Hi there,
Maybe this is a simple question or I'm missing a setting somewhere. I already searched the forums and checked the manual and came here to ask you this question finally.
My UI fades in and out at the start phases and end phases of a conversation. I want to be able to keep the UI at all times visible since I use a permanent log in my example. (I borrowed the UI from your example scene where you had a permanent log.) How do I do this? Can you turn toggle the fading? Could you also change how long and how fast this animation happens?
Modifying fading in and fading out of Generic Unity Dialogue UI on strat and end of a conversation
Re: Modifying fading in and fading out of Generic Unity Dialogue UI on strat and end of a conversation
If you want the dialogue UI to always be visible, unassign the Dialogue Panel property. This removes the dialogue UI script's ability to control (i.e., hide/show) the Dialogue Panel. You can do the same for the other sub-panels, too, such as NPC Subtitle > Panel, PC Subtitle > Panel, etc.
You'll also need to make the Dialogue Panel visible at start. Here are two ways to do that. (Hmm, I just remarked in another post that I've developed a habit of providing two options for everything... )
1. To make it immediately visible at start, inspect Generic Unity UI Dialogue UI > Dialogue Panel. Set the Canvas Group's Alpha value to 1.
2. Or, to make it fade in, click on the Dialogue Panel's Animator > Controller to highlight the Canvas Group Animator Controller in the Project view. (It's in Prefabs/Unity UI Prefabs/Animation/Canvas Group Animator.) Double-click the animator controller to open it in the Animator view. Right-click on the Show state, and select "Set as Layer Default State".
Ideally, you'll actually make a copy of this animator controller and the Show animation, and use those copies instead of the original. This way you won't overwrite your customizations when you update the Dialogue System. To change the fade speed, inspect the Dialogue Panel and open the Animation window. (This is different from the Animator window.) Then adjust the Show animation clip. Unity has a tutorial on editing animations here.
If you want the dialogue UI to always be visible, unassign the Dialogue Panel property. This removes the dialogue UI script's ability to control (i.e., hide/show) the Dialogue Panel. You can do the same for the other sub-panels, too, such as NPC Subtitle > Panel, PC Subtitle > Panel, etc.
You'll also need to make the Dialogue Panel visible at start. Here are two ways to do that. (Hmm, I just remarked in another post that I've developed a habit of providing two options for everything... )
1. To make it immediately visible at start, inspect Generic Unity UI Dialogue UI > Dialogue Panel. Set the Canvas Group's Alpha value to 1.
2. Or, to make it fade in, click on the Dialogue Panel's Animator > Controller to highlight the Canvas Group Animator Controller in the Project view. (It's in Prefabs/Unity UI Prefabs/Animation/Canvas Group Animator.) Double-click the animator controller to open it in the Animator view. Right-click on the Show state, and select "Set as Layer Default State".
Ideally, you'll actually make a copy of this animator controller and the Show animation, and use those copies instead of the original. This way you won't overwrite your customizations when you update the Dialogue System. To change the fade speed, inspect the Dialogue Panel and open the Animation window. (This is different from the Animator window.) Then adjust the Show animation clip. Unity has a tutorial on editing animations here.