Action-RPG Starter Kit Support

This page describes how to set up the Dialogue System with Action-RPG Starter Kit and how to use them together. (Action-RPG Starter Kit is required.)

Action-RPG Starter Kit copyright © Hitbear Studio.

Action-RPG Starter Kit Setup

Follow these steps to set up the Dialogue System with Action-RPG Starter Kit.

Import and Setup Files

Import the package Assets ► Plugins ► Pixel Crushers ► Dialogue System ► Third Party Support ► Action-RPG Starter Kit Support. This will unpack files into the folder Assets ► Pixel Crushers ► Dialogue System ► Third Party Support ► Action-RPG Starter Kit Support.

Setup Dialogue Manager

In the first scene that will spawn the PC or will involve the Dialogue System, add a Dialogue Manager.

  • Select the Dialogue Manager GameObject and add an ARPG Bridge component (Component → Pixel Crushers → Dialogue System → Third Party → Action-RPG Starter Kit → ARPG Bridge). This component handles data exchange between ARPG and the Dialogue System.
  • Set up the Save System. Make sure to tick the Dialogue System Saver component's Save Across Scene Changes checkbox.

Setup Player Prefab

Most of the setup is done in the player prefab, which is the prefab that's spawned by Player Spawnpoint. You may want to make a copy of an existing ARPG prefab and customize it.

Select the player prefab. Then select menu item Tools → Pixel Crushers → Dialogue System → Third Party → Action-RPG Starter Kit → Setup Player Prefab.

This will add several components to your player prefab. Afterward, you will need to customize these components:

  • DS Save Load: Set the GUI Skin to use for the save/load menu, and optionally assign a Quest Log Window GameObject. If you don't want Escape to show a save load menu, untick the Menu Enabled checkbox. Your player prefab should still have this component, however, to work with the Save System.
  • Set Animation On Dialogue Event: (If player uses legacy animation) Set the player's idle animation. This animation will play when the player enters a conversation.
  • Set Animator State On Dialogue Event: (If player uses Mecanim) Set the player's idle animation. This animator state will play when the player enters a conversation.

Finally, point Player Spawnpoint (in your scene) to your prefab.

You will also need to Setup Death Body Prefab.

Setup Death Body Prefab

On the player prefab's StatusC component, examine the prefab assigned to Death Body. (In the example scene, the prefab is HeroineDeathC DS.) Replace the death body prefab's GameOverC component with the Dialogue System version, DS GameOverC, and assign your player prefab to the Player property.

Setup NPCs

On your NPCs, add these components:

  • A collider with Is Trigger ticked.
  • Usable: Marks the NPC as usable by the player's Proximity Selector.
  • Conversation Trigger or Dialogue System Trigger: Set to OnTriggerEnter.
  • Disable Check Key: Add to merchants to prevent ARPG's ShopC from triggering when the player enters the trigger area.
  • ShopC: Add this if your NPC has a shop.

Setup Scene-Change Teleporters

Vanilla Action-RPG projects use TeleporterC to change scenes. With the Dialogue System, use DS Teleporter instead.

For a new teleporter, select menu item Component → Pixel Crushers → Dialogue System → Third Party → Action-RPG Starter Kit → DS Teleporter.

For existing teleporters:

  1. Add a DS Teleporter component and configure it with the map and spawn point name.
  2. Remove the Event Settings components, Event Activator, and Teleporter C if present.

By default, a teleporter activates when the player enters its trigger collider. If you change Activation Method to OnUse, it will activate when the player presses the Proximity Selector's "Use" key ("E" by default). In this case, add a Usable component to the teleporter to make it usable.

Example Scene

The Example folder contains example scenes.

To play, add these scenes to build settings:

  • Action-RPG Starter Kit Example
  • SpiderCavern DS

Then play Action-RPG Starter Kit Example.

In front of the player is an NPC titled "Dialogue". You can run up to the NPC and press E to talk.

The NPC's conversation demonstrates how to access ARPG data (such as player health), add and remove items, manage quests, and open the NPC's shop. You don't have to add quests and a shop to every NPC. This example NPC just has everything so it can demonstrate how they all work together.

The example scene uses the Dialogue System's quest system. At this time, the quest systems provided by ARPG and the Dialogue System are not integrated together. We suggest you choose one quest system – for example, the Dialogue System's quest system (see Quests) – and design all quests with that system and its associated UI elements.

The player's DS Save Load component works on top of ARPG's SaveLoadC component. It acts as a Save System saver for player data. It also presents a simple menu where you can access the quest log and save, load, and quit your game. You can disable this menu by unticking Menu Enabled.

The DS Save Load component has a "Quit to Title" menu option. Due to the way ARPG handles cursors, this option leaves the cursor hidden when returning to the title scene. Add a Set Cursor On Start component to your title scene to work around this issue.

The NPC's quest requires the player to kill two goblins. The goblins have Increment On Destroy components that increment a variable in the dialogue database to keep track of how many the player has killed.

The example scene has one teleporter to the a customized SpiderDungeon DS scene. The teleporter uses a Dialogue System Trigger that runs the ARPGLoadLevel() sequencer command (see Sequencer Commands below). To keep the package smaller, it doesn't include a modified copy of the SpiderDungeon scene, so teleporting back to the example scene won't use the Dialogue System.

Lua Data & Functions

Lua Data

During conversations, you can read and write the following Lua fields in your dialogue entry Scripts and Conditions:

Variable Description
Actor["Player"].level The player's current level
Actor["Player"].atk The player's current attack value
Actor["Player"].def The player's current defense value
Actor["Player"].matk The player's current magic attack value
Actor["Player"].mdef The player's current magic defense value
Actor["Player"].exp The player's current experience
Actor["Player"].maxExp The player's max experience
Actor["Player"].health The player's current health
Actor["Player"].maxHealth The player's max health
Actor["Player"].mana The player's current mana
Actor["Player"].maxMana The player's max mana
Actor["Player"].statusPoint The player's status points
Actor["Player"].cash The player's current cash
Actor["Player"].Item# The item ID number associated with item slot # (0-15)
Actor["Player"].ItemQty# The quantity of these items in item slot # (0-15)
Actor["Player"].Equipm# The item ID number associated with equipment slot # (0-7)
Actor["Player"].WeaEquip The item ID of the currently-equipped weapon
Actor["Player"].ArmoEquip The item ID of the currently-equipped armor
Actor["Player"].Skill# The skill associated with skill slot # (0-2)
Actor["Player"].SkillList# The skill value associated with skill list slot # (0-8)

For example, if the player is talking with an NPC, and the NPC decides to fully heal the player, you could add this to the dialogue entry's Script field:

Actor["Player"].health = Actor["Player"].maxHealth

If your player is named something different in the dialogue database, replace "Player" with the name in the database.

These values are copied into the Dialogue System's Lua environment at the start of the conversation, and are copied back to ARPG at the end of the conversation. If you need the values to take effect in ARPG immediately, use the Lua functions listed below.

Lua Functions

During conversations, you can use these Lua functions in your dialogue entry Scripts and Conditions:

Function Returns Description
SetPlayerLevel(#) (nothing) Sets the player's current level
SetPlayerAtk(#) (nothing) Sets the player's current attack value
SetPlayerDef(#) (nothing) Sets the player's current defense value
SetPlayerMAtk(#) (nothing) Sets the player's current magic attack value
SetPlayerMDef(#) (nothing) Sets the player's current magic defense value
SetPlayerExp(#) (nothing) Sets the player's current experience
AdjustPlayerExp(#) (nothing) Increments the player's current experience (e.g., AdjustPlayerExp(50) to grant 50 experience)
SetPlayerMaxExp(#) (nothing) Sets the player's max experience
SetPlayerHealth(#) (nothing) Sets the player's current health
SetPlayerMaxHealth(#) (nothing) Sets the player's max health
SetPlayerMana(#) (nothing) Sets the player's current mana
SetPlayerMaxMana(#) (nothing) Sets the player's max mana
SetPlayerStatusPoint(#) (nothing) Sets the player's status points
GetItemCount(id) Number Returns the number of items with the specified item ID. Item IDs are defined in ARPG item prefab ItemC components
AddItem(id, quantity) (nothing) Gives the player a quantity of items with the specified item ID
RemoveItem(id, quantity) (nothing) Removes a quantity of items from the player
HasEquipment(id) Boolean Returns true if the player has an equipment item; otherwise false
AddEquipment(id) (nothing) Gives the player an equipment item
RemoveEquipment(id) (nothing) Removes an equipment item from the player, even if it's currently equipped

Sequencer Commands

You can use the following sequencer commands in your dialogue entries' Sequence fields to interface with ARPG.


Syntax: ARPGAdjustHealth(subject, amount, element)

Description: Adjusts the health of any character that has an ARPG StatusC component.


  • subject: The name of a GameObject (usually an NPC) that has a StatusC component. You can also use 'this' or 'speaker' for the speaker, or 'listener' for the listener. Default: speaker
  • amount: The amount of health to add. This can be negative to remove health. Default: 99999
  • element: The element type causing the damage or healing. Default: 0 (none)


  • ARPGAdjustHealth() (Heal the speaker for 99999 points)
  • ARPGAdjustHealth(Lord Voldemort, -125, 1) (Inflict 125 damage of element type #1 on the GameObject named "Lord Voldemort")



Description: Opens the shop of any character that has an ARPG ShopC component.


  • subject: The name of a GameObject (usually an NPC) that has an ARPG ShopC component. Default: speaker


  • ARPGOpenShop(listener) (Open the shop of the dialogue entry's listener)


Syntax:ARPGLoadLevel(levelName, spawnPointName)

Description: This is a variation of the LoadLevel() sequencer command that works with ARPG. This command changes levels with full Dialogue System data persistence.


  • levelName: The level to change to.
  • spawnPointName: The name of the GameObject in the new level at which to spawn the player.


  • ARPGLoadLevel(Scene2, Spawn From Scene1) (Teleport to "Spawn From Scene1" in the level "Scene2")

More info: Cutscene Sequences

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