Thanks for the details. It sounds like perhaps
SendMessage(togglePause,,GameManager) is being called twice. This would result in a pause followed by an unpause.
If you temporarily set the Dialogue Manager's
Debug Level to
Info, it will log a lot of information to the Console window. If you reproduce the problem, you should see a line like this:
Code: Select all
Dialogue System: Sequencer.Play( SendMessage(togglePause, , GameManager)@0 )
followed by a line like this:
Code: Select all
Dialogue System: Sequencer: SendMessage(togglePause, , GameManager (UnityEngine.Transform), )
The first line shows the plain text arguments to the SendMessage() sequencer command as well as the time that it will execute (the 0-second mark). The second line shows the actual values that the command will use (i.e., the GameManager GameObject that was found in the scene).
You may see two occurrences of these lines when your conversation is running. If so, it may indicate that two nodes have this sequencer command.
However, I suspect that you've hit a specific edge case. Is this sequencer command on the START node of the first conversation in the dropdown list? And is the Dialogue Manager's
Preload Resources checkbox ticked? And does the conversation start as soon as the scene starts?
Preload Resources is ticked, the Dialogue System does two things as soon as the scene starts:
1. If the Dialogue Manager's Dialogue UI field points to a prefab, it instantiates a copy of the prefab. (This typically isn't an issue if you're using Unity UI; just with others like legacy Unity GUI and NGUI.)
2. It executes the START node (but only the START node) of the first conversation. Some projects wait until the first conversation starts to initialize data (e.g., in an OnConversationStart method). This allows those projects to get that initialization out of the way, but it can also cause this edge case.
If this is the culprit, a quick solution is to untick
Preload Resources.
If none of that helps, please feel free to send an example project to tony (at) pixelcrushers.com. I'll be happy to take a look.