Documentation talks about a missing component

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Documentation talks about a missing component

Post by nRedux »

In the documentation which describes cinemachine integration, it references " Cinemachine Priority On Dialogue Event" and It talks about the Cinemachine and Timeline example scene as a place to check it out. That component doesn't exist for me and the objects in question which should probably be demonstrating it's use have components with missing script references "The associated script can not be selected...".

Can you explain what's going on here? I want to use timeline/Cinemachine to control camera motion instead of the built int sequencer camera logic.
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Tony Li
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Re: Documentation talks about a missing component

Post by Tony Li »


For Timeline, you don't have to take any special steps.

For Cinemachine, you need to import the Cinemachine Support package. You can read more about Cinemachine support here: ... chine.html
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Re: Documentation talks about a missing component

Post by nRedux »

Thanks for that. The next question would be about how the dialog system tries to find object by name. CimemachinePriority(Some_Camera) for example tries to set a virtualcamera on a gameobject named Some_Camera to priority 999 as best as I understand. Where does it look for that game object? It doesn't look globally as best as I can tell, so I assume it's expecting it to exist under some special root hierarchy it's aware of? Thanks in advance.

[edit] Perhaps it seeks for things like this below the Dialogue Manager? Is there any way to provide the system with a different search space?
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Tony Li
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Re: Documentation talks about a missing component

Post by Tony Li »


It searches globally, including inactive objects as long as those inactive objects have an active parent. But the name has to match exactly, so "Some_Camera" is different from "Some Camera" or "some_camera".
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