How to refernce the ACTOR in the condition clause of a dialog entry

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How to refernce the ACTOR in the condition clause of a dialog entry

Post by xmagmar »


I cannot seem to figure this out and appologize if I am missing what is plain.

In the Dialog database - Conversation - I have a Child Node with a condition.  the condition is:

Variable[s4a] == XXXXXXX

I want the XXXXXXX placeholder to be the current ACTOR's name so the condition will be true if the variable s4a is equal to the current actor's name?

Also, where in the help files would I find (this) or proper syntax for similar referrences?

Thank you.
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Tony Li
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How to refernce the ACTOR in the condition clause of a dialog entry

Post by Tony Li »


Try this:

Variable[s4a] == Variable[Actor]

Note that Variable[Actor] is the conversation's actor, not necessarily the node's actor. Somewhat confusingly, the Chat Mapper data model (which the Dialogue System follows) uses the same term "actor" in both cases. A conversation's actor is the primary participant in the conversation, usually the player. A node's actor is the speaker of that node.

You can find info about Variable[Actor] in the Special Lua Variables & Functions section of the manual.

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