How does SetActive (SequencerCommand) work?

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How does SetActive (SequencerCommand) work?

Post by OneManOnMars »

I want to write a different Version of SetActive, I need this to include a setState for my persistanceManager. Anyway I can't usw Find. because a. it does not work on inactive Gameobjects and b. my coder would hate me for it :-D
Alright I thought, easy check out how SetActive from you guys does it. But this sequencercommand does not exist, although I can use it as a command! So what is going on? And how could I adappt ist magic to find any gameobject for my Version of the script?

By the way I can't login to this forum from Chrome and if I use Edge like Right now. I get a warning from my antivirus tool.
Are you aware of this, or is this a problem on my end?
My AntiVirustool gives me this url as the cause.
http:** **=//w (didn't want it to be a link)
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Tony Li
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Re: How does SetActive (SequencerCommand) work?

Post by Tony Li »

Use PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.Tools.GameObjectHardFind(). Like the SetActive() sequencer command, this will find inactive GameObjects as long as its root object is active.

Built-in sequencer commands that run in a single frame, such as SetActive(), are built into the Sequencer class; they're not separate script files. It's a tiny bit more efficient that way.

Thanks for the heads-up on the antivirus thing. The forum uses a third party antivirus service (cleantalk) that appears to be down right now. That might be the issue.
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Re: How does SetActive (SequencerCommand) work?

Post by OneManOnMars »

Thank you very much!
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Tony Li
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Re: How does SetActive (SequencerCommand) work?

Post by Tony Li »

Glad to help!
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