watch windows (intro)

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watch windows (intro)

Post by Roncin »

What is the syntax for using the watch windows?
I am assuming it's for evaluating sequences or condition, but I would like to read the documentation.

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Tony Li
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Re: watch windows (intro)

Post by Tony Li »

Hi Andrew,

Using the menu in the upper right of the Watches window, you can add a variable or a watch.

When you add a variable, just select the variable from the dropdown menu.

When you add a watch, enter any Lua expression you want, such as:

Code: Select all


Code: Select all

(Actor["Player"].Age < 21) and (Variable["Ordered_Beer"] == true)
or even:

Code: Select all

673 + 549
if you're as lazy as me and don't want to switch over to a calculator app to add a couple numbers. :-)

The documentation is a bit thin, but here it is.
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