This is related to this older thread: viewtopic.php?t=272
I'm having the same problem, wherein I have actors and conversants set in my conversations, but when the conversation is triggered (in my case OnEnable), the Actor is set to the name of the GameObject with the conversation trigger component. As with the above thread, we aren't putting our conversation triggers on the NPCs involved in the conversations. The actor name also shows up correctly if we override it in a dialogue entry.
Is this a problem with how we're using Dialogue System? If so, what do we need to correct.
Actor names set in conversations being replaced with name of GameObject with trigger
Re: Actor names set in conversations being replaced with name of GameObject with trigger
The Dialogue System tries to help out by guessing which GameObjects should be associated as the primary actor and conversant. In your case, try adding an Override Actor Name component to the correct NPC GameObjects, and set the Override Name fields to match the actor names in your dialogue database.
You can read more helpful details here:
How GameObjects Are Associated With Conversations
You can read more helpful details here:
How GameObjects Are Associated With Conversations
Re: Actor names set in conversations being replaced with name of GameObject with trigger
OverrideActorName is our Plan B. You mentioned in the other thread that this is weird behavior, so I was hoping we'd be able to find a way to get Dialogue System to respect the conversation Actor/Conversant settings over the name of the GameObject. Can this be done?
Re: Actor names set in conversations being replaced with name of GameObject with trigger
The weirdness in the other thread referred to the way the developer was setting up their conversations (e.g., actors such as disembodied voices weren't associated with GameObjects). In your case, I recommend using OverrideActorName.
Re: Actor names set in conversations being replaced with name of GameObject with trigger
I see. I can work with that. Thanks for your help!