Get Localized Display name through code

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Get Localized Display name through code

Post by forrestuv »

I'm trying to get localized version of DisplayName through code but I can't figure out why

Code: Select all

doesn't return the "Display Name en" field. (the language code is correct and letter case is correct)
I saw that the LookupValue() function is searching for a field named "Name"...shouldn't it be "Display Name"?it returns null.

("Use Display Name" is ticked)
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Tony Li
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Re: Get Localized Display name through code

Post by Tony Li »

Actor.localizedName returns the localizsed version of the Name field, if it exists. Use this instead:

Code: Select all

string localizedDisplayName = DialogueLua.GetLocalizedActorField(actor.Name, "Display Name");
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