Dialogue Editor Watches Tab

The Watches tab replaces the Templates tab at runtime. It allows you to see the value of Lua variables and other Lua expressions, and to directly enter and run Lua code.

The Watches tab is only available at runtime. At design-time, it's replaced by the Dialogue Editor Templates Tab.

Watches Menu

The menu in the upper right provides these options:

Menu Item Description
Add Watch Show the value of a Lua expression
Add Variable Show the value of a Lua variable
Reset Clear the watches

If you select Add Watch, a new field will be added where you can enter a Lua expression. You don't need to put return in front of the expression.

If you select Add Variable, a new watch will be added with a pop-up menu where you can select the variable you want to watch.

About Watches

To update a watch immediately, click Update.

To delete a watch, click the '-' button to its right.

To auto-update the watches on a specified frequency, tick Auto-Update and set the frequency.

How to Run Lua Code

You can enter arbitrary Lua code at the bottom of the window. Click the Run button to run it. You can do this, for example, to manually update a quest state so you can test another part of a conversation.

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