Compile error

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Joined: Mon Apr 27, 2015 1:01 pm

Compile error

Post by JReanne »

Hello - I just purchased the Dialogue System because I'm interested in developing a CYOA game. I downloaded the CYOA framework but it's giving me a compile error:

Assets/CYOA Framework/Scripts/LanguageMenu.cs(23,74): error CS0246: The type or namespace name `LocalizeUIText' could not be found. Are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?

I installed both of these in a clean project. Can you please let me know what I need to do to resolve this?

Thank you,

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Tony Li
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Joined: Thu Jul 18, 2013 1:27 pm

Compile error

Post by Tony Li »

Hi Jenna,

The CYOA Framework uses the new Unity UI, so the first required step is to import the package found in Assets/Dialogue System/Scripts/Unity UI Support.unitypackage.

All of the steps are in the Assets/CYOA Framework/_README.txt file. I'll post it here, too:

Choose-Your-Own-Adventure Framework

for the Dialogue System for Unity

Version: 2015-03-08

This folder contains a choose-your-own-adventure (CYOA) story framework.

To use it to make your own story:

1. Import Dialogue System/Scripts/Unity UI Support.unitypackage

This is mandatory, since the CYOA framework uses the new Unity UI.

2. Add the scenes "Title" and "Story" to your build settings. Title should be

the first scene in the build settings.

3. Open the Title scene and customize the UI appearance. There are two canvases:

- Dialogue Manager/Common Canvas: Contains a confirmation menu (ok/cancel)

and the Language Menu.

- Canvas: The canvas for the title scene. If you don't want to use a feature

such as the Language Menu, deactivate the corresponding button in Title Menu.

4. Open the Story scene and customize the UI appearance. You can ignore the

Dialogue Manager in this scene; it's a stand-in for testing your game without

having to go through the Title scene.

5. Check over Data/Localized Text. This contains localized text for the menus.

6. Edit Data/Dialogue Database, or start with your own new dialogue database.

If you start with a new one, assign it to the Dialogue Manager GameObject in

both scenes.

The story is contained in a conversation named "Story". Each gray dialogue entry

is a page of the story. The blue (player) entries are responses.

If your conversation gets too big, you can connect to other conversations in

the dialogue database to break it up.

Note how you can use sequencer commands to control activity in the scene. You

can also use the Conditions and Scripts fields to add conditions and set

variables in the Lua environment.

The CYOA framework introduces a new sequencer command, SetSprite(GameObject, Sprite)

where GameObject is the name of a GameObject with an Image component and

Sprite is the name of a sprite in a Resources folder.


Q: Why doesn't the SetSprite() sequencer command show my images?

A: In the Project view, inspect your image file. Change Texture Type to Sprite (2D and UI).

Then click Apply. The SetSprite() sequencer command requires that the image is configured as

a sprite.

Q: How do I handle text longer than the screen can hold?

A: In the Story scene, customize NPC Panel. This is where the text is displayed. Add

a ScrollRect, and make NPC Subtitle Line the content of the ScrollRect. If you're not

familiar with ScrollRects and Scrollbars in Unity UI, tutorials #9 and #10 on this

page will help:

If you have so much text that it may require scrolling, you probably won't want to use

the typewriter effect; remove the Unity UI Typewriter Effect component from NPC

Subtitle Line. In this case, you can remove NPC Subtitle Line Reminder and, in the

dialogue UI, assign NPC Subtitle Line to Dialogue > Response Menu > Subtitle Reminder > Line.

Q: Can I play a sound file that applies to the whole project as a loop?

A: Yes. Create a new GameObject, or choose an existing GameObject. Say you've named the

GameObject LoopingAudioObject. Add an AudioSource to it, and tick the Loop checkbox. Then

use a sequencer command in this format:

Audio(Music/LopingSting, LoopingAudioObject)

This will play LopingSting (or whatever audio file you specify) through LoopingAudioObject's


Art Credits:

- Cottage:

- Gear from:

- Music by Kevin Macleod:

"Danse Macabre - Sad Part - no violin" Kevin MacLeod (

Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

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