Cinemachine Support

The Dialogue System supports Cinemachine in Unity 2017+.

Cinemachine is designed to pair well with Timeline Support.


To set up Cinemachine support, import Cinemachine. Then import Third Party Support / Cinemachine Support.unitypackage.

Example Scene

To play an example scene that uses Cinemachine, import the unitypackage Assets / Dialogue System / Examples / Cinemachine and Timeline. This will add an example scene in a subfolder named Cinemachine and Timeline Example.

The player's camera is controlled by Cinemachine.

The NPCs Private Hart and Dead Guard demonstrate how to use the Cinemachine Priority On Dialogue Event component to ease into conversation-specific virtual cameras.

Trigger Component

The Cinemachine Priority On Dialogue Event sets the priority of a Cinemachine Virtual Camera when a dialogue event occurs.

Sequencer Command

The CinemachinePriority() sequencer command sets the priority of a Cinemachine Virtual Camera in a sequence. You can use this to control camera motion in the sequence.

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