How to get Use Message to not show up

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How to get Use Message to not show up

Post by GeoffFree »

I have a few menu scenes where the Use Message shows up, and I'm not sure why. There are no usables in the scene, which is exemplified by the fact the Use Message just says the default text where the name should be. On most of these menus I can suffice with canvases sorted above the Use Message, but unfortunately not so for the main menu as I need to have some gameobjects in front of the canvases so must use Screen Space Camera instead of Overlay. Is there a way I can get it to not show up or otherwise make it impossible to see?
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Tony Li
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Re: How to get Use Message to not show up

Post by Tony Li »


I'm assuming your Dialogue Manager's Instantiate Prefabs component is instantiating a copy of a Standard UI Selector Elements prefab into the scene -- specifically, into the Dialogue Manager's Canvas. If this isn't the case, let me know.

The Standard UI Selector Elements component should keep its UI elements hidden except for when a Selector / Proximity Selector has detected a Usable.

If you see those UI elements, identify where they're coming from in the Hierarchy. Are they children of a Standard UI Selector Elements GameObject? If so, are the UI elements assigned to the component's fields?
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