I was using the evaluation version and just downloaded the purchase version of DSU. I did not delete any folders before installing and now I am getting an error about RectExtensions:
Assets/Plugins/Pixel Crushers/Common/Scripts/Misc/RectExtensions.cs(35,25): error CS0121: The call is ambiguous between the following methods or properties: `PixelCrushers.RectExtensions.ScaleSizeBy(this UnityEngine.Rect, UnityEngine.Vector2, UnityEngine.Vector2)' and `PixelCrushers.RectExtensions.ScaleSizeBy(this UnityEngine.Rect, UnityEngine.Vector2, UnityEngine.Vector2)'
Is there a particular wrapper folder that I need to delete?
Keep all the Wrappers folders. They're what allow you to switch between the evaluation and paid versions without losing any references.
Delete these 2 folders: Plugins/Pixel Crushers/Common/DLLs and Plugins/Pixel Crushers/Dialogue System/DLLs.
Side note: If your project contains evaluation versions of Quest Machine or Love/Hate, keep the Common/DLLs folder for now, and delete Common/Scripts. The evaluation versions need the Common/DLLs folder, and the paid version of the Dialogue System can still work with it. When you're done with all evaluation versions, you can delete the Common/DLLs folder and import Common/Scripts.