_EditorTools | This static utility class contains editor-side tools to convert an articy:draft 2.4 XML schema into a schema-independent ArticyData object |
CArticy_2_4_Tools | This static utility class contains tools to convert articy:draft 2.4/3.0 XML data into a schema-independent ArticyData object |
CAssetType | |
CBooleanPropertyDefinitionType | |
CBooleanPropertyType | |
CCircleType | |
CCommentType | |
CConditionType | |
CConnectionRefType | |
CConnectionType | |
CContentType | |
CCoordinatesType | |
CDialogueFragmentType | |
CDialogueType | |
CDocumentType | |
CEntityType | |
CEnumerationPropertyDefinitionType | |
CEnumerationValuesDefinitionType | |
CEnumPropertyType | |
CEnumValueType | |
CErrorEntryType | |
CExportErrorsType | |
CExportType | |
CExternalApplicationsType | |
CFeatureDefinitionRefType | |
CFeatureDefinitionsType | |
CFeatureDefinitionType | |
CFeaturesType | |
CFeatureType | |
CFillType | |
CFlowFragmentType | |
CFlowSettingsType | |
CHierarchyType | |
CHubType | |
CInstructionType | |
CJourneyMethodReturnValuesType | |
CJourneyMethodReturnValueType | |
CJourneyPointSettingsType | |
CJourneyPointsType | |
CJourneyPointType | |
CJourneyRefType | |
CJourneySettingsType | |
CJourneyType | |
CJourneyVariable | |
CJumpType | |
CLayerFolderType | |
CLinkStyleType | |
CLinkType | |
CLocalizableTextPropertyType | |
CLocalizableTextType | |
CLocalizedStringType | |
CLocationAnchorsType | |
CLocationAnchorType | |
CLocationImageType | |
CLocationSettingsType | |
CLocationTextType | |
CLocationType | |
CNamedReferenceType | |
CNodeType | |
CNumberPropertyDefinitionType | |
CNumberPropertyType | |
CObjectTemplateDefinitionType | |
CObjectType | |
CObjectTypes | |
COutlineType | |
CPathType | |
CPinsType | |
CPinType | |
CPointType | |
CPreviewImageType | |
CProjectSettingsType | |
CProjectType | |
CPropertiesType | |
CPropertyDefinitionRefType | |
CPropertyDefinitionsType | |
CQueryReferenceStripPropertyDefinitionType | |
CRectangleType | |
CReferenceSlotPropertyDefinitionType | |
CReferenceSlotPropertyType | |
CReferenceStripPropertyDefinitionType | |
CReferenceStripPropertyType | |
CReferencesType | |
CReferenceType | |
CScriptPropertyDefinitionType | |
CSettingsType | |
CSizeType | |
CSpotStyleType | |
CSpotType | |
CStringPropertyType | |
CSystemFolderType | |
CTextObjectType | |
CTextPropertyDefinitionType | |
CTextPropertyDefinitionValueType | |
CTransformationType | |
CUserFolderType | |
CVariableSetType | |
CVariablesType | |
CVariableType | |
CVariableValuesListType | |
CVerticesType | |
CZoneType | |
►NArticy_3_1 | |
CAllowedCategory | |
CAllowedTemplate | |
CApplicationDefinitionType | |
CArticy_3_1_EditorTools | This static utility class contains editor-side tools to convert an articy:draft 3.1 XML schema into a schema-independent ArticyData object |
CArticy_3_1_Tools | This static utility class contains tools to convert articy:draft 2.4/3.0 XML data into a schema-independent ArticyData object |
CAssetType | |
CBooleanPropertyDefinitionType | |
CBooleanPropertyType | |
CCircleType | |
CCommentType | |
CConditionType | |
CConnectionRefType | |
CConnectionType | |
CContentType | |
CCoordinatesType | |
CDialogueFragmentType | |
CDialogueType | |
CDocumentType | |
CEntityType | |
CEnumerationPropertyDefinitionType | |
CEnumerationValuesDefinitionType | |
CEnumPropertyType | |
CEnumValueType | |
CErrorEntryType | |
CExportErrorsType | |
CExportType | |
CExternalApplicationsType | |
CFeatureDefinitionRefType | |
CFeatureDefinitionsType | |
CFeatureDefinitionType | |
CFeaturesType | |
CFeatureType | |
CFillType | |
CFlowFragmentType | |
CFlowSettingsType | |
CHierarchyType | |
CHubType | |
CInstructionType | |
CJourneyMethodReturnValuesType | |
CJourneyMethodReturnValueType | |
CJourneyPointSettingsType | |
CJourneyPointsType | |
CJourneyPointType | |
CJourneyRefType | |
CJourneySettingsType | |
CJourneyType | |
CJourneyVariable | |
CJumpType | |
CLayerFolderType | |
CLinkStyleType | |
CLinkType | |
CLocalizableTextPropertyType | |
CLocalizableTextType | |
CLocalizedStringType | |
CLocationAnchorsType | |
CLocationAnchorType | |
CLocationImageType | |
CLocationSettingsType | |
CLocationTextType | |
CLocationType | |
CNamedReferenceType | |
CNodeType | |
CNumberPropertyDefinitionType | |
CNumberPropertyType | |
CObjectTemplateDefinitionType | |
CObjectType | |
CObjectTypes | |
COutlineType | |
CPathType | |
CPinsType | |
CPinType | |
CPointType | |
CPreviewImageType | |
CProjectSettingsType | |
CProjectType | |
CPropertiesType | |
CPropertyDefinitionRefType | |
CPropertyDefinitionsType | |
CQueryReferenceStripPropertyDefinitionType | |
CRectangleType | |
CReferenceSlotPropertyDefinitionType | |
CReferenceSlotPropertyType | |
CReferenceStripPropertyDefinitionType | |
CReferenceStripPropertyType | |
CReferencesType | |
CReferenceType | |
CScriptPropertyDefinitionType | |
CSettingsType | |
CSizeType | |
CSpotStyleType | |
CSpotType | |
CStringPropertyType | |
CSystemFolderType | |
CTextObjectType | |
CTextPropertyDefinitionType | |
CTextPropertyDefinitionValueType | |
CTransformationType | |
CUserFolderType | |
CVariableSetType | |
CVariablesType | |
CVariableType | |
CVariableValuesListType | |
CVerticesType | |
CZoneType | |
CArticyConverter | This class does the actual work of converting ArticyData (version-independent articy:draft data) into a dialogue database |
CArticyConverterWindow | articy:draft converter window |
►CArticyData | Every version of articy:draft introduces a new XML schema |
CAsset | |
CCondition | |
CConnection | |
CConnectionRef | |
CDialogue | |
CDialogueFragment | |
CElement | |
CEntity | |
CFeature | |
CFeatures | |
CFlowFragment | |
CHierarchy | |
CHub | |
CInstruction | |
CJump | |
CLocalizableText | |
CLocation | |
CNode | |
CPin | |
CProject | |
CProperty | |
CVariable | |
CVariableSet | |
CArticyEditorTools | This static utility class contains editor-side tools for working with Articy data |
CArticyEmVars | |
CArticyEmVarSet | |
CArticyLuaFunctions | Implements articy:expresso functions |
CArticySchemaEditorTools | This static utility class loads an arbitrary articy XML file as a schema-independent ArticyData object, regardless of what version of articy generated the XML file |
CArticySchemaTools | This static utility class loads an arbitrary articy XML as a schema-independent ArticyData object, regardless of what version of articy generated the XML file |
CArticyTools | This static utility class contains tools for working with Articy data |
CConversionSetting | The current conversion preference for an articy element |
►CConversionSettings | This class contains articy project conversion settings |
CDropdownOverrideSetting | |
CConverterPrefs | This class manages articy converter prefs |
CConverterPrefsTools | This class provides editor tools to manage articy converter prefs |
►NAurora | |
CActorSetting | Actor setting prefs, used in AuroraConverterPrefs |
CAuroraConverterPrefs | This class manages Aurora converter prefs |
CAuroraConverterWindow | |
CAuroraPredefinedTokens | This static class defines the predefined Aurora Toolset tokens and their Variable[] table counterparts |
CDlg | XML schema for Aurora dialog files |
CDlgFile | Dlg file prefs, used in AuroraConverterPrefs |
CElement | |
CJrl | XML schema for journal files |
CJrlFile | Jrl file prefs |
CLanguage | Language prefs, used in AuroraConverterPrefs |
CLocalString | |
CStruct | |
CVariableSetting | Variable setting prefs, used in AuroraConverterPrefs |
►NBehaviorDesigner | |
CBehaviorTreeLuaBridge | This script synchronizes a behavior tree's shared variables with the Dialogue System's Lua environment |
►NChatMapper | |
CActor | Defines a Chat Mapper Actor |
CAssets | Contains all chat mapper elements (e.g., actors, locations, dialogue entries, etc) |
CChatMapperProject | Defines an XML-serializable Chat Mapper project |
CChatMapperTools | To allow for platform-dependent compilation, these methods have been moved out of ChatMapperProject.cs, which is precompiled into a DLL |
CConversation | Defines a Chat Mapper Conversation |
CDialogEntry | Defines a Chat Mapper DialogEntry |
CField | Defines a Chat Mapper field |
CItem | Defines a Chat Mapper Item |
CLink | Defines a Chat Mapper Link |
CLocation | Defines a Chat Mapper Location |
CUserVariable | Defines a Chat Mapper user variable |
►NCinemaDirector | |
CBarkEvent | Bark event for Cinema Director |
CLuaEvent | Bark event for Cinema Director |
CShowAlertEvent | Show Alert event for Cinema Director |
CStartConversationEvent | Start Conversation event for Cinema Director |
CStopConversationEvent | Stop Conversation event for Cinema Director |
►NCoreGameKit | |
CCoreGameKitLuaBridge | This component synchronizes Core GameKit's level settings and world variables with the Dialogue System's Lua environment |
CLuaToWorldVariableListener | This component listens for changes to the Lua variables associated with world variables |
CWorldVariableToLuaListener | This component, which is a subclass of CoreGameKit's WorldVariableListener, listens for changes to a world variable |
►NCorgiEngine | |
CConversationZone | Add this class to an empty GameObject |
►NDaikonForgeGUI | |
CDaikonForgeAlertControls | Daikon Forge GUI controls for DaikonForgeDialogueUI's alert message |
CDaikonForgeBarkRoot | To use Daikon Forge GUI barks, you must add one copy of this component to a game object in a Daikon Forge GUI |
CDaikonForgeBarkUI | Implements IBarkUI using Daikon Forge GUI to show bark text above a character's head |
CDaikonForgeButtonKeyTrigger | This class adds a key and/or button trigger to a button |
CDaikonForgeButtonTextData | This class issues SendMessage to a target with a text parameter |
CDaikonForgeDialogueControls | Contains all dialogue (conversation) controls for an DaikonForge Dialogue UI |
CDaikonForgeDialogueUI | This component implements IDialogueUI using Daikon Forge GUI (DF-GUI) |
CDaikonForgeDialogueUIControls | This static utility class provides methods for working with DF-GUI controls |
CDaikonForgeFader | Provides a fade in/out effect for DF-GUI controls using a dfTweenFloat |
CDaikonForgeFollowObject | Makes a Daikon Forge GUI control follow an object |
CDaikonForgeQTEControls | DF-GUI Quick Time Event (QTE) indicator controls |
CDaikonForgeQuestLogWindow | This is an implementation of the abstract QuestLogWindow class for Daikon Forge GUI |
CDaikonForgeResponseButton | A Daikon Forge GUI response button for use with DaikonForgeDialogueUIControls |
CDaikonForgeResponseMenuControls | Response menu controls for DaikonForgeDialogueUI |
CDaikonForgeSubtitleControls | Subtitle DaikonForge controls for DaikonForgeDialogueUI |
CDaikonForgeTextFieldUI | Daikon Forge text field UI implementation |
CDaikonForgeTimer | Timer for DF-GUI UIs |
CDaikonForgeTypewriterEffect | Daikon Forge typewriter effect |
CDaikonForgeUIRoot | DF-GUI UI root, implemented as a container for a dfGUIManager |
►NDeftlySupport | |
CDeftlyDialogueSubject | Add this to subjects that can engage in conversations to pause control during conversations |
CDeftlyFloatingTextBarkUI | This bark UI style uses Deftly's floating text |
CDeftlyLuaFunctions | Add to the Dialogue Manager |
CDeftlySubjectUnityEvents | Add to a Subject |
►NDialogueEditor | |
CAssetFoldouts | |
►CDialogueEditorWindow | This part of the Dialogue Editor window handles the main code for the conversation node editor |
CMultinodeSelection | |
CWatch | |
CEditorZoomArea | |
CRectExtensions | |
CToolbar | This part of the Dialogue Editor window handles the toolbar at the top of the window |
►NEmeraldAISupport | |
CEmeraldAILua | Adds Lua functions to interface with Emerald AI |
►CEmeraldAIPlayerHealthEvent | Adds an onDamage event that watches Emerald AI's PlayerHealth for damage |
CEmeraldPlayerHealthEvent | |
►CPersistentEmeraldAIData | |
CEmeraldAIData | |
►NExamples | |
CAddRemoveDatabaseTrigger | Adds a dialogue database to the master database on trigger enter, and removes the database on trigger exit |
CAlwaysFaceCamera | Component that keeps its game object always facing the main camera |
CFeatureDemo | This script provides a rudimentary main menu for the Feature Demo |
CLuaExample | This example registers a method named sqrt() for use in Lua |
CPickup | |
CplyGameFeatureDemo | This script provides a rudimentary main menu for the plyGame version of the Feature Demo |
CThirdPersonControllerExampleMenu | This script provides a rudimentary main menu for the TPC example |
►NFaceFX | |
CFaceFXControllerScript | |
►CFaceFXControllerScriptGUI | |
CBoneTransform | |
CFaceFXPlayer | FaceFXPlayer provides a simplified interface to Doug Perkowski's FaceFXControllerScript |
►NHUDWaypointSupport | |
CPersistentWaypoint | Persistent data component for waypoints |
►NI2Support | |
CDialogueSystemUseI2Language | Sets the Dialogue System's language to match I2 Localization's language |
CDSToI2Prefs | Holds the DS To I2 window's current prefs, which are saved into EditorPrefs between editor sessions |
CDSToI2Window | Editor window to copy fields between a Dialogue System dialogue database and/or localized text table and I2 Localization |
CFieldSelectionDictionary | |
CFoldoutInfo | |
►NICode | |
CICodeLuaFunctions | This component provides a bridge between ICode and the Dialogue System's Lua environment |
CICodeVariableTrigger | The ICode Variable Trigger component sets an ICode variable when a trigger event such as "OnUse" occurs |
►NInkSupport | |
CDialogueSystemInkIntegration | Integrates Ink with the Dialogue System |
►NInventoryEngineSupport | |
CDialogueSystemInventoryEventListener | Updates the quest tracker HUD and invokes a UnityEvent when an Inventory's content changes |
CInventoryEngineLua | Adds Lua functions to work with Inventory Engine |
CPersistentInventory | Includes an Inventory in persistent data |
►NKGFMapSystem | |
CKGFMapIcons | This component maintains a list of map icons |
►NMakinomSupport | |
CDialogueSystemMakinomBridge | This class provides a bridge between the Dialogue System and Makinom |
CMakinomNodeTools | |
►NNGUI | |
CDualSubtitleNGUIDialogueUI | This class is an example of overriding NGUIDialogueUI to modify its behavior |
CNGUIAlertControls | NGUI controls for NGUIDialogueUI's alert message |
CNGUIBarkUI | Implements IBarkUI using NGUI to show bark text above a character's head |
CNGUIButtonKeyTrigger | This script adds a key or button trigger to a an NGUI UIButton |
CNGUIContinueButtonFastForward | Adds fast forward control to continue buttons |
CNGUIDialogueBarkUI | This works just like NGUIDialogueUI except it uses the speaker's bark UI instead of the dialogue UI labels |
CNGUIDialogueControls | Contains all dialogue (conversation) controls for an NGUI Dialogue UI |
CNGUIDialogueUI | This component implements IDialogueUI using Tasharen Entertainment's NGUI |
CNGUIDialogueUIControls | Static utility class for NGUIDialogueUI |
CNGUIFollowTarget | Keeps a game object positioned over the "head" of another game object |
CNGUIHUDTextBarkUI | Implements IBarkUI using NGUI HUDText to show bark text above a character's head |
CNGUIQTEControls | NGUI Quick Time Event (QTE) indicator controls |
CNGUIQuestGroupTemplate | This component hooks up the elements of an NGUI quest group template |
CNGUIQuestLogWindow | This is an implementation of the abstract QuestLogWindow class for NGUI |
CNGUIQuestTemplate | This component hooks up the elements of an NGUI quest template |
CNGUIQuestTitle | This holds a quest title |
CNGUIQuestTracker | When you attach this script to the Dialogue Manager object (or a child), it will display tracked quests using NGUI |
CNGUIQuestTrackTemplate | This component hooks up the elements of an NGUI quest track template, which is used by the NGUI Quest Tracker |
CNGUIResponseButton | An NGUI response button for use with NGUIDialogueUIControls |
CNGUIResponseMenuControls | Response menu controls for NGUIDialogueUI |
CNGUISelectorDisplay | Replaces the Selector/ProximitySelector's OnGUI method with a method that enables or disables an NGUI UILabel and optional main control widget |
CNGUISubtitleControls | Subtitle NGUI controls for NGUIDialogueUI |
CNGUITextFieldUI | NGUI text field UI implementation |
CNGUITimer | |
CNGUIUIRoot | NGUI UIRoot wrapper for AbstractUIRoot |
CUIBarkRoot | To use NGUI barks, you must add one copy of this component to a game object in an NGUI UI |
►NORKFrameworkSupport | |
CDialogueSystemOrkBridge | This class provides a bridge between the Dialogue System and ORK Framework |
CORKEventTools | |
CUnityUIDialogueUIOrkBridge | This class fixes up ORK's EventSystem for use with general Unity UI navigation, including Unity UI Dialogue UIs |
►NPlayMaker | |
CAddDialogueDatabase | |
CAddQuest | |
CAddQuestEntry | |
CApplyPersistentData | |
CApplySavegameData | |
CBark | |
CCustomActionEditorBark | |
CCustomActionEditorDoesConversationHaveValidEntries | |
CCustomActionEditorRunLua | |
CCustomActionEditorStartConversation | |
CDecRelationship | |
CDeleteQuest | |
►CDialogueSystemEventsToPlayMaker | This component sends Dialogue System events to PlayMaker FSMs |
CEventData | |
CDialogueSystemPlayMakerLua | This component adds Lua functions to work with PlayMaker |
CDialogueSystemPlayMakerTools | Utility functions for Dialogue System PlayMaker integration |
CDoesConversationHaveValidEntries | |
CGetActorName | |
CGetCurrentConversationInfo | |
CGetLocalizedText | |
CGetLuaField | |
CGetQuestAbandonSequence | |
CGetQuestCount | |
CGetQuestDescription | |
CGetQuestEntry | |
CGetQuestEntryCount | |
CGetQuestEntryState | |
CGetQuestState | |
CGetRelationship | |
CGetStatus | |
CGetVariable | |
CIncRelationship | |
CIsConversationActive | |
CIsQuestAbandonable | |
CIsQuestTrackingEnabled | |
CIsSequencePlaying | |
CLevelWillBeUnloaded | |
CLoadGame | |
CLoadLevel | |
CPause | |
CPlayMakerTools | |
CPreloadDialogueUI | |
CPreloadMasterDatabase | |
CRecordPersistentData | |
CRecordSavegameData | |
CRemoveDialogueDatabase | |
CResetDialogueDatabase | |
CResetPersistentData | |
CRunLua | |
CSaveGame | |
CSelectResponse | |
CSendSequencerMessage | |
CSetDefaultDialogueDatabase | |
CSetDialogueUI | |
CSetLanguage | |
CSetLuaField | |
CSetPortrait | |
CSetQuestEntryState | |
CSetQuestState | |
CSetQuestTracking | |
CSetRelationship | |
CSetStatus | |
CSetVariable | |
CShowAlert | |
CStartConversation | |
CStartSequence | |
CStopConversation | |
CStopSequence | |
CSyncBool | |
CSyncBoolArray | |
CSyncFloat | |
CSyncGameObjectArray | |
CSyncInt | |
CSyncIntArray | |
CSyncQuaternionArray | |
CSyncString | |
CSyncStringArray | |
CSyncVector3 | |
CSyncVector3Array | |
CUnpause | |
CUpdateResponses | |
►NplyGame | |
CAddDialogueDatabase_plyBlock | |
CAddQuest_plyBlock | |
CAddQuestEntry_plyBlock | |
CBark_plyBlock | |
CConversationController | This component attempts to disable standard plyGame camera and character control components during conversations, to prevent the player from walking away from the conversation or moving the camera while the conversation is attempting to move it |
CDecRelationship_plyBlock | |
CDeleteQuest_plyBlock | |
CDialogueDatabase_Value | |
CDoesConversationHaveValidEntries_plyBlock | |
CEventHandler_DialogueSystem | This script handles the standard Dialogue System events: OnConversationStart, OnConversationEnd, etc |
CEventHandler_OnUse_DialogueSystem | This script handles the "OnUse" event that the Dialogue System's Selector and ProximitySelector components can send to Usable objects |
CGetLocalizedText_plyBlock | |
CGetLuaField_plyBlock | |
CGetLuaVariable_plyBlock | |
CGetQuestAbandonSequence_plyBlock | |
CGetQuestDescription_plyBlock | |
CGetQuestEntry_plyBlock | |
CGetQuestEntryCount_plyBlock | |
CGetQuestEntryState_plyBlock | |
CGetQuestState_plyBlock | |
CGetRelationship_plyBlock | |
CGetStatus_plyBlock | |
CIncRelationship_plyBlock | |
CIsConversationActive_plyBlock | |
CIsQuestAbandonable_plyBlock | |
CIsQuestTrackingEnabled_plyBlock | |
CIsSequencePlaying_plyBlock | |
CLevelWillBeUnloaded_plyBlock | |
CLocalizedTextTable_Value | |
CLuaTableTools | |
COnBarkEndEvent | |
COnBarkStartEvent | |
COnConversationCancelledEvent | |
COnConversationEndEvent | |
COnConversationLineCancelledEvent | |
COnConversationLineEvent | |
COnConversationStartEvent | |
COnConversationTimeoutEvent | |
COnSequenceEndEvent | |
COnSequenceStartEvent | |
COnUseEvent | |
CPersistableDialogueManager | This script implements plyGame's IPersistable interface to enable saving and loading of Dialogue System data |
CplyGameBridge | This script provides a bridge between plyGame data and the Dialogue System's Lua environment |
CPreloadDialogueUI_plyBlock | |
CPreloadMasterDatabase_plyBlock | |
CQuestState_Value | |
CRemoveDialogueDatabase_plyBlock | |
CResetMasterDatabase_plyBlock | |
CRunAndGetLua_plyBlock | |
CRunLua_plyBlock | |
CSequencer_Value | |
CSequencerMessage_plyBlock | |
CSetDefaultDatabase_plyBlock | |
CSetLanguage_plyBlock | |
CSetLuaField_plyBlock | |
CSetLuaVariable_plyBlock | |
CSetPortrait_plyBlock | |
CSetQuestDescription_plyBlock | |
CSetQuestEntryDescription_plyBlock | |
CSetQuestState_plyBlock | |
CSetQuestTracking_plyBlock | |
CSetRelationship_plyBlock | |
CSetStatus_plyBlock | |
CShowAlert_plyBlock | |
CStartAndGetSequence_plyBlock | |
CStartConversation_plyBlock | |
CStartSequence_plyBlock | |
CStopConversation_plyBlock | |
CStopSequence_plyBlock | |
CUpdateResponses_plyBlock | |
►NRealisticFPSPrefab | |
►CDialogueSystemOnPickUpItem | This script runs Dialogue System actions when the game object receives a "PickUpItem" message |
CSendMessageAction | |
CFollowFPSPlayer | Makes the PlayerCharacter follow the FPSPlayer during sequences in conversations |
CFPSLuaBridge | This component synchronizes data between the Realistic FPS Prefab player and the Dialogue System's Lua environment |
CLuaOnDestroy | This script runs Lua code when the game object is destroyed |
CLuaOnPickUpItem | This script runs Lua code when the game object receives a "PickUpItem" message |
CPauseAIOnConversation | Pauses RFPS's AI when an NPC is engaged in a conversation |
CPersistentSmoothMouseLook | (This component is deprecated in favor of FPSLuaBridge.savePosition.) Persistent smooth mouse look records the rotation of RFPS's SmoothMouseLook component |
CRealisticFPSPrefabMenuItems | This class defines the Realistic FPS Prefab integration menu items in the Dialogue System menu |
CSyncLuaToFPSOnLoadLevel | This component should usually be added to the Dialogue Manager object, not the player object! This is because it needs to persist across level loads |
CUnregisterNPCOnDestroy | If your NPC has a PersistentDestructible, it will be destroyed when you load a saved game in which it's been killed |
►NRewired | |
CDialogueSystemRewired | This script tells the Dialogue System to use Rewired for GetButtonDown checks |
►NRogSupport | |
CPauseRogOnConversation | Add this script to your Rog player prefab to pause Rog during conversations that involve the player |
CPauseRogOnQuestLogWindow | Add this to your quest log window to pause Rog when the quest log window is open |
CQuestItem | This is just an empty Item class that you can use for quest items |
CRogLuaFunctions | Add this script to your Dialogue Manager to add the Rog Lua functions |
►NRPGKit | |
►COverheadIconController | Add this script to an NPC with an overhead icon UI |
CIconCondition | |
CRPGKitBridge | This component provides a bridge between RPG Kit and the Dialogue System's Lua environment |
CRPGKitConversationTrigger | Uses RPG Kit's trigger system to trigger a conversation |
CRPGKitDialogueUI | This component implements a subclass of UnityUIDialogueUI that sends alerts to RPG Kit's message system |
CRPGKitStoreTriggerNoOutOfRangeMessage | This version of RPG Kit's StoreTrigger doesn't show an Out Of Range message for the store trigger |
CStopConversationButton | Attach this script to buttons that should stop the current conversation |
►NSequencerCommands | |
CBaseMasterAudioSequencerCommand | Base master audio sequencer command |
CBaseStateMachineSequencerCommand | Base sequencer command class used by the other RPG Kit sequencer commands |
CMasterAudioExample | This script presents a button for each Master Audio sequencer command so you can test their functionality |
CQueuedSequencerCommand | Holds the definition of a sequencer command while it's in the queue |
CSequencerCommand | Base class for Sequencer commands |
CSequencerCommandAC | Implements the Adventure Creator sequencer command AC(actionList[, nowait[, stepNum]]), where: |
CSequencerCommandACCam | Implements the Adventure Creator sequencer command ACCam(on|off|idle|camera, [smoothTime]), where: |
CSequencerCommandACSpeech | Sequencer command ACSpeech(lineID, [nowait]) |
CSequencerCommandAddItem | Sequencer command AddItem(subject, itemName, amount) |
CSequencerCommandAdjustCurrency | Sequencer command AdjustCurrency(subject, currency, amount) |
CSequencerCommandAnimation | Implements sequencer command: Animation(animation[, gameobject|speaker|listener[, animations...]]) |
CSequencerCommandAnimatorFloat | Implements sequencer command: "AnimatorFloat(animatorParameter[, value[, gameobject|speaker|listener[, duration]]])", which smoothly changes a float parameter on a subject's Animator |
CSequencerCommandAnimatorLayer | Implements sequencer command: "AnimatorLayer(layerIndex[, weight[, subject[, duration]])", which sets the layer weight on a subject's Animator |
CSequencerCommandAnimatorPlayWait | Implements sequencer command: "AnimatorPlayWait(animatorParameter[, gameobject|speaker|listener[, crossfadeDuration]])", which plays a state on a subject's Animator and waits until it's done |
CSequencerCommandAnimatorTimelinePlay | Sequencer command AnimatorTimelinePlay(takeName, loop, nowait) |
CSequencerCommandARPGAdjustHealth | Sequencer command ARPGAdjustHealth([subject, [amount, [element]]]) |
CSequencerCommandARPGLoadLevel | Adds sequencer command LoadLevel(levelName, spawnPointName) |
CSequencerCommandARPGOpenShop | Sequencer command ARPGOpenShop([subject]) |
CSequencerCommandAudioWait | Implements sequencer command: AudioWait(audioClip[, subject[, audioClips...]]) |
CSequencerCommandAudioWaitOnce | Implements sequencer command: AudioWaitOnce(audioClip[, subject[, audioClips...]]) This command will check for an internal lua variable of the entrytag/audioclip name, and if it exists/is true, the audio will be skipped |
CSequencerCommandAudioWWW | Implements sequencer command: AudioWWW(url,...) |
CSequencerCommandBehavior | Implements the Behavior Designer sequencer command Behavior(subject, start|stop|pause|resume) |
CSequencerCommandBehaviorVariable | Implements the Behavior Designer sequencer command BehaviorVariable(subject, variableName, value) |
CSequencerCommandCamera | Implements sequencer command: Camera(angle[, gameobject|speaker|listener[, duration]]) |
CSequencerCommandCinema | Implements sequencer command Cinema(), which plays a Cinema Director cutscene |
CSequencerCommandCoreGameKitAddAttackPoints | Implements the sequencer command CoreGameKitAddAttackPoints(killable, pointsToAdd) |
CSequencerCommandCoreGameKitAddHitPoints | Implements the sequencer command CoreGameKitAddHitPoints(killable, pointsToAdd) |
CSequencerCommandCoreGameKitDespawnKillable | Implements the sequencer command CoreGameKitDespawnKillable(killable) |
CSequencerCommandCoreGameKitDestroyKillable | Implements the sequencer command CoreGameKitDestroyKillable(killable[, scenarioName]) |
CSequencerCommandCoreGameKitEndWave | Implements the sequencer command CoreGameKitEndWave() |
CSequencerCommandCoreGameKitFireCustomEvent | Implements the sequencer command CoreGameKitFireCustomEvent(customEventName[, origin]) |
CSequencerCommandCoreGameKitGameOver | Implements the sequencer command CoreGameKitGameOver() |
CSequencerCommandCoreGameKitGotoWave | Implements the sequencer command CoreGameKitGotoWave(levelNumber, waveNumber) |
CSequencerCommandCoreGameKitPauseWave | Implements the sequencer command CoreGameKitPauseWave() |
CSequencerCommandCoreGameKitRestartWave | Implements the sequencer command CoreGameKitRestartWave() |
CSequencerCommandCoreGameKitSynchroSpawn | Implements the sequencer command CoreGameKitSynchroSpawn(spawner, [min], [max]) |
CSequencerCommandCoreGameKitTakeDamage | Implements the sequencer command CoreGameKitTakeDamage(killable, damagePoints) |
CSequencerCommandCoreGameKitTemporaryInvincibility | Implements the sequencer command CoreGameKitTemporaryInvincibility(killable, seconds) |
CSequencerCommandCoreGameKitUnpauseWave | Implements the sequencer command CoreGameKitUnpauseWave() |
CSequencerCommandDelay | Implements sequencer command: Delay(seconds) |
CSequencerCommandEyeControl | EyeControl() sequencer command for Rogo Digital's LipSync |
CSequencerCommandEyes | Sequencer command Eyes(target, [subject], [customShape|random], [duration|true|false]) |
CSequencerCommandFaceFX | This script adds the sequencer command FaceFX(animation, audio[, subject]) |
CSequencerCommandFade | Implements sequencer command: "Fade(in|out, [, duration[, webcolor]])" |
CSequencerCommandFSMEvent | Implements sequencer command FSMEvent(event, [subject, [fsm]]) |
CSequencerCommandGameFlow | Sequencer command GameFlow(subject, [programID], [nowait]) |
CSequencerCommandKGFMapIcon | This adds the sequencer command KGFMapIcon(iconName, subject) to set the subject's icon |
CSequencerCommandLipSync | LipSync() sequencer command for Rogo Digital's LipSync |
CSequencerCommandLiveCamera | Implements sequencer command: LiveCamera(angle[, gameobject|speaker|listener[, duration]]) |
CSequencerCommandLoadLevel | This script implements the sequencer command LoadLevel(levelName) |
CSequencerCommandLookAt | Implements sequencer command: "LookAt(target, [, subject[, duration[, allAxes]]])", which rotates the subject to face the target |
CSequencerCommandMAAddToDucking | Sequencer command MAAddToDucking(soundGroupName, riseVolumeStart, [duckedVolMult], [unduckTime]) |
CSequencerCommandMAChangePlaylist | Sequencer command MAChangePlaylist(playlistName, [playlistControllerName]) |
CSequencerCommandMADisableDucking | Sequencer command MADisableDucking() |
CSequencerCommandMAEnableDucking | Sequencer command MAEnableDucking() |
CSequencerCommandMAFadeBus | Sequencer command MAFadeBus(busName, targetVolume, fadeTime) |
CSequencerCommandMAFadeGroup | Sequencer command MAFadeGroup(soundGroupName, targetVolume, fadeTime) |
CSequencerCommandMAFadeOutAllOfSound | Sequencer command MAFadeOutAllOfSound(soundGroupName, fadeTime) |
CSequencerCommandMAFadePlaylist | Sequencer command MAFadePlaylist(targetVolume, fadeTime, [playlistControllerName]) |
CSequencerCommandMAFireCustomEvent | Sequencer command MAFireCustomEvent(customEventName[, origin]) |
CSequencerCommandMAMuteBus | Sequencer command MAMuteBus(busName) |
CSequencerCommandMAMuteEverything | Sequencer command MAMuteEverything() |
CSequencerCommandMAMuteGroup | Sequencer command MAMuteGroup(soundGroupName) |
CSequencerCommandMAMutePlaylist | Sequencer command MAMutePlaylist([playlistControllerName]) |
CSequencerCommandMANextPlaylistClip | Sequencer command MANextPlaylistClip([playlistControllerName]) |
CSequencerCommandMAPauseBus | Sequencer command MAPauseBus(busName) |
CSequencerCommandMAPauseEverything | Sequencer command MAPauseEverything() |
CSequencerCommandMAPauseGroup | Sequencer command MAPauseGroup(soundGroupName) |
CSequencerCommandMAPauseMixer | Sequencer command MAPauseMixer() |
CSequencerCommandMAPausePlaylist | Sequencer command MAPausePlaylist([playlistControllerName]) |
CSequencerCommandMAPlaylistClip | Sequencer command MAPlaylistClip(clip, [playlistControllerName]) |
CSequencerCommandMAPlaySound | Sequencer command MAPlaySound(group, variation, volume, pitch, wait, subject, follow) |
CSequencerCommandMARandomPlaylistClip | Sequencer command MARandomPlaylistClip([playlistControllerName]) |
CSequencerCommandMARemoveFromDucking | Sequencer command MARemoveFromDucking(soundGroupName) |
CSequencerCommandMAResumePlaylist | Sequencer command MAResumePlaylist([playlistControllerName]) |
CSequencerCommandMASetBusVolume | Sequencer command MASetBusVolume(busName, targetVolume) |
CSequencerCommandMASetGroupVolume | Sequencer command MASetGroupVolume(soundGroupName, volume) |
CSequencerCommandMASetMasterVolume | Sequencer command MASetMasterVolume(volume) |
CSequencerCommandMASetPlaylistVolume | Sequencer command MASetPlaylistVolume(volume) |
CSequencerCommandMASoloBus | Sequencer command MASoloBus(busName) |
CSequencerCommandMASoloGroup | Sequencer command MASoloGroup(soundGroupName) |
CSequencerCommandMAStopAllOfSound | Sequencer command MAStopAllOfSound(soundGroupName) |
CSequencerCommandMAStopBus | Sequencer command MAStopBus(busName) |
CSequencerCommandMAStopEverything | Sequencer command MAStopEverything() |
CSequencerCommandMAStopMixer | Sequencer command MAStopMixer() |
CSequencerCommandMAStopPlaylist | Sequencer command MAStopPlaylist([playlistControllerName]) |
CSequencerCommandMAStopTransformSound | Sequencer command MAStopTransformSound(subject, soundGroupName) |
CSequencerCommandMAUnmuteBus | Sequencer command MAUnmuteBus(busName) |
CSequencerCommandMAUnmuteEverything | Sequencer command MAUnmuteEverything() |
CSequencerCommandMAUnmuteGroup | Sequencer command MAUnmuteGroup(soundGroupName) |
CSequencerCommandMAUnmutePlaylist | Sequencer command MAUnmutePlaylist([playlistControllerName]) |
CSequencerCommandMAUnpauseBus | Sequencer command MAUnpauseBus(busName) |
CSequencerCommandMAUnpauseEverything | Sequencer command MAUnpauseEverything() |
CSequencerCommandMAUnpauseGroup | Sequencer command MAUnpauseGroup(soundGroupName) |
CSequencerCommandMAUnpauseMixer | Sequencer command MAUnpauseMixer() |
CSequencerCommandMAUnsoloBus | Sequencer command MAUnsoloBus(busName) |
CSequencerCommandMAUnsoloGroup | Sequencer command MAUnsoloGroup(soundGroupName) |
CSequencerCommandMAVariationChangePitch | Sequencer command MAVariationChangePitch(soundGroupName, variationName, pitch) |
CSequencerCommandMoveTo | Implements sequencer command: "MoveTo(target, [, subject[, duration]])", which matches the subject to the target's position and rotation |
CSequencerCommandQTE | Implements sequencer command: "QTE(index, duration, luaVariable, luaValue)", which presents a timed opportunity to perform a Quick Time Event |
CSequencerCommandRemoveItem | Sequencer command RemoveItem(subject, itemName, amount) |
CSequencerCommandRTVoiceWait | Sequencer command RTVoiceWait() |
CSequencerCommandSALSA | Sequencer command SALSA(clip, [subject], [nowait) |
CSequencerCommandSetEmotion | SetEmotion() sequencer command for Rogo Digital's LipSync |
CSequencerCommandSetOverheadIcon | Sequencer command SetOverheadIcon(iconName, [subject]) |
CSequencerCommandSetStateBool | Sequencer command SetStateBool(subject, parameterName, value) |
CSequencerCommandSetStateFloat | Sequencer command SetStateFloat(subject, parameterName, value) |
CSequencerCommandSetStateInt | Sequencer command SetStateInt(subject, parameterName, value) |
CSequencerCommandSetStateObject | Sequencer command SetStateObject(subject, parameterName, value) |
CSequencerCommandSetTimeout | This script implements the sequencer command SetTimeout(duration), which sets the response menu timeout duration |
CSequencerCommandSLATE | Implements sequencer command SLATE(), which plays a SLATE cutscene |
CSequencerCommandSwitchCamera | Implements sequencer command: SwitchCamera(cameraName) |
CSequencerCommandTextInput | Implements sequencer command: TextInput(textFieldUI, label, luaVariableName[, maxLength[, clear]]) |
CSequencerCommandTPCAbility | Sequencer command TPCAbility(abilityName, [subject], [ignorePriority]) Tries to start an ability on a TPC subject |
CSequencerCommandTPCCameraState | Sequencer command TPCCameraState(state, [apply]) |
CSequencerCommandTPCControl | Sequencer command TPCControl(control, camera, input) Sets TPC control on the player character |
CSequencerCommanduSeq | Implements sequencer command uSeq(USSequence), which loads a uSequencer sequence from Resources and plays it |
CSequencerCommandVoice | Implements sequencer command: Voice(audioClip, animation[, finalAnimation[, gameobject|speaker|listener]]) |
CSequencerCommandWaitForMessage | Implements sequencer command: WaitForMessage(message), which waits until it receives OnSequencerMessage(message) |
CSequencerCommandWaypoint | Implements Waypoint([subject, [displayStyle, [icon, [webColor]]]]) |
CSequencerCommandZoom2D | Implements sequencer command: Zoom2D([gameobject|speaker|listener[, size[, duration]]]) |
►NSInventory | |
CFPSInventoryEvents | This hooks into InventoryEvents to provide additional functionality for RFPS |
CSInventoryConsumablePickup | This script replaces consumable pickup scripts such as HealthPickup |
CSInventoryContainerTrigger | This component starts the S-Inventory container GUI when the game object receives a specified trigger event |
CSInventoryDialogueActor | This class provides a data bridge between S-Inventory and the Dialogue System |
►CSInventoryDialogueEvents | Provides inspector events for S-Inventory activity |
CItemUnityEvent | |
CSInventoryFPSBridge | This script is a bridge between S-Inventory and RFPS |
CSInventoryFPSTools | This static class provides utility methods for working between S-Inventory and RFPS |
►CSInventoryItemEvents | This script lets you hook up events to items |
CItemEvent | |
CSInventoryItemGroupTrigger | This component starts the S-Inventory item group GUI when the game object receives a specified trigger event |
CSInventoryLua | This static class provides Lua functions to access S-Inventory |
CSInventoryPersistentContainer | Persistent data component for S-Inventory containers |
CSInventoryPersistentItemGroup | Persistent data component for S-Inventory item groups |
CSInventoryPersistentItemPickup | Persistent data component for S-Inventory items that get picked up when you click them with the mouse |
CSInventoryPersistentVendor | Persistent data component for S-Inventory vendors |
CSInventoryPickup | This script supplements pickups that already have RFPS pickup script such as AmmoPickup |
CSInventoryTreatAsConversation | This script treats certain S-Inventory actions like conversations by sending OnConversationStart and OnConversationEnd to the actor |
CSInventoryVendorTrigger | This component starts the S-Inventory vendor when the game object receives a specified trigger event |
CSInventoryWeaponPickup | This script replaces RFPS's weapon pickup script |
►NTextMeshPro | |
CLocalizeTextMeshPro | Localizes the text content of a TextMeshPro and/or TextMeshProUGUI component |
COverrideTextMeshProDialogueControls | This component allows actors to override TextMesh Pro dialogue controls |
CTextMeshProAlertControls | Controls for TextMeshProDialogueUI's alert message |
CTextMeshProBarkUI | Implements IBarkUI using TextMeshPro |
►CTextMeshProBarkUIAnimator | Adds animator control to a TextMeshProBarkUI |
CAnimationTransitions | |
CTextMeshProBarkUIFader | Adds a fade in/out effect to TextMeshProBarkUI |
CTextMeshProContinueButtonFastForward | This script replaces the normal continue button functionality with a two-stage process |
CTextMeshProDialogueControls | Contains all dialogue (conversation) controls for a TextMeshPro Dialogue UI |
CTextMeshProDialogueUI | This component implements IDialogueUI using TextMeshPro and Unity UI |
►CTextMeshProQuestLogWindow | This is an implementation of the abstract QuestLogWindow class for Unity UI and TextMeshPro |
CAnimationTransitions | |
CTextMeshProQuestTemplate | This component hooks up the elements of a Unity UI quest template |
CTextMeshProQuestTemplateAlternateDescriptions | |
CTextMeshProQuestTracker | When you attach this script to the Dialogue Manager object (or a child), it will display tracked quests using the new Unity UI and TextMeshPro |
CTextMeshProQuestTrackTemplate | This component hooks up the elements of a TextMeshPro quest track template, which is used by the TextMeshPro Quest Tracker |
CTextMeshProResponseButton | A TextMeshPro/Unity UI response button for use with TextMeshProDialogueControls |
►CTextMeshProResponseMenuControls | Response menu controls for TextMeshProDialogueUI |
CAutonumberSettings | |
►CTextMeshProSelectorDisplay | Replaces the Selector/ProximitySelector's OnGUI method with a method that enables or disables new Unity UI and TextMeshPro controls |
CAnimationTransitions | |
CTextMeshProSelectorElements | Optional component to provide references to selector UI elements |
CTextMeshProSubtitleControls | Subtitle Unity UI controls for TextMeshProDialogueUI |
►CTextMeshProTypewriterEffect | This is a typewriter effect for TextMesh Pro |
CAutoScrollSettings | |
►CUsableTextMeshPro | Replaces the Selector/ProximitySelector's OnGUI method with a method that enables or disables new Unity UI and TextMeshPro controls |
CAnimationTransitions | |
►NThirdPersonControllerSupport | |
CAbilityEvent | |
CAbilityStartEvent | Raises a UnityEvent when the character starts an ability |
CDamagedEvent | Based on: http://www.opsive.com/assets/ThirdPersonController/documentation.php?id=117 On your player's weapons, remember to set Hitscan Options > Hitscan Damaged Event to "Damaged" |
CDialogueSystemInteractableTarget | Sends a message to a GameObject when TPC interacts with this component |
CDialogueSystemThirdPersonControllerBridge | This Dialogue System / Third Person Controller bridge component integrates a TPC character with the Dialogue System |
CDialogueSystemThirdPersonControllerBridgeEditor | Custom inspector for DialogueSystemThirdPersonControllerBridge |
CDisguise | This is a customer-requested ability to swap characters |
►NTK2D | |
CTK2DAlertControls | GUI controls for TK2DDialogueUI's alert message |
CTK2DBarkUI | Implements IBarkUI for 2D Toolkit |
CTK2DDialogueControls | Contains all dialogue (conversation) controls for a TK2D Dialogue UI |
CTK2DDialogueTools | Static utility class for TK2D Dialogue UI |
CTK2DDialogueUI | This component implements IDialogueUI using 2D Toolkit |
CTK2DFader | Provides a fade in/out effect for TK2D sprites and text meshes |
CTK2DQTEControls | TK2D Quick Time Event (QTE) indicator controls |
CTK2DResponseButton | A TK2D response button for TK2DDialogueUI |
CTK2DResponseMenuControls | Response menu controls for TK2DDialogueUI |
CTK2DSubtitleControls | Subtitle UI controls for TK2DDialogueUI |
CTK2DTextFieldUI | This is an implementation of ITextFieldUI for TK2D |
CTK2DTimer | Applies a timer effect to a tk2dProgressBar that counts down from 1 to 0 |
CTK2DTypewriterEffect | |
CTK2DUIRoot | TK2D UI root, implemented as a container for a tk2dUILayout |
►NTopdownKitSupport | |
CCommandMenuExtra | This adds a quest log open/close button to Top-Down RPG Starter Kit's command menu |
CDialogueSystemSaveData | Use this script to include Dialogue System data in Top-down RPG Starter Kit's saved games |
CDialogueSystemTopdownKitLua | This script adds these Lua functions for controlling Top-down RPG Starter Kit: |
CDialogueSystemTopdownKitMenuItems | |
CDialogueSystemTopdownKitPlayerBridge | Add this to the player prefab |
►NUFPS | |
CChangeLevelTrigger | This script changes to a different level, saving the Dialogue System's data before changing |
CConnectExampleMenu | Connects the UFPS Mobile RootUI's Options > Menu button to the demo scene's Example Main Menu |
CDebugUFPSCursor | |
CDialogueSystemOnDie | Performs various actions when the GameObject receives the "Die" message |
CExampleMainMenu | This script provides a rudimentary main menu |
CFPDontApplyLuaNextLoadLevel | Add this script to your scene to re-tick FPPersistentPlayerData.DontApplyLuaNextLoadLevel |
CFPDontDestroyOnLoad | Marks a GameObject as DontDestroyOnLoad |
CFPFreezePlayer | This component provides methods to freeze and unfreeze the UFPS player |
CFPInteractableDialogue | Derived from vp_Interactable, this component makes the NPC interactable within the UFPS framework |
CFPPersistentPlayerData | This component works with the PersistentDataManager and UFPS to keep track of a UFPS player's position, health, and inventory when saving and loading games |
CFPPlayerLuaBridge | This is a utility component to help synchronize the Dialogue System's Lua environment with the UFPS player |
CFPPlayerLuaBridgeEditor | |
CFPSyncLuaPlayerOnConversation | This script synchronizes the Dialogue System's Lua environment with the UFPS player whenever a conversation starts or ends |
CFPSyncLuaPlayerOnLoadLevel | This component should usually be added to the Dialogue Manager object, not the player object! This is because it needs to persist across level loads |
CFPSyncLuaPlayerOnLoadLevelMobile | This was a UFPS Mobile-Addon version of FPSyncLuaPlayerOnLoadLevel |
CPauseUFPS | Use this utility script to freeze and unfreeze the player (and show/hide the cursor), for example when using the Dialogue System Menu Template |
CUFPSMenuItems | |
►NUniStormSupport | |
CUniStormLuaBridge | This component provides Lua functions to access UniStorm |
►NUnityGUI | |
CAudioEffect | Applies an audio effect (sound) to a GUI control |
CAutoSize | Specifies a control's auto-size settings |
CContinueButtonFastForward | This script replaces the normal continue button functionality with a two-stage process |
CFadeEffect | Applies a fade effect to a GUI control |
CFit | Specifies how to fit a control in with its siblings |
CFlashEffect | Applies a flash effect to a GUI control, alternating between visible and invisible |
CGUIButton | A GUI control that implements GUI.Button with optional additional textures |
CGUIControl | The basic GUI control, which simply contains child controls |
CGUIEffect | The base abstract class for GUI effect "decorators" that can be added to GUI controls |
CGUIImage | A GUI control that implements GUI.DrawTexture[WithTexCoords] to display a texture |
CGUIImageParams | Parameters for using GUI.DrawTexture[WithTexCoords] |
CGUILabel | A GUI control that implements GUI.Label to display text and/or a texture |
CGUIProgressBar | A GUI control that implements a flexible progress bar |
CGUIRoot | The root of a GUI layout |
CGUIScrollView | A GUI control that implements GUI.ScrollView |
CGUITextField | A GUI control that implements GUI.TextField for text input |
CGUIVisibleControl | A GUI control that contains text |
CGUIWindow | A GUI control that implements GUI.Window, a draggable window |
CImageAnimation | Specifies image animation settings |
CNavigation | Specifies keyboard and/or controller navigation settings |
CScaledRect | Scaled rects allow you to specify resolution-independent rects with a variety of positioning options |
CScaledValue | A scaled value, which is used by ScaledRect |
CSlideEffect | Applies a slide effect to the GUI control, making it slide onscreen from a direction |
CTimerEffect | Applies a timer effect to a GUIProgressBar that counts down from 1 to 0 |
CTypewriterEffect | Applies a typewriter effect to the text of a GUI control |
CUnityAlertControls | GUI controls for UnityDialogueUI's alert message |
CUnityBarkUI | Implements IBarkUI using Unity GUI to show bark text above a character's head |
CUnityBarkUIOnGUI | This is a "child" component created by UnityBarkUI |
CUnityDialogueControls | Contains all dialogue (conversation) controls for a Unity Dialogue UI |
CUnityDialogueUI | This component implements IDialogueUI using Unity GUI |
CUnityDialogueUIControls | Static utility class for Unity GUI Dialogue UI |
►CUnityGUIQuestLogWindow | This is a Unity GUI implementation of QuestLogWindow |
CAbandonControls | |
CUnityGUITools | Static utility class that provides methods for drawing Unity GUI controls |
CUnityQTEControls | Unity QTE indicator controls |
CUnityResponseMenuControls | Response menu controls for UnityDialogueUI |
CUnitySubtitleControls | Subtitle GUI controls for UnityDialogueUI |
CUnityTextFieldUI | This is a Unity GUI implementation of ITextFieldUI |
CUnityUIRoot | Unity UI root, implemented as a container for GUIRoot |
►CAbstractConverterWindow | This is a base class for custom converter windows |
CPrefs | This is the base prefs (converter window settings) class |
CAbstractDialogueUI | This abstract class forms the base for IDialogueUI implementations in Unity GUI, NGUI, Daikon Forge GUI, and 2D Toolkit |
CAbstractDialogueUIControls | Abstract dialogue user interface controls |
CAbstractUIAlertControls | Abstract alert message controls |
CAbstractUIControls | Base class for abstract UI controls |
CAbstractUIQTEControls | Abstract QTE controls |
CAbstractUIResponseMenuControls | Abstract response menu controls |
CAbstractUIRoot | Abstract UI root |
CAbstractUISubtitleControls | Abstract subtitle controls |
CActiveConversationRecord | Keeps track of an active conversation |
►CActOnDialogueEvent | This is the abstract base class for all dialogue event handler components (e.g., SetActiveOnDialogueEvent, StartConversationOnDialogueEvent, etc) |
CAction | The base class for actions that will run at the start or end of dialogue events |
CActor | An actor asset |
CActorPicker | |
CActorPopupAttribute | |
CActorPopupDrawer | |
CAlertTrigger | The Alert Trigger component shows a gameplay alert when a trigger event occurs |
CAlertTriggerEditor | |
CAnimatedPortrait | Specifies the animated portrait to use for this actor |
CAsset | The base class of all assets such as actors, conversations, items, locations and variables |
CAssetBundleManager | This class manages a list of asset bundles |
CBarkController | BarkController is a static utility class provides a method to make characters bark |
CBarkDialogueUI | This is an implementation of IDialogueUI that uses the participants' bark UIs to run a conversation |
CBarkGroupManager | This singleton GameObject manages bark groups specified by BarkGroupMember |
CBarkGroupManagerEditor | Custom editor for BarkGroupManager that shows the current membership of bark group members |
CBarkGroupMember | A member of a bark group |
CBarkHistory | Keeps track of a character's current bark |
►CBarkOnDialogueEvent | Barks at the start and/or end of a dialogue event |
CBarkAction | The parameters for a bark action |
CBarkOnDialogueEventEditor | |
CBarkOnIdle | The bark on idle component can be used to make an NPC bark on timed intervals |
CBarkOnIdleEditor | |
CBarkStarter | This is the base class for bark trigger components such as BarkOnIdle and BarkTrigger |
CBarkTrigger | The bark trigger component can be used to make an NPC bark when it receives a dialogue trigger – for example, when the game starts or when the level loads |
CBarkTriggerEditor | |
CBitMaskAttribute | This attribute marks a bit mask enum so it will use a custom property drawer to allow the designer to select a mask, similar to how the built-in Layer Mask works |
CBitMaskDrawer | Custom property drawer for bit mask enums |
CCameraAngleEditor | This Camera Angle Editor window helps you create camera angle prefabs that you can use with the Sequencer |
CCharacterInfo | Contains information about a conversation participant that the dialogue UI or Sequencer may need |
CCharacterTypeTools | A static tool class for working with CharacterType |
►CChatMapperConverter | The Chat Mapper Converter editor window converts a Chat Mapper project into a DialogueDatabase asset |
CPrefs | This is the prefs (converter window settings) class |
CChatMapperExporter | This part of the Dialogue Editor window contains the Chat Mapper export code |
CChatMapperToDialogueDatabase | This static utility class converts Chat Mapper projects to dialogue databases |
CCondition | Conditions are used to selectively run actions |
CConditionEditor | This custom editor for Condition uses LuaConditionWizard |
►CConditionObserver | The condition observer component evaluates a condition on a set frequency |
CSendMessageAction | |
CConditionObserverEditor | |
CConditionPriorityTools | A static tool class for working with ConditionPriority |
CConditionPropertyDrawer | This custom drawer for Condition uses LuaConditionWizard |
CConversation | A conversation asset |
CConversationController | Mediates between a ConversationModel (data) and ConversationView (user interface) to run a conversation |
CConversationLogger | When you attach this script to an actor, conversations involving that actor will be logged to the console |
CConversationModel | Handles logic for the data model of a conversation |
CConversationOverrideDisplaySettings | |
CConversationPicker | |
CConversationPopupAttribute | |
CConversationPopupDrawer | |
CConversationStarter | This is the base class for the ConversationOnXXX (e.g., ConversationOnUse) and BarkOnXXX (e.g., BarkOnUse) components |
CConversationState | The current state of a conversation, which can also be thought of as the current position in the dialogue tree |
CConversationTrigger | The conversation trigger component starts a conversation between an actor and this game object when the game object receives a specified dialogue trigger |
CConversationTriggerEditor | |
CConversationView | Handles the user interaction part of a conversation |
CCSVConverterWindow | This is an example converter that demonstrates how to make a subclass of AbstractConverterWindow to make your own converter for the Dialogue System |
CCSVExporter | This part of the Dialogue Editor window contains the CSV export code |
CCustomFieldType | The abstract base custom field type |
CCustomFieldType_Actor | |
CCustomFieldType_Boolean | |
CCustomFieldType_Files | |
CCustomFieldType_Item | |
CCustomFieldType_Localization | |
CCustomFieldType_Location | |
CCustomFieldType_Number | |
CCustomFieldType_QuestState | |
CCustomFieldType_Text | |
►CCustomFieldTypeService | This class manages custom field types |
CName | Optional attribute |
CDatabaseManager | Manages a master DialogueDatabase and associated Lua environment |
CDatabaseMerger | This static utility class merges the contents of a dialogue database into another dialogue database |
CDefaultCameraAngle | This component allows you specify a camera angle to use when a Camera() sequencer command uses the reserved keyword 'angle' |
►CDialogueDatabase | A dialogue database asset |
CSyncInfo | |
CDialogueDatabaseEditor | Custom inspector editor for dialogue database assets |
CDialogueDebug | A simple static class to keep track of a global debug level setting for dialogue system log messages |
CDialogueEntry | A dialogue entry is a single line of dialogue in a Conversation, with a list of links to possible responses (see Link) |
CDialogueEventStarter | This is the base class for all dialogue event trigger components |
CDialogueLua | A static class that adds additional Chat Mapper-related functionality to the Lua environment, since Chat Mapper projects can define conditions and actions in Lua, modify Lua variables, and use Chat Mapper-specific Lua functions |
CDialogueManager | A static class that provides a simplified interface to the dialogue system's core functions |
CDialogueManagerWizard | This wizard sets up the Dialogue Manager object |
CDialogueSystemController | This component ties together the elements of the dialogue system: dialogue database, dialogue UI, sequencer, and conversation controller |
CDialogueSystemControllerEditor | Custom inspector editor for DialogueSystemController (e.g., Dialogue Manager) |
CDialogueSystemControllerHierarchyIcon | Draws the Dialogue Manager icon in the Hierarchy view |
►CDialogueSystemEvents | Add this to the Dialogue Manager and/or participants to hook into various Dialogue System events |
CBarkEvents | |
CConversationEvents | |
CPauseEvents | |
CQuestEvents | |
CResponsesEvent | |
CSequenceEvents | |
CStringEvent | |
CSubtitleEvent | |
CTransformEvent | |
CDialogueSystemMenuItems | This class defines the menu items in the Dialogue System menu (except for custom Editor Windows, which define their own menu items) |
CDialogueSystemSupplementalMenuItems | This class defines the menu items in the Dialogue System menu that come from the Supplemental script subfolder |
►CDialogueSystemTrigger | The Dialogue System trigger is a general-purpose trigger that can execute most Dialogue System functions such as starting conversations, barks, alerts, sequences, and Lua code |
CSendMessageAction | |
CDialogueSystemTriggerEditor | |
CDialogueTime | A static wrapper class for the built-in Time class |
CDialogueTriggerEventAttribute | |
CDialogueTriggerEventDrawer | This custom property drawer for DialogueTriggerEvent reorders the popup for trigger events |
CDieOnTakeDamage | This is a very simple example script that destroys a GameObject if it receives the message "TakeDamage(float)" or "Damage(float)" |
►CDisplaySettings | Display settings to apply to the dialogue UI and sequencer |
CAlertSettings | |
CBarkSettings | |
CCameraSettings | |
CInputSettings | |
CLocalizationSettings | |
CSubtitleSettings | |
CEditorTools | |
CEditorWindowTools | |
CEmphasis | Specifies special text formatting for a substring |
CEmphasisSetting | An emphasis setting specifies a text style |
CEncodingTypeTools | |
CExtraDatabases | Adds and removes extra dialogue databases |
CField | Assets are composed primarily of data elements called fields |
CFormattedText | A line of text including formatting |
CGameSaver | Allows you to save and load games to PlayerPrefs without writing any scripts |
CIBarkUI | Interface for bark UI components |
CIDialogueUI | Interface for dialogue UI components |
CIncrementOnDestroy | Increments an element of the Lua Variable[] table when the GameObject is destroyed or disabled, and then updates the quest tracker if it's attached to the Dialogue Manager object or its children |
CInputTrigger | Defines an input trigger using a key code and/or button name |
CItem | An item asset |
CItemPicker | |
CItemPopupAttribute | |
CItemPopupDrawer | |
CITextFieldUI | Interface for text field UI components |
CLanguageTextExporter | This part of the Dialogue Editor window contains the language text export code |
CLevelManager | This component combines Application.LoadLevel[Async] with the saved-game data features of PersistentDataManager |
CLink | A link from one DialogueEntry (the origin) to another (the destination) |
►CLinkTools | A static tool class for working with links (see Link) |
CPrioritySorter | Compares the ConditionPriority values of two Link assets |
CLocalization | This static class contains localization methods and the current language as defined by a string (e.g., "es" for generic Spanish, "fr-CA" for French - Canadian) |
►CLocalizedTextTable | An asset containing a table of localized text |
CLocalizedTextField | |
CLocalizedTextTableEditor | Custom inspector editor for localized text tables |
CLocalizeTextMesh | This script localizes the content of the TextMesh element on this GameObject |
CLocalizeUIText | This script localizes the content of the Text element or Dropdown element on this GameObject |
CLocation | A location asset |
►CLua | A static class that provides a global Lua virtual machine |
CResult | Stores a Lua interpreter result (LuaValue) and provides easy conversion to basic types |
CLuaConditionsWizardAttribute | |
CLuaConditionsWizardDrawer | |
CLuaConditionWizard | This Lua condition wizard is meant to be called from a custom editor's OnInspectorGUI() method |
CLuaConsole | An in-game Lua console presented using Unity GUI |
CLuaNetworkCommands | This class for Unity Networking's High Level API (UNET HLAPI) adds Lua functions to set variables and quest states on all network clients |
►CLuaOnDialogueEvent | Runs Lua code at the start and/or end of a dialogue event |
CLuaAction | The parameters for a Lua action |
CLuaOnDialogueEventEditor | |
CLuaScriptWizard | This Lua script wizard is meant to be called from a custom editor's OnInspectorGUI() method |
CLuaScriptWizardAttribute | |
CLuaScriptWizardDrawer | |
CLuaTableWrapper | This is a Lua table wrapper for LuaInterpreter |
CLuaTrigger | The Lua trigger component runs Lua code when the game object receives a specified trigger event |
CLuaTriggerEditor | |
CLuaWatchers | This class maintains a list of watchers by watch frequency |
CLuaWatchItem | Watch item for Lua observers |
CLuaWatchList | This class maintains a list of watch items |
CLuaWizardBase | This part of the Dialogue Editor window contains common code for the Conditions and Script wizards |
CNavigateOnMouseClick | Navigates to the place where the player mouse clicks |
CNPCSetupWizard | NPC setup wizard |
CNWNTools | This static utility class provides tools to help run Neverwinter Nights (Aurora Toolset) content in the Dialogue System |
COverrideActorName | This component allows you to override the actor name used in conversations, which is normally set to the name of the GameObject |
COverrideActorNameEditor | |
COverrideDialogueUI | Overrides the dialogue UI for conversations involving the game object |
COverrideDisplaySettings | Overrides the display settings for conversations involving the game object |
COverrideUIBase | Abstract base class for OverrideDialogueUI and OverrideDisplaySettings |
COverrideUnityUIDialogueControls | This component allows actors to override Unity UI dialogue controls |
CParserException | Custom exception for parser errors |
CPauseGameOnConversation | Pauses the game during conversations by setting Time.timeScale to 0 |
CPersistentActiveData | The persistent active data component works with the PersistentDataManager to set a target game object active or inactive when loading a game (or when applying persistent data between level changes) |
CPersistentActiveDataEditor | |
►CPersistentDataManager | A static class for saving and loading game data using the Dialogue System's Lua environment |
CAsyncRawDataOperation | |
CAsyncSaveOperation | |
CPersistentDataSettings | |
CPersistentDeadBody | Customized for RFPS |
CPersistentDestructible | This persistent data component keeps track of when the GameObject has been destroyed or disabled |
CPersistentPositionData | The persistent position data component works with the PersistentDataManager to keep track of a game object's position when saving and loading games or changing levels |
CPlayerSetupWizard | Player setup wizard |
CPreloadActorPortraits | Preloads actor portraits to prevent hiccups when conversations start |
►CProximitySelector | This component implements a proximity-based selector that allows the player to move into range and use a usable object |
CReticle | This class defines the textures and size of the targeting reticle |
CQuestCondition | A quest condition checks the state of a quest |
CQuestConditionDrawer | |
CQuestEntryArgs | |
CQuestGroupRecord | Contains a quest title and its group name |
►CQuestLog | A static class that manages a quest log |
CQuestWatchItem | The quest watch item class is used internally by the QuestLog class to manage Lua observers on quest states |
►CQuestLogWindow | This is the abstract base class for quest log windows |
CQuestInfo | |
CQuestLogWindowHotkey | |
CQuestPicker | |
CQuestPopupAttribute | |
CQuestPopupDrawer | |
CQuestStateAttribute | |
CQuestStateDispatcher | Add this to the Dialogue Manager to allow it to dispatch quest state updates to QuestStateListener components on other GameObjects |
CQuestStateDrawer | This custom property drawer for the QuestState enum shows the states in lowercase so they match Lua |
CQuestStateIndicator | Associates GameObjects (e.g., world space canvas elements) with indicator levels |
►CQuestStateListener | Add this to a GameObject such as an NPC that wants to know about quest state changes to a specific quest |
CQuestEntryStateIndicatorLevel | |
CQuestStateIndicatorLevel | |
CQuestTracker | When you attach this script to the Dialogue Manager object (or a child), it will display tracked quests |
►CQuestTrigger | The quest trigger component sets a quest status when the game object receives a specified trigger event |
CSendMessageAction | |
CQuestTriggerEditor | |
CRangeTrigger | This component activates game objects and enables components when it receives OnTriggerEnter and the conditions are true, and deactivates/disables when it receives OnTriggerExit and the conditions are true |
CReferenceDatabaseDialogueEventEditor | This is a base class for most of the "On dialogue event" editors |
CRelationsInspectorLink | This class provides optional integration with Seldom Tools' RelationsInspector |
CResponse | Info about a response, which is a link from one dialogue entry to another |
►CRTVoiceActor | |
CVoicePreference | |
CRTVoiceSaveAudioFiles | Editor utility to use RT-Voice to generate and save audio files for the lines of dialogue in a dialogue database |
CSelectedResponseEventArgs | When the player selects a response, these event arguments are passed back from the dialogue UI |
►CSelector | This component implements a selector that allows the player to target and use a usable object |
CReticle | This class defines the textures and size of the targeting reticle |
CSelectorFollowTarget | This component modifies the behavior of a Selector or ProximitySelector to draw the heading and reticle on top of the selection instead an absolute screen position |
►CSendMessageOnDialogueEvent | Sends messages to game objects at the start and/or end of a dialogue event |
CSendMessageAction | |
CSendMessageOnDialogueEventEditor | |
CSequenceEditorTools | This class provides a custom drawer for Sequence fields |
CSequenceParser | Basic recursive descent parser for sequences |
CSequencer | A sequencer plays sequences of commands such as camera cuts, animation, audio, activating game objects, etc |
►CSequencerShortcuts | Registers shortcuts with the sequencer |
CShortcut | |
CSequencerShortcutsEditor | |
CSequencerTools | A static utility class for Sequencer |
CSequenceStarter | This is the base class for all sequence trigger components |
CSequenceTrigger | The sequence trigger component starts a sequence when the game object receives a specified dialogue event |
CSequenceTriggerEditor | |
►CSetActiveOnDialogueEvent | Sets game objects active or inactive at the start and/or end of a dialogue event |
CSetActiveAction | |
CSetActiveOnDialogueEventEditor | |
►CSetAnimationOnDialogueEvent | Sets an animation clip on dialogue events |
CSetAnimationAction | |
CSetAnimationOnDialogueEventEditor | |
►CSetAnimatorStateOnDialogueEvent | Sets an animator state on dialogue events |
CSetAnimatorStateAction | |
CSetAnimatorStateOnDialogueEventEditor | |
►CSetComponentEnabledOnDialogueEvent | Sets components enabled or disabled at the start and/or end of a dialogue event |
CSetComponentEnabledAction | |
CSetComponentEnabledOnDialogueEventEditor | |
►CSetEnabledOnDialogueEvent | Sets MonoBehaviours enabled or disabled at the start and/or end of a dialogue event |
CSetEnabledAction | |
CSetEnabledOnDialogueEventEditor | |
►CSetQuestStateOnDialogueEvent | Sets a quest state at the start and/or end of a dialogue event |
CSetQuestStateAction | |
CSetQuestStateOnDialogueEventEditor | |
CShowCursorOnConversation | Shows the mouse cursor during conversations |
CSimpleController | This component implements a very simple third person shooter-style controller |
CSmoothCameraWithBumper | |
►CStartConversationOnDialogueEvent | Starts a conversation at the start and/or end of a dialogue event |
CConversationAction | |
CStartConversationOnDialogueEventEditor | |
►CStartSequenceOnDialogueEvent | Starts a sequence at the start and/or end of a dialogue event |
CSequenceAction | The parameters for a sequence action |
CStartSequenceOnDialogueEventEditor | |
CStopConversationIfTooFar | Stops a conversation if the distance between the participants exceeds a specified maximum |
CSubtitle | Info about a line of dialogue |
CSymbolExtensions | |
CTemplate | This class defines the template that the Dialogue Database Editor will use when creating new dialogue database assets such as actors and conversations |
CTemplateTools | |
CTextlessBarkUI | A textless implementation of IBarkUI |
CToggleTools | A static utility class to work with toggle values |
CTools | A static class of general purpose functions used by the dialogue system |
CUIAnimationTransitions | |
CUIButtonKeyTrigger | This script adds a key or button trigger to a UIButton |
CUIShowHideController | |
CUITools | |
CUniqueIDWindow | |
CUniqueIDWindowPrefs | This class manages the Unique ID Window prefs |
CUnityUIAlertControls | Controls for UnityUIDialogueUI's alert message |
CUnityUIBarkSubtitleDialogueUI | This is a variation of UnityUIDialogueUI that uses the speaker's bark UI for subtitles |
►CUnityUIBarkUI | Implements IBarkUI using the new Unity UI |
CAnimationTransitions | |
CUnityUIColorText | This script provides methods to change a Text element's color |
CUnityUIContinueButtonFastForward | This script replaces the normal continue button functionality with a two-stage process |
CUnityUIDialogueControls | Contains all dialogue (conversation) controls for a Unity UI Dialogue UI |
CUnityUIDialogueUI | This component implements IDialogueUI using Unity UI |
CUnityUIIgnorePauseCodes | This component strips RPGMaker-style pause codes from a text component when enabled |
CUnityUIQTEControls | Unity UI Quick Time Event (QTE) indicator controls |
CUnityUIQuestGroupTemplate | This component hooks up the elements of a Unity UI quest group template |
►CUnityUIQuestLogWindow | This is an implementation of the abstract QuestLogWindow class for the Unity UI |
CAnimationTransitions | |
CUnityUIQuestTemplate | This component hooks up the elements of a Unity UI quest template |
CUnityUIQuestTemplateAlternateDescriptions | |
CUnityUIQuestTitle | This holds a quest title |
CUnityUIQuestTracker | When you attach this script to the Dialogue Manager object (or a child), it will display tracked quests using the new Unity UI |
CUnityUIQuestTrackTemplate | This component hooks up the elements of a Unity UI quest track template, which is used by the Unity UI Quest Tracker |
CUnityUIResponseButton | A Unity UI response button for use with UnityUIDialogueControls |
►CUnityUIResponseMenuControls | Response menu controls for UnityUIDialogueUI |
CAutonumberSettings | |
CUnityUIRoot | Unity UI UIRoot wrapper for AbstractUIRoot |
CUnityUIScrollbarEnabler | Enables a scrollbar only if the content is larger than the container |
►CUnityUISelectorDisplay | Replaces the Selector/ProximitySelector's OnGUI method with a method that enables or disables new Unity UI controls |
CAnimationTransitions | |
CUnityUISelectorElements | Optional component to provide references to selector UI elements |
CUnityUISubtitleControls | Subtitle Unity UI controls for UnityUIDialogueUI |
CUnityUITextFieldUI | Unity UI text field UI implementation |
CUnityUITimer | Basic slider-based timer for response menus |
►CUnityUITypewriterEffect | This is a typewriter effect for Unity UI |
CAutoScrollSettings | |
CUpdateLocalizedUITexts | This script provides a facility to update the localized text of all localized Text elements |
CUsable | This component indicates that the game object is usable |
CUsableUnityEvent | UnityEvent that has a Usable parameter |
►CUsableUnityUI | Replaces the Selector/ProximitySelector's OnGUI method with a method that enables or disables new Unity UI controls |
CAnimationTransitions | |
CUseAnimatedPortraits | Add this to the Dialogue Manager to support animated portraits in Unity UI Dialogue UIs |
CVariable | A user variable asset |
CVariablePicker | |
CVariablePopupAttribute | |
CVariablePopupDrawer | |
CVoiceoverScriptExporter | This part of the Dialogue Editor window contains the voiceover script export code |
CWelcomeWindow | This is the Dialogue System welcome window |
▼NRog | |
CAI_Pause | The PauseGameOnConversation script uses this script to pause the game |
▼NSlate | |
►NActionClips | |
►NDialogueSystem | |
CBark | |
CLua | |
CSetQuestState | |
CShowAlert | |
CStartConversation | |
CStopConversation | |
CDialogueActorScript | This Rog Actor Script sends "OnUse" to the actor when the player enters an adjacent square |