Answers to Questions from a YouTube Comment

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Tony Li
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Answers to Questions from a YouTube Comment

Post by Tony Li »

YouTube user "Life goes on" asked a list of questions on YouTube. Here are the answers:
1) How can i add voice to conversation? Two character speaking and i want to add two voice for them.
Use the Sequence field and/or the Dialogue Manager's Default Sequence. In particular, put your voice audio files in a Resources folder or assetbundle, and use AudioWait() sequencer commands to play them.
More info:
2) How can i make smaller the UI? İt's cover the screen mostly
Choose a UI prefab from Plugins/Pixel Crushers/Dialogue System/Prefabs/Standard UI Prefabs, or make your own. Add it to the Dialogue Manager's Canvas GameObject. Then assign it to the Dialogue Manager's Dialogue UI field. Now you can edit it in the Scene view and change the layout however you want. This includes making it smaller, moving elements around, and changing fonts and images. More info: Dialogue UI Tutorial
3) İ can start to conversation with spacebar but İ want to start to conversation with middle button of mouse, how can i change it?
If you're using the Selector or Proximity Selector component, set the Use Button. You may want to select menu item Edit > Project Settings > Input. Then define a new input named "Use". Set its Positive Button to "mouse button 2" without quotes. Set the Use Button field to "Use" (without quotes).
4) The other character is talking as NPC in the UI. But I want his name to appear instead of "NPC"
In the Dialogue Editor's Actors section, change the NPC actor's Name.
5) When i don't close the conversation UI, it's continue to appear in the next scene, how can i fix that?
Allow the conversation to close before going to the next scene. Normally a conversation will close when it reaches the end of the dialogue entry nodes. If you need to close it early, use this C# code:

Code: Select all

If you don't want to write code, you can hook up a UnityEvent to the Dialogue Manager's DialogueSystemController.StopConversation method in the inspector.
6) I want to have a one-man talk. For example, there will be a trigger and when we press the trigger the character that we manage will talk to itself. İ mean will react. How can i do that?
Assign all dialogue entry nodes to the same character. Inspect the Dialogue Manager GameObject. Untick Input Settings > Always Force Response Menu.
7) How can i add picture of my character? instead of white square.
In the Dialogue Editor's Actors section, add an image to the Portrait Sprites section.
8) İ can pass the conversation with mouse but ı dont want to use mouse how can i change it?
Inspect the Dialogue Manager's Input Device Manager. Tick Always Auto Focus. This will let you use the keyboard or joystick to navigate the response menu. More info.
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