Editor slow down after use

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Swing Wren
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Editor slow down after use

Post by Swing Wren »

I'm having an issue where the dialogue system slows down the whole the unity editor after using it (cannot determine what causes it specifically), when it happens even selecting one node in the dialogue editor takes around 3-4 seconds. To recover from it I have to restart the unity editor then It works again.

There is any tracked issue that can cause this? Is a 4mb database too much?
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Tony Li
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Re: Editor slow down after use

Post by Tony Li »


4 mb shouldn't be too big, but it could be an issue with Unity. What Unity version are you using?

In the Dialogue Editor's Database section > Editor Settings subsection, make sure the "Fast Undo For Large Databases" checkbox is ticked.

If that doesn't help, you can use multiple smaller databases. See: Working With Multiple Databases
Swing Wren
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Re: Editor slow down after use

Post by Swing Wren »

Hi back, thanks for the quick response

I'm using unity 2023.1.14f1, fast undo is on in all databases I have, currently I would prefer not to split them even more unless I know why the slowdown happens and how to avoid it.
There is any way for me to profile the unity editor code to see what its slowing it down?
I suspect there is some process that has some leak as it only happens after working for a while but unsure why :(

Managed to profile, maybe this is useful? Can provide more info if needed
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Tony Li
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Re: Editor slow down after use

Post by Tony Li »

It looks like it's on the Unity editor side, managing its GUI skins internally. However, there may be some things you can do to help bypass the performance issues. If any messages appear in the Console while you're editing, especially if they spam the Console with every action, let me know. Try also turning off any custom drawing methods or any Menu > Show options.
Swing Wren
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Re: Editor slow down after use

Post by Swing Wren »

Thanks for the tips

No console errors shown, no custom drawing methods and all show options turned off but the issue persists with no noticeable improvement. As this is a unity issue there is any alternate way/tool to edit the dialogues outside unity?

Let me know If I can help in some way to solve this.
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Tony Li
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Re: Editor slow down after use

Post by Tony Li »


Yes, you can use articy:draft, Arcweave, Celtx Gem, Yarn Spinner 2, or any other supported external editor. (See Import & Export)

Or use a couple of smaller databases.

Or you could try upgrading or downgrading Unity versions. Back up your project before doing that. A 4 MB database shouldn't be an issue.
Swing Wren
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Re: Editor slow down after use

Post by Swing Wren »


Ow I meant without Exporting/Importing sorry, We do that for bigger edits but for smaller ones its too much of a hassle.

I'll leave doing database splits as a last resort as I foresee issues having too many databases to manage and to find things.

Downgrading its not an option for us so upgrading it is.

I'll update if I manage to solve the issue.

Thanks for the help!

Stats of the database if it helps:
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Tony Li
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Re: Editor slow down after use

Post by Tony Li »


That's not a large database. The whole database contains only 609 dialogue entries. At least one dev here has a single conversation that's over 1000 dialogue entries. But he's using an older Unity version.

If updating Unity doesn't help, feel free to send me a copy of the dialogue database. I can do some performance testing on the latest Unity 2023 using it.
Swing Wren
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Re: Editor slow down after use

Post by Swing Wren »


I've got good and bad news updating updating to unity 2023.2.1f1 removes the slowdown problems.(I suspect related as how unity UI changed). But I can get a new one that makes all the dialogues disappear (when selecting dialogue appears empty) and a general editor slowdown after I go nuts moving big dialogues. If I have some more time I'll send a demo database.

Hope you have a nice day
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Tony Li
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Re: Editor slow down after use

Post by Tony Li »

Regarding the dialogue disappearing, are you using DS version 2.2.42 or newer?
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