Localizing Quest Reference tags in text tables for UI

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Localizing Quest Reference tags in text tables for UI

Post by AlekT »


I am having an slight issue with Quest Reference tags and their interaction with localization in text tables, specifically for quest counters and UI.

When a quest counter is setup to use an item from a text table, the translation is used when (a separate) text table for the quest replaces tags. This makes it a longer process if I need to change translated names.

For example, I have a text table for all my items, one of while is a Pile of Dirt.
Field name: PileOfDirt, in English: Pile of Dirt, in French: Tas de terre.
For one quest the player has to collect several items, some of which are piles of dirt, and counters have been set up in the quest using the Item ID from the Item text table.
In the text table for the quest, I need to reference the translated counter name {#Pile of Dirt} / {#Tas de terre} in the for the counter values to show up in the UI in English / French, respectively.
The issue is coming up when I need to change the translated names of items in one (or more) languages, where I need to update all the references in the Quest text table(s), rather than just the once in the Item text table.

Is there a way to generate the the UI elements by having the tags find the text table field name for counters, etc. then return the translated value?

Thanks in advance for any help!
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Tony Li
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Re: Localizing Quest Reference tags in text tables for UI

Post by Tony Li »


If I understand correctly, you shouldn't translate the actual counter names. Your localized text for English should be something like:

Code: Select all

{#Pile of Dirt}/{#>Pile of Dirt} collected
and for French:

Code: Select all

{#Pile of Dirt}/{#>Pile of Dirt} collecté
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Re: Localizing Quest Reference tags in text tables for UI

Post by AlekT »

Thanks for the quick response.

That's how it was set up, but we are getting bugs in the UI that reads "{#Pile of Dirt}/{#>Pile of Dirt}" when we play in French. In English it seems to work. It only started showing the values when we entered the translated names into the Quest text table.

Could there be something in the set up I'm missing?
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Tony Li
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Re: Localizing Quest Reference tags in text tables for UI

Post by Tony Li »

Can you send a reproduction project to tony (at) pixelcrushers.com? I'm not sure how to reproduce this.
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