Conversation Export - Exclude "None()"

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Conversation Export - Exclude "None()"

Post by VoodooDetective »

I'm planning to make the Screenplay exporter skip nodes that have "None()" as their sequence. Is that something that might be possible to add by default?

I've got a conversation/s where a None() node has MenuText, but no DialogueText. I use it to have the same dialogue option present multiple different DialogueText's based upon the lua condition.

I'm not sure how common this is, but I'm JUST about to hire our casting director, and I didn't want him to go recording any unnecessary lines (i.e. lines that are actually MenuText).
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Tony Li
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Re: Conversation Export - Exclude "None()"

Post by Tony Li »


Sure, I'll add that as an option (also "Continue()" as the sequence). If you have any other suggestions for Screenplay format, please let me know. I'm a member of the IGDA Game Writing SIG, and despite a lengthy discussion there's still no consensus on the best screenplay format for branching dialogue.

For your casting director, you might want to use Voiceover Script format. This exports a CSV file that includes each line's entrytag. In the next update, I'm adding another user request to include a column for the nodes' Description field so writers can include stage directions there.
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Re: Conversation Export - Exclude "None()"

Post by VoodooDetective »

Fantastic, thank you so much! I'll definitely take a look at the voice over format too. I wasn't sure yet which format would be most helpful for him, but that's great to know about. Thanks!

I'll definitely let you know if I or any of the sound team have any feedback about formatting.
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