What do you mean by the conversation "stops after the first node"? Does it freeze there, not allowing you to move forward in the conversation? Or does it end the conversation after the first node? If it
Have you tried temporarily setting the Dialogue Manager's
Debug Level to
Info? This will log information to the console such as:
Code: Select all
Dialogue System: Starting conversation '...', actor=... and conversant=...
Indicates that a conversation has started.
Code: Select all
Dialogue System: Add Link (actor): ID 'dialogue text'
Indicates that a node's Conditions were true or blank, so this node was added to the list of valid links.
Code: Select all
Dialogue System: Block on False Link (actor): ID 'dialogue text' Condition=lua-code
Indicates that the specified Conditions were false, so this node was
not added to the list of valid links.
Code: Select all
Dialogue System: Ending conversation.
Indicates that a conversation has ended. A conversation ends if there are no currently-valid links, or if the player presses the Cancel Conversation key/input button.
What is Play_SpecialMovement? You're calling the method StopConversation() on this GameObject.
Does the problem only happen after the player dies? If so, what changes after the player dies? Does it reload the scene?
I don't know if this will address the problem, but you can try to add the "required" keyword in front of the "@1" commands:
Code: Select all
SetEnabled(ProCamera2D, true, MainCamera);
required SetActive(KARA., false)@1;
required SetActive(Boss_Kara, true)@1;
required SetActive(BEAST_FIRE, false)@1;
required SetContinueMode(true)@1;
I don't think it's needed after Continue()@1. The "required" keyword ensures that the command runs even if the sequence ends before the command has a chance to run. Commands
should run in relative order -- that is, SetContinueMode(true)@1 should run before Continue()@1 -- but maybe Continue()@1 is running just ahead of SetContinueMode(true)@1.
BTW, did you mean to have a period ( "." ) in SetActive(KARA., false)?
Please feel free to send an example scene or steps to reproduce the problem to tony (at) pixelcrushers.com. I'll be happy to take a look.