1. Open the Welcome Window. Make sure the TMP_PRESENT checkbox is still ticked.
2. Inspect your dialogue UI. Make sure the subtitle panels' Subtitle Text fields are still assigned.
3. Make sure the correct dialogue UI is assigned to the Dialogue Manager's Display Settings > Dialogue UI field.
4. Test the scene.
4. If it still doesn't work, temporarily set the Dialogue Manager's Other Settings > Debug Level to Info. Then reproduce the issue. If you see lines in the Console like "Dialogue System: (Actor) says: 'Hey Sai, another checkup?'" then the conversation is working but the issue is with the dialogue UI.
2 - See attachment - when I try and drag the GameObjects into Portrait name or text into this box it doesn't take. do I just use a prefab from the list?
Screenshot 2024-11-06 at 11.20.42.png (108.29 KiB) Viewed 558 times
It's a UI problem. When you enable TMP_PRESENT and the project is able to compile, the Subtitle Text field should look like this, with an additional slot for TextMeshProUGUI:
You may have installed a new build platform (e.g., WebGL or iOS) and switched build platforms. When you tick the TMP_PRESENT checkbox, the Welcome Window is only able to set the TMP_PRESENT Scripting Define Symbol for platforms that are currently installed. If you install another platform after that, then the Dialogue System's TextMesh Pro support won't be enabled for it, and it will lose the Subtitle Text assignment.
I was using the Corgi Engine and then installed FEEL but later found out that I didn't need to and I had lots of conflicts. I removed feel, MMTools and MMFeedbacks and had to re-import.