Question About the saving system

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Question About the saving system

Post by JamesTFreaknKirk »


I'm currently using the save system that you have put in the dialogue system to specifically save the dialogue. and so far its working great! super easy to use. I already have a save system in my game however that uses a binary formatter and saves the gamesave to the Appdata/LocalLow/GameName/ folder, so I can use the app on my phone

This may be a bit of a noob question :P , but
Where does the dialogue system saver save its data? and can I change that to the folder I'm already using?

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Tony Li
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Re: Question About the saving system

Post by Tony Li »


The save system's ***SavedGameDataStorer component stores saved games. There are different ****SavedGameDataStorer components. If you use a PlayerPrefsSavedGameDataStorer, it will store saved games in PlayerPrefs. If you use a DiskSavedGameDataStorer, it will store saved games to disk. You can specify where on disk to store them. By default, it's in Unity's persistent data path. If you haven't added a ****SavedGameDataStorer component to the same GameObject that has the SaveSystem component, the SaveSystem component will automatically add a PlayerPrefsSavedGameDataStorer.

You can also write your own ****SavedGameDataStorer component (make it a subclass of SavedGameDataStorer) if you'd like to store data differently.

Side note: Be careful with BinaryFormatter. Deserialization risks in use of BinaryFormatter
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