No RPG kit store

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No RPG kit store

Post by terrymorgan »

The converser's store button doesn't work, rpg kit 3.13 unity 5.3.2, dialog system 1.5.9. Completely baffled by the import options for 1.6, what do I need to import?
everything is grayed out

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Unitycoding.ItemSystem.BaseItemTrigger+<DelayExecution>c__Iterator15.MoveNext () (at Assets/Unitycoding/Item System/Scripts/Runtime/Triggers/BaseItemTrigger.cs:125)
Unitycoding.ItemSystem.BaseItemTrigger:Execute() (at Assets/Unitycoding/Item System/Scripts/Runtime/Triggers/BaseItemTrigger.cs:118)
System.Reflection.MethodBase:Invoke(Object, Object[])
PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.RPGKit.RPGKitBridge:OpenShop(String) (at Assets/Dialogue System/Third Party Support/RPG Kit/Scripts/RPGKitBridge.cs:440)
System.Reflection.MethodBase:Invoke(Object, Object[])
Language.Lua.FunctionCall:Evaluate(LuaValue, LuaTable)
Language.Lua.ExprStmt:Execute(LuaTable, Boolean&)
Language.Lua.LuaInterpreter:Interpreter(String, LuaTable)
PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.Lua:RunRaw(String, Boolean, Boolean)
PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.Lua:Run(String, Boolean, Boolean)
PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.ConversationModel:GetState(DialogueEntry, Boolean, Boolean)
PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.ConversationController:OnSelectedResponse(Object, SelectedResponseEventArgs)
PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.ConversationView:OnSelectedResponse(Object, SelectedResponseEventArgs)
UnityEngine.Component:SendMessage(String, Object, SendMessageOptions)
PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.UnityUIResponseButton:OnClick() (at Assets/Dialogue System/Scripts/Supplemental/UI/Dialogue UI/UnityUIResponseButton.cs:151)
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Tony Li
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Re: No RPG kit store

Post by Tony Li »

Hi Terry,

Unity 5.3+ made the importer much more confusing.
  • Folders are gray.
  • Files that don't need to be updated don't have a checkbox.
  • Files that need to be updated have a checkbox. Unless you have a specific reason not to (such as not wanting to include the Examples stuff), they should all be ticked.
Try updating to and check the store again. From the error message, I don't think that's going to fix this issue. If it doesn't fix the issue, try setting up the same NPC as a regular RPG Kit shopkeeper (i.e., not through the Dialogue System). Once you're sure that's working, hook in the Dialogue System stuff.
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Re: No RPG kit store

Post by terrymorgan »

I did all that, there's no way to deselect an entire folder, like 'examples' has to be deleted after you import everything.
The store thing's still not working, I already have a store person from RPG kit in the scenet, so I don't really need it, wonder why yours doesn't work though.
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Tony Li
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Re: No RPG kit store

Post by Tony Li »

Does the shopkeeper (Converser) that comes with the Dialogue System's RPG Kit Support package work correctly for you?
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Re: No RPG kit store

Post by terrymorgan »

The default Converser is the one I'm talking about, I dragged it in again to see if that made any difference.
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Tony Li
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Re: No RPG kit store

Post by Tony Li »

You're right. Looks like it broke with RPG Kit 3.1.1+. I just put an updated package on the Extras page. You can download it directly here, too: RPGKit_Support_2016-04-09.unitypackage

The only file you really need to import is RPGKitBridge.cs to get the 2-line change required to handle RPG Kit 3.1.1+.
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Re: No RPG kit store

Post by terrymorgan »

Store is back, just imported the 1 script, haven't messed with the key conversation.
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Tony Li
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Re: No RPG kit store

Post by Tony Li »

terrymorgan wrote:Store is back, just imported the 1 script, haven't messed with the key conversation.
That'll work, although I do recommend updating to It has some good improvements to the Dialogue Editor and general UI stuff.
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