PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.Wrappers.SMSDialogueUI Class Reference

This wrapper class keeps references intact if you switch between the compiled assembly and source code versions of the original class. More...

Inheritance diagram for PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.Wrappers.SMSDialogueUI:
Collaboration diagram for PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.Wrappers.SMSDialogueUI:

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.SMSDialogueUI
override void OnEnable ()
override void OnDisable ()
override void Open ()
 Opens the conversation GUI.
override void Close ()
 Closes the conversation GUI.
override void ShowSubtitle (Subtitle subtitle)
 Shows the subtitle (NPC or PC) based on the character type.
override void HideSubtitle (Subtitle subtitle)
 Hides the subtitle based on its character type (PC or NPC).
override void ShowResponses (Subtitle subtitle, Response[] responses, float timeout)
 Shows the player responses menu.
override void ShowContinueButton (Subtitle subtitle)
 Shows the continue button.
override void OnContinueConversation ()
virtual void ClearContent ()
virtual void OnRecordPersistentData ()
 When saving game data, save the current actor, conversant, and dialogue entry records.
virtual void OnApplyPersistentData ()
 When loading a game, load the dialogue entry records and resume the conversation.
void ClearRecords ()
virtual void SaveConversation ()
 Saves the current conversation history to a Dialogue System variable.
virtual void ResumeConversation (string conversation=null)
 Resumes or starts a conversation.
- Public Member Functions inherited from PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.StandardDialogueUI
override void Awake ()
 Sets up the component.
void OnSceneLoaded (UnityEngine.SceneManagement.Scene scene, UnityEngine.SceneManagement.LoadSceneMode mode)
override void Open ()
 Opens the conversation GUI.
override void Close ()
 Closes the conversation GUI.
virtual bool AreAnyPanelsClosing (StandardUISubtitlePanel extraSubtitlePanel=null)
override void Update ()
 Updates this instance by hiding the alert message when it's done.
override void ShowAlert (string message, float duration)
 Shows an alert.
override void HideAllAlerts ()
 Hides the alert if it's showing.
override void ShowSubtitle (Subtitle subtitle)
 Shows the subtitle (NPC or PC) based on the character type.
override void HideSubtitle (Subtitle subtitle)
 Hides the subtitle based on its character type (PC or NPC).
virtual float GetTypewriterSpeed ()
 Returns the speed of the first typewriter effect found.
virtual void SetTypewriterSpeed (float charactersPerSecond)
 Sets the speed of all typewriter effects.
virtual void SetActorSubtitlePanelNumber (DialogueActor dialogueActor, SubtitlePanelNumber subtitlePanelNumber)
 Changes a dialogue actor's subtitle panel for the currently active conversation.
virtual void SetActorMenuPanelNumber (DialogueActor dialogueActor, MenuPanelNumber menuPanelNumber)
 Changes a dialogue actor's menu panel for the currently active conversation.
virtual void OverrideActorPanel (Actor actor, SubtitlePanelNumber subtitlePanelNumber, bool immediate=false)
virtual void ForceOverrideSubtitlePanel (StandardUISubtitlePanel customPanel)
virtual void ShowActorInPanel (Actor actor, SubtitlePanelNumber subtitlePanelNumber, StandardUISubtitlePanel customPanel=null)
 Shows an actor immediately in a subtitle panel.
override void ShowResponses (Subtitle subtitle, Response[] responses, float timeout)
 Shows the player responses menu.
override void OnClick (object data)
 Handles response button clicks.
virtual void OverrideActorMenuPanel (Transform actorTransform, MenuPanelNumber menuPanelNumber, StandardUIMenuPanel customPanel)
virtual void OverrideActorMenuPanel (Actor actor, MenuPanelNumber menuPanelNumber, StandardUIMenuPanel customPanel)
virtual void ForceOverrideMenuPanel (StandardUIMenuPanel customPanel)
- Public Member Functions inherited from PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.AbstractDialogueUI
virtual void Start ()
 Starts this instance by hiding everything.
virtual void HideAlert ()
 Hides the alert if it's showing.
virtual void HideContinueButton (Subtitle subtitle)
 Hides the continue button.
virtual void HideResponses ()
 Hides the player response menu.
virtual void ShowQTEIndicator (int index)
 Shows a QTE indicator.
virtual void HideQTEIndicator (int index)
 Hides a QTE indicator.
virtual void OnContinue ()
 Handles the continue button being clicked.
virtual void OnContinueAlert ()
virtual void SetPCPortrait (Sprite portraitSprite, string portraitName)
 Sets the PC portrait name and sprite.
virtual void SetPCPortrait (Texture2D portraitTexture, string portraitName)
virtual void SetActorPortraitSprite (string actorName, Sprite portraitSprite)
 Sets the portrait sprite for an actor.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.AbstractDialogueUI
static Sprite GetValidPortraitSprite (string actorName, Sprite portraitSprite)
 Gets a valid portrait sprite.
static Texture2D GetValidPortraitTexture (string actorName, Texture2D portraitTexture)
- Public Attributes inherited from PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.SMSDialogueUI
UnityEngine.UI.Text headingText
UnityEngine.UI.ScrollRect scrollRect
RectTransform contentPanel
RectTransform messagePanel
int maxMessages = 0
float scrollSpeed = 5f
PreDelaySettings npcPreDelaySettings = new PreDelaySettings()
PreDelaySettings pcPreDelaySettings = new PreDelaySettings()
bool useConversationVariable = false
bool dontRepeatLastSequence = false
bool disableAudioOnLastSequence = true
int[] dontLoadConversationInScenes = new int[] { 0 }
- Public Attributes inherited from PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.StandardDialogueUI
StandardUIAlertControls alertUIElements
StandardUIDialogueControls conversationUIElements
StandardUIQTEControls QTEIndicatorElements
bool addEventSystemIfNeeded = true
bool verifyPanelAssignments = true
- Static Public Attributes inherited from PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.SMSDialogueUI
static string conversationVariableOverride
- Protected Member Functions inherited from PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.SMSDialogueUI
virtual void CheckAssignments ()
void RecordCurrentScene (Scene scene, LoadSceneMode mode)
IEnumerator ShowResponsesAfterPreDelay (Subtitle subtitle, Response[] responses, float timeout)
virtual void ShowResponsesNow (Subtitle subtitle, Response[] responses, float timeout)
virtual DialogueActor GetDialogueActor (Subtitle subtitle)
virtual StandardUISubtitlePanel GetTemplate (Subtitle subtitle, DialogueActor dialogueActor)
virtual StandardUISubtitlePanel GetTemplate (Subtitle subtitle)
virtual IEnumerator AddMessageWithPreDelay (float preDelay, Subtitle subtitle)
virtual void AddMessage (Subtitle subtitle)
 Adds the subtitle as a message in the UI.
virtual T FindUIElement< T > (Transform t, string name1, string name2)
virtual void ScrollToBottom ()
virtual IEnumerator ScrollToBottomCoroutine ()
virtual void AddRecord (Subtitle subtitle)
 Records the subtitle in the history so it can be included in saved games.
virtual void DestroyInstantiatedMessages ()
virtual bool DontLoadInThisScene ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.StandardDialogueUI
virtual void CloseNow ()
virtual IEnumerator CloseAfterPanelsAreClosed ()
virtual bool IsMainPanelClosed ()
virtual IEnumerator ShowSubtitleWhenMainPanelOpen (Subtitle subtitle)
virtual void ShowSubtitleImmediate (Subtitle subtitle)
virtual IEnumerator ShowResponsesWhenMainPanelOpen (Subtitle subtitle, Response[] responses, float timeout)
virtual void ShowResponsesImmediate (Subtitle subtitle, Response[] responses, float timeout)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.AbstractDialogueUI
virtual void SetSubtitle (Subtitle subtitle, bool value)
 Sets a subtitle's content and visibility.
- Protected Attributes inherited from PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.SMSDialogueUI
List< DialogueEntryRecordrecords = new List<DialogueEntryRecord>()
List< GameObject > instantiatedMessages = new List<GameObject>()
int currentSceneIndex = -1
PreDelaySettings npcPreDelaySettingsCopy = new PreDelaySettings()
PreDelaySettings pcPreDelaySettingsCopy = new PreDelaySettings()
bool isLoadingGame = false
bool skipNextRecord = false
bool isInPreDelay = false
Coroutine scrollCoroutine = null
bool shouldShowContinueButton = false
UnityEngine.UI.Button continueButton = null
Dictionary< Transform, DialogueActordialogueActorCache = new Dictionary<Transform, DialogueActor>()
- Protected Attributes inherited from PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.StandardDialogueUI
Coroutine closeCoroutine = null
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.StandardDialogueUI
const float WaitForOpenTimeoutDuration = 8f
- Properties inherited from PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.SMSDialogueUI
string conversationVariableValue [get]
string currentConversationActor [get]
string currentConversationConversant [get]
string currentDialogueEntryRecords [get]
- Properties inherited from PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.StandardDialogueUI
override AbstractUIRoot uiRootControls [get]
override AbstractUIAlertControls alertControls [get]
override AbstractDialogueUIControls dialogueControls [get]
override AbstractUIQTEControls qteControls [get]
Queue< QueuedUIAlertalertQueue [get]
- Properties inherited from PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.AbstractDialogueUI
AbstractUIRoot uiRootControls [get]
 Gets the user interface root.
AbstractDialogueUIControls dialogueControls [get]
 Gets the dialogue controls.
AbstractUIQTEControls qteControls [get]
 Gets the QTE (Quick Time Event) indicators.
AbstractUIAlertControls alertControls [get]
 Gets the alert message controls.
bool isOpen [get, set]
 Gets or sets a value indicating whether the dialogue UI (conversation interface) is open.
virtual bool AreNonDialogueControlsVisible [get]
 Gets a value indicating whether non-conversation controls (e.g., alert message or QTEs) are visible.
- Events inherited from PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.AbstractDialogueUI
EventHandler< SelectedResponseEventArgsSelectedResponseHandler
 Occurs when the player selects a response.
- Events inherited from PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.IDialogueUI
EventHandler< SelectedResponseEventArgsSelectedResponseHandler
 Your implementation must define this event and make it public.

Detailed Description

This wrapper class keeps references intact if you switch between the compiled assembly and source code versions of the original class.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: