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PixelCrushers.QuestMachine.Wrappers.QuestGiver Class Reference

This wrapper class keeps references intact if you switch between the compiled assembly and source code versions of the original class. More...

Inheritance diagram for PixelCrushers.QuestMachine.Wrappers.QuestGiver:
Collaboration diagram for PixelCrushers.QuestMachine.Wrappers.QuestGiver:

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from PixelCrushers.QuestMachine.QuestGiver
override void Reset ()
override void Awake ()
override void OnEnable ()
override void OnDisable ()
override void Start ()
override void OnDestroy ()
override void ResetToOriginalState ()
 Resets quest giver's quest list to its original list.
override void DeleteQuest (StringField questID)
 Deletes a quest from this quest giver's list.
override Quest AddQuest (Quest quest)
 Adds a quest to this quest giver's list.
virtual bool HasOfferableOrActiveQuest ()
virtual List< QuestGetOfferableQuests ()
 Returns the list of quests that this quest giver can currently offer.
virtual List< QuestGetActiveQuests ()
 Returns the list of quests that this quest giver has given player that.
virtual bool HasOfferableOrActiveQuest (GameObject player)
virtual List< QuestGetOfferableQuests (GameObject player)
 Returns the list of quests that this quest giver can currently offer.
virtual List< QuestGetActiveQuests (GameObject player)
 Returns the list of quests that this quest giver has given player that.
virtual void RecordQuestsByState ()
 Records the current offerable and player-assigned quests in the runtime lists.
virtual GameObject FindPlayerJournalGameObject ()
 Looks for a GameObject tagged Player that has a QuestListContainer.
virtual GameObject FindPlayerGameObject ()
 Looks for a GameObject tagged Player that has a QuestListContainer.
virtual void StartDialogueWithPlayer ()
 Starts dialogue with the first GameObject in the scene that's tagged as "Player".
virtual void StartDialogue (GameObject player)
 Starts dialogue with the player.
virtual void SetupPlayerDialogueInfo ()
virtual void StartSpecifiedQuestDialogueWithPlayer (string questID)
virtual void StartSpecifiedQuestDialogue (GameObject player, string questID)
virtual void StopDialogue ()
 Stops dialogue with the player.
virtual void ShowQuestList ()
virtual void GiveQuestToQuester (Quest quest, QuestParticipantTextInfo questerTextInfo, QuestListContainer questerQuestListContainer)
 Adds an instance of a quest to a quester's list.
virtual void GiveQuestToQuester (Quest quest, QuestListContainer questerQuestListContainer)
 Adds an instance of a quest to a quester's list.
virtual void GiveQuestToQuester (Quest quest, string questerID)
 Adds an instance of a quest to a quester's list.
virtual void GiveQuestToQuester (Quest quest, StringField questerID)
 Adds an instance of a quest to a quester's list.
virtual void GiveAllQuestsToQuester (QuestListContainer questerQuestListContainer)
 Gives all quests to a quester.
virtual void GiveAllQuestsToQuester (string questerID)
 Gives all quests to a quester.
virtual void GiveAllQuestsToQuester (StringField questerID)
 Gives all quests to a quester.
virtual void GiveAllQuestsToQuester (GameObject quester)
 Gives all quests to a quester.
- Public Member Functions inherited from PixelCrushers.QuestMachine.QuestListContainer
override void Reset ()
override void Awake ()
override void Start ()
override void OnDestroy ()
void DestroyQuestInstances ()
virtual void AddQuests (List< Quest > listToAdd)
 Adds a list of quests to the quest giver's quest list and runs their runtime startup.
virtual void AddQuests (List< Quest > listToAdd, bool delayStartup)
 Adds a list of quests to the quest giver's quest list and runs their runtime startup.
virtual Quest AddQuest (Quest quest, bool delayStartup)
 Adds a quest to the quest giver's quest list and optionally runs its runtime startup immediately or waits until the end of frame to allow other quests to be added to their respective quest lists in case a quest's offer conditions reference the state of another quest.
virtual Quest FindQuest (string questID)
virtual Quest FindQuest (StringField questID)
virtual bool ContainsQuest (string questID)
virtual bool ContainsQuest (StringField questID)
virtual void DeleteQuest (Quest quest)
virtual void RegisterForQuestEvents (Quest quest)
virtual void UnregisterForQuestEvents (Quest quest)
virtual void OnMessage (MessageArgs messageArgs)
 Handles a message that the message handler is listening for.
virtual void OnQuestBecameOfferable (Quest quest)
virtual void OnQuestStateChanged (Quest quest)
virtual void OnQuestNodeStateChanged (QuestNode questNode)
override string RecordData ()
override void ApplyData (string data)
override void OnRestartGame ()
 The Save System will call this method when restarting the game.
- Public Member Functions inherited from PixelCrushers.Saver
string RecordData ()
 This method should return a string that represents the data you want to save.
void ApplyData (string s)
 This method should process the string representation of saved data and apply it to the current state of the game.
virtual void ApplyDataImmediate ()
 If the Saver needs to pull data from the Save System immediately after loading a scene, instead of waiting for ApplyData to be called at it its normal time, it can implement this method.
virtual void OnBeforeSceneChange ()
 The Save System will call this method before scene changes.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from PixelCrushers.QuestMachine.QuestGiver
static string GetDisplayName (QuestGiver questGiver)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from PixelCrushers.QuestMachine.QuestGiver
void RestartCooldownCheckInvokeRepeating ()
void BackfillInfoFromEntityType ()
 If UI info is unassigned, get it from the quest giver's QuestEntity if present.
void DeleteUnavailableQuests ()
 Deletes quests whose maxTimes have been reached.
void AssignGiverIDToQuests ()
virtual void RecordQuestsByState (GameObject player)
virtual void RecordRelevantPlayerQuests ()
 Records quests in the player's QuestList that were given by this quest giver or active quests for which this quest giver has dialogue content.
virtual void RemoveQuestsWithNoDialogue (QuestState questState)
virtual void RemoveCompletedQuestsWithNoDialogue ()
 Removes completed quests that have no dialogue to offer.
virtual void RecordOfferableQuests ()
 Records which quests are offerable or not in the runtime lists.
virtual bool PlayerHasSuccessfullyCompleted (StringField questID)
virtual bool IsDoingSimilarGeneratedQuest (Quest quest, QuestListContainer playerQuestListContainer)
virtual void StartMostRelevantDialogue ()
virtual void ShowNoQuestsToDiscuss ()
virtual void ShowOfferConditionsUnmet ()
virtual void ShowOfferConditionsUnmet (Quest quest)
virtual void ShowOfferQuest (Quest quest)
virtual void ShowActiveQuest (Quest quest)
virtual void ShowCompletedQuest ()
virtual void ShowCompletedQuest (Quest quest)
virtual void OnSelectQuest (Quest quest)
virtual void OnAcceptQuest (Quest quest)
virtual void OnQuestBackButton (Quest quest)
virtual void OnContinueActiveQuest (Quest quest)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from PixelCrushers.QuestMachine.QuestListContainer
void InstantiateQuestAssets ()
 Instantiates copies of quest assets into the runtime quest list and enables their autostart and offer condition checking.
IEnumerator RuntimeStartupAtEndOfFrame ()
IEnumerator SetIsLoadingGameFalseAfter2Frames ()
- Protected Attributes inherited from PixelCrushers.QuestMachine.QuestGiver
string overrideQuestIDToShowInDialogue = string.Empty
 When starting dialogue, show this quest instead of the most relevant quest.
- Protected Attributes inherited from PixelCrushers.QuestMachine.IdentifiableQuestListContainer
StringField m_id = new StringField()
StringField m_displayName = new StringField()
Sprite m_image
- Protected Attributes inherited from PixelCrushers.QuestMachine.QuestListContainer
Coroutine m_delayedStartupCoroutine = null
 This coroutine runs when delaying quest runtime startup until the end of frame.
List< Questm_runtimeStartupQueue = new List<Quest>()
 The delayed startup coroutine should do runtime startup for quests in this list.
- Protected Attributes inherited from PixelCrushers.Saver
string m_runtimeKey = null
- Properties inherited from PixelCrushers.QuestMachine.QuestGiver
TextTable textTable [get, set]
 The text table to use for tags.
BasicUIContent noQuestsUIContents [get, set]
 The UI content to show when the quest giver has no quests to offer.
BasicUIContent offerableQuestsUIContents [get, set]
 The UI content to show when the quest giver has more than one quest to offer.
BasicUIContent activeQuestsUIContents [get, set]
 The UI content to show when the quest giver has more than one active quest.
CompletedQuestDialogueMode completedQuestDialogueMode [get, set]
 What to show in dialogue when quest givers only have completed quests.
IQuestDialogueUI questDialogueUI [get, set]
 The QuestDialogueUI to use when conversing with the player.
float cooldownCheckFrequency [get, set]
 Frequency in seconds at which to check quest cooldowns in case a quest becomes offerable again and should update the indicator UI.
List< QuestnonOfferableQuests [get, set]
List< QuestofferableQuests [get, set]
List< QuestactiveQuests [get, set]
List< QuestcompletedQuests [get, set]
GameObject player [get, set]
QuestParticipantTextInfo playerTextInfo [get, set]
bool allowBackButton [get, set]
QuestListContainer playerQuestListContainer [get, set]
QuestParticipantTextInfo myQuestGiverTextInfo [get]
- Properties inherited from PixelCrushers.QuestMachine.IdentifiableQuestListContainer
bool hasInternallyAssignedID [get]
bool hasInternallyAssignedDisplayName [get]
StringField id [get, set]
 The ID that uniquely identifies this quest list container.
StringField displayName [get, set]
 The name shown in UIs.
Sprite image [get, set]
 The image shown in UIs.
QuestEntity questEntity [get]
- Properties inherited from PixelCrushers.QuestMachine.QuestListContainer
bool forwardEventsToListeners [get, set]
 Forward quest state events to listeners that have registered to events such as questBecameOfferable, questStateChanged, and questNodeStateChanged.
bool includeInSavedGameData [get, set]
 Include in saved game data, which is used for saved games and scene persistence.
bool addNewQuestsSinceSavedGame [get, set]
 If quests were added after game was saved, add them to quest list when loading saved game.
List< QuestquestList [get, protected set]
 Quest assets.
List< string > deletedStaticQuests [get, protected set]
 IDs of static quests that have been deleted and shouldn't be instantiated.
List< QuestoriginalQuestList [get, set]
 The original design-time quest list.
- Properties inherited from PixelCrushers.Saver
bool appendSaverTypeToKey [get, set]
 Append the name of this saver type to the key.
virtual string key [get, set]
 Save data under this key.
string _internalKeyValue [get, set]
 Accesses the internal key value.
virtual bool saveAcrossSceneChanges [get, set]
 Save when changing scenes to be able to restore saved state when returning to scene.
virtual bool restoreStateOnStart [get, set]
- Properties inherited from PixelCrushers.QuestMachine.IQuestMachineID
- Events inherited from PixelCrushers.QuestMachine.QuestListContainer
QuestParameterDelegate questAdded = delegate { }
 Raised when a quest is added to the list.
QuestParameterDelegate questRemoved = delegate { }
 Raised when a quest is removed from the list.
QuestParameterDelegate questBecameOfferable = delegate { }
 Raised when a quest in the list becomes offerable.
QuestParameterDelegate questStateChanged = delegate { }
 Raised when the state of a quest in the list changes.
QuestNodeParameterDelegate questNodeStateChanged = delegate { }
 Raised when the state of a quest node in a quest in the list changes.

Detailed Description

This wrapper class keeps references intact if you switch between the compiled assembly and source code versions of the original class.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: