Dialogue system conversation disables Adventure Creator hotspots.

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Dialogue system conversation disables Adventure Creator hotspots.

Post by KristianS »


I have been using Dialogue System and Adventure Creator together but have run into a problem. I want to have a Dialogue System conversation running and also be able to click on hotspots that I have created with Adventure Creator. Unfortunately the Dialogue System seems to disable the hotspots while a conversation is running. I have not been able to figure out how to get them both to work at the same time. Does anyone here know how to do this? Thanks.
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Tony Li
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Re: Dialogue system conversation disables Adventure Creator hotspots.

Post by Tony Li »


On your Adventure Creator Bridge component, try setting Use Dialog State to Never. This prevents Dialogue System conversations from putting Adventure Creator in the Dialog state.

When Adventure Creator is in its Dialog state, it doesn't accept clicks on hotspots.
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Re: Dialogue system conversation disables Adventure Creator hotspots.

Post by KristianS »

Thanks for the quick response, Tony. I have tried now to set Use Dialog State to Never. This does not not seem to work though. The hotspot is still disabled during the conversation. I looked into it a bit more and found that one can enable "Allow regular gameplay during Conversations" and enable interactions via actionscripts in Adventure Creator. However I tried all those options and the hotspot is still not working during conversation. Am I missing something? 
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Tony Li
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Re: Dialogue system conversation disables Adventure Creator hotspots.

Post by Tony Li »


It may be another setting in AC. Here's how I tested this:

1. In the integration's Example scene, near the back wall is a trash can with a hotspot to talk to the NPC Copper Pot, and another hotspot to click on the back door to see a short AC dialogue.

2. I set the Adventure Creator Bridge's Use Dialog State to Never and played the scene.

3. After going through the intro conversation, I walked Tin Pot to the trash can and clicked on the trash can to start the DS conversation. While the DS conversation was going on, I clicked on the back door to confirm that it detected the hotspot and reacted to the mouse click.
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Re: Dialogue system conversation disables Adventure Creator hotspots.

Post by KristianS »

Thanks for the help! I think I have solved the issue now. It was as you suspected another setting in AC. I saw that in the AC actionList the action to start a Dialogue System conversation had "wait until finish" enabled. This is usually what one wants in most games I think but not in my case. I unclicked this box and together with "Allow regular gameplay during Conversations" enabled now I can click the hotspots during the whole conversion so I think that solved the issue.
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Tony Li
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Re: Dialogue system conversation disables Adventure Creator hotspots.

Post by Tony Li »


Great! Thanks for the update.
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