Atavism Integration

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Atavism Integration

Post by Garry »

I have been playing around with Atavism and I was curious if Quest Machine offers an integration with other frameworks such as Atavism. Is there a multiplayer aspect to Quest Machine such as the ability to share quests? And can the Quest database for Quest Machine be stored in a backend DB such as MySQL or MariaDb?

Thanks in advanced
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Tony Li
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Re: Atavism Integration

Post by Tony Li »


There isn't a specific integration package for Atavism, although there is one for uMMORPG. But Quest Machine is designed to be extended without having to modify any existing source code. It includes starter template scripts that you can use to write your own quest conditions (e.g., check if the Atavism character has a certain item), quest actions (e.g., give XP), and more. It also has several hooks so you can do things like share out quests with the rest of the party.

The quest database is an asset in your project, like a model or an audio clip. You can pack it in an asset bundle and then store that asset bundle in a backend DB as a binary object. At runtime, you can grab the asset bundle from the DB, load it, and add the database to the runtime Quest Machine environment.

Feel free to try out the evaluation version with Atavism. I don't have any experience with Atavism, but I can answer general integration questions from the Quest Machine side.
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Joined: Thu Nov 29, 2018 12:24 pm

Re: Atavism Integration

Post by Garry »

Thank you for your quick response. I actually own Quest Machine and Love and Hate already and both are excellent assets. I just picked up atavism during the Black Friday sales and have been playing with it. Looks actually really robust and well done so was just starting to look at integrating some of my other favorite assets into it.

I may be in contact again once I start looking at their code and how to get your stuff hooked in.

Their quest code doesn't seem to be overly complicated.

Code: Select all

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;

public class QuestLogEntry
	public OID QuestId = null;
	public OID NpcId;
	public string Title = "";
	public string Description = "";
	public string Objective = "";
	public int gradeCount = 0;
	public string ProgressText = "";
	public List<QuestGradeEntry> gradeInfo;
	public bool Complete = false;
	public int GradeReached = 0;
	public int itemChosen = -1;
    public int reqLeval = 1;
    public string CompleteText = "";


public class QuestGradeEntry
	public string completionText;
	public List<string> objectives;
	public List<QuestRewardEntry> rewardItems;
	public List<QuestRewardEntry> RewardItemsToChoose;
	public int expReward;
	public List<QuestRewardEntry> currencies;

public class QuestRewardEntry
	public string name = "";
	public int id = -1;
	public int count = 1;
	public AtavismInventoryItem item;

public class Quests : MonoBehaviour
	static Quests instance;
	// info about the last quests we were offered
//	int questsOfferedSelectedIndex = 0;
	List<QuestLogEntry> questsOffered = new List<QuestLogEntry> ();

	// quest log info
	int questLogSelectedIndex = 0;
	List<QuestLogEntry> questLogEntries = new List<QuestLogEntry> ();
	// quest progress info
//	int questProgressSelectedIndex = 0;
    List<QuestLogEntry> questsInProgress = new List<QuestLogEntry> ();
    // quest history log info
    int questHistoryLogSelectedIndex = 0;
    List<QuestLogEntry> questHistoryLogEntries = new List<QuestLogEntry>();
    OID npcID;
    public List<long> questListSelected = new List<long>();
    [SerializeField] int maxQuestsSelected = 4;
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start ()
		if (instance != null) {
		instance = this;
		NetworkAPI.RegisterExtensionMessageHandler ("ao.QUEST_OFFER", _HandleQuestOfferResponse);
		NetworkAPI.RegisterExtensionMessageHandler ("ao.QUEST_LOG_INFO", _HandleQuestLogInfo);
        NetworkAPI.RegisterExtensionMessageHandler ("ao.QUEST_HISTORY_LOG_INFO", _HandleQuestHistoryLogInfo);
        NetworkAPI.RegisterExtensionMessageHandler ("ao.QUEST_STATE_INFO", _HandleQuestStateInfo);
		NetworkAPI.RegisterExtensionMessageHandler ("ao.QUEST_PROGRESS", _HandleQuestProgressInfo);
		NetworkAPI.RegisterExtensionMessageHandler ("ao.REMOVE_QUEST_RESP", _HandleRemoveQuestResponse);
		NetworkAPI.RegisterExtensionMessageHandler ("quest_event", _HandleQuestEvent);

	public QuestLogEntry GetQuestOfferedInfo (int pos)
		return questsOffered [pos];

	public void AcceptQuest (int questPos)
		NetworkAPI.SendQuestResponseMessage (npcID.ToLong (), questsOffered [questPos].QuestId.ToLong (), true);

	public void DeclineQuest (int questPos)
		NetworkAPI.SendQuestResponseMessage (npcID.ToLong (), questsOffered [questPos].QuestId.ToLong (), false);

	public void QuestLogEntrySelected (int pos)
		questLogSelectedIndex = pos;
        string[] args = new string[1];
        AtavismEventSystem.DispatchEvent("QUEST_LOG_UPDATE", args);

    public void QuestHistoryLogEntrySelected(int pos)
        questHistoryLogSelectedIndex = pos;
        string[] args = new string[1];
        AtavismEventSystem.DispatchEvent("QUEST_LOG_UPDATE", args);
    public List<QuestLogEntry> GetSelectedListQuestLog()
        List<QuestLogEntry> questsList = new List<QuestLogEntry>();
        foreach (QuestLogEntry q in questLogEntries) {
            if (AtavismSettings.Instance!=null && AtavismSettings.Instance.GetQuestListSelected().Contains(q.QuestId.ToLong()))
        return questsList;
    public QuestLogEntry GetSelectedQuestLogEntry ()
		if (questLogEntries.Count - 1 < questLogSelectedIndex)
			return null;
        if (questLogSelectedIndex == -1) return null;
        return questLogEntries [questLogSelectedIndex];
    /// <summary>
    ///  Function return selected historical quest
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public QuestLogEntry GetSelectedQuestHistoryLogEntry()
        if (questHistoryLogEntries.Count - 1 < questHistoryLogSelectedIndex)
            return null;
        if (questHistoryLogSelectedIndex == -1) return null;
        return questHistoryLogEntries[questHistoryLogSelectedIndex];

    public void AbandonQuest ()
		if (questLogSelectedIndex == -1 || questLogSelectedIndex > questLogEntries.Count)
		NetworkAPI.SendTargetedCommand (ClientAPI.GetPlayerOid (), "/abandonQuest " + questLogEntries [questLogSelectedIndex].QuestId);

    public QuestLogEntry GetQuestProgressInfo (int pos)
		return questsInProgress [pos];

	public bool CompleteQuest ()
		QuestLogEntry quest = questsInProgress [0];
		/*Dictionary<string, object> props = new Dictionary<string, object>();
		props.Add("senderOid", ClientAPI.GetPlayerOid());
		props.Add("questNPC", quest.NpcId);
		props.Add("questOID", quest.QuestId);
		props.Add("reward", rewardID);
		NetworkAPI.SendExtensionMessage(quest.NpcId.ToLong(), false, "ao.COMPLETE_QUEST", props);*/
		if (quest.gradeInfo[0].RewardItemsToChoose.Count > 0 && quest.itemChosen == -1)
			return false;
		NetworkAPI.SendTargetedCommand (quest.NpcId.ToLong (), "/completeQuest " + quest.QuestId + " " + quest.itemChosen);
        return true;
	void _HandleQuestOfferResponse (Dictionary<string, object> props)
		// update the information about the quests on offer from this npc
		questsOffered.Clear ();
		int numQuests = (int)props ["numQuests"];
		npcID = (OID)props ["npcID"];
		for (int i = 0; i < numQuests; i++) {
			QuestLogEntry logEntry = new QuestLogEntry ();
			questsOffered.Add (logEntry);
			logEntry.Title = (string)props ["title" + i];
			logEntry.QuestId = (OID)props ["questID" + i];
			logEntry.NpcId = npcID;
			logEntry.Description = (string)props ["description" + i];
			logEntry.Objective = (string)props ["objective" + i];
			//logEntry.Objectives.Clear ();
			//LinkedList<string> objectives = (LinkedList<string>)props ["objectives"];
			//foreach (string objective in objectives)
			//	logEntry.Objectives.Add (objective);
			logEntry.gradeCount = (int)props ["grades" + i];
			logEntry.gradeInfo = new List<QuestGradeEntry> ();
			//ClientAPI.Write("Quest grades: %s" % logEntry.grades)
			for (int j = 0; j < (logEntry.gradeCount + 1); j++) {
				QuestGradeEntry gradeEntry = new QuestGradeEntry ();
				List<QuestRewardEntry> gradeRewards = new List<QuestRewardEntry> ();

				int numRewards = (int)props ["rewards" + i + " " + j];
 //               Debug.LogError("Quest " + logEntry.Title + " rewards count:" + numRewards);
                for (int k = 0; k < numRewards; k++) {
					//id, name, icon, count = item;
					QuestRewardEntry entry = new QuestRewardEntry (); = (int)props ["rewards" + i + "_" + j + "_" + k];
					AtavismInventoryItem item = gameObject.GetComponent<Inventory> ().GetItemByTemplateID (;
					entry.item = item;
					entry.item.Count = (int)props ["rewards" + i + "_" + j + "_" + k + "Count"];
					gradeRewards.Add (entry);
					//ClientAPI.Write("Reward: %s" % entry)
				gradeEntry.rewardItems = gradeRewards;
				// Items to choose from
				List<QuestRewardEntry> gradeRewardsToChoose = new List<QuestRewardEntry> ();
				numRewards = (int)props ["rewardsToChoose" + i + " " + j];
  //              Debug.LogError("Quest " + logEntry.Title + " rewards Choose count:" + numRewards);
                for (int k = 0; k < numRewards; k++) {
					//id, name, icon, count = item;
					QuestRewardEntry entry = new QuestRewardEntry (); = (int)props ["rewardsToChoose" + i + "_" + j + "_" + k];
					AtavismInventoryItem item = gameObject.GetComponent<Inventory> ().GetItemByTemplateID (;
					entry.item = item;
					entry.item.Count = (int)props ["rewardsToChoose" + i + "_" + j + "_" + k + "Count"];
					gradeRewardsToChoose.Add (entry);
					//ClientAPI.Write("Reward to choose: %s" % entry)
				gradeEntry.RewardItemsToChoose = gradeRewardsToChoose;
				// Quest Exp
				gradeEntry.expReward = (int)props ["xpReward" + i + " " + j];
				// Currencies
				List<QuestRewardEntry> currencies = new List<QuestRewardEntry> ();
				numRewards = (int)props ["currencies" + i + " " + j];
				for (int k = 0; k < numRewards; k++) {
					QuestRewardEntry entry = new QuestRewardEntry (); = (int)props ["currency" + i + "_" + j + "_" + k];
					entry.count = (int)props ["currency" + i + "_" + j + "_" + k + "Count"];
					currencies.Add (entry);
					//ClientAPI.Write("Reward to choose: %s" % entry)
				gradeEntry.currencies = currencies;
				logEntry.gradeInfo.Add (gradeEntry);
        // dispatch a ui event to tell the rest of the system
        if (gameObject.GetComponent<NpcInteraction>().NpcId != npcID)
        gameObject.GetComponent<NpcInteraction> ().NpcId = npcID;
		string[] args = new string[1];
		AtavismEventSystem.DispatchEvent ("QUEST_OFFERED_UPDATE", args);
	/// <summary>
	/// Handles the Quest Log Update message, which has information about the current status 
	/// of Quests that the player is on.
	/// </summary>
	/// <param name="props">Properties.</param>
	void _HandleQuestLogInfo (Dictionary<string, object> props)
		// update our idea of the state
		QuestLogEntry logEntry = null;
		long quest_id = (long)props ["ext_msg_subject_oid"];
		OID questID = OID.fromLong (quest_id);
		foreach (QuestLogEntry entry in questLogEntries) {
			if (entry.QuestId.Equals (questID)) {
				logEntry = entry;
		if (logEntry == null) {
			logEntry = new QuestLogEntry ();
			questLogEntries.Add (logEntry);
		logEntry.QuestId = questID;
		logEntry.Title = (string)props ["title"];
		logEntry.Description = (string)props ["description"];
		logEntry.Objective = (string)props ["objective"];
		logEntry.Complete = (bool)props["complete"];
		logEntry.gradeCount = (int)props ["grades"];
		logEntry.gradeInfo = new List<QuestGradeEntry> ();
		for (int j = 0; j < (logEntry.gradeCount + 1); j++) {
			QuestGradeEntry gradeEntry = new QuestGradeEntry ();
			// Objectives
			List<string> objectives = new List<string> ();
			int numObjectives = (int)props ["numObjectives" + j];
			for (int k = 0; k < numObjectives; k++) {
				string objective = (string)props ["objective" + j + "_" + k];
				objectives.Add (objective);
			gradeEntry.objectives = objectives;
			// Rewards
			List<QuestRewardEntry> gradeRewards = new List<QuestRewardEntry> ();
			int numRewards = (int)props ["rewards" + j];
 //           Debug.LogError("QuestLog " + logEntry.Title + " rewards count:" + numRewards);
            for (int k = 0; k < numRewards; k++) {
				//id, name, icon, count = item;
				QuestRewardEntry entry = new QuestRewardEntry (); = (int)props ["rewards" + j + "_" + k];
				AtavismInventoryItem item = gameObject.GetComponent<Inventory> ().GetItemByTemplateID (;
				entry.item = item;
				entry.item.Count = (int)props ["rewards" + j + "_" + k + "Count"];
				gradeRewards.Add (entry);
				//ClientAPI.Write("Reward: %s" % entry)
			gradeEntry.rewardItems = gradeRewards;
			// Items to choose from
			List<QuestRewardEntry> gradeRewardsToChoose = new List<QuestRewardEntry> ();
			numRewards = (int)props ["rewardsToChoose" + j];
  //          Debug.LogError("QuestLog " + logEntry.Title + " rewards Choose count:" + numRewards);
            for (int k = 0; k < numRewards; k++) {
				//id, name, icon, count = item;
				QuestRewardEntry entry = new QuestRewardEntry (); = (int)props ["rewardsToChoose" + j + "_" + k];
				AtavismInventoryItem item = gameObject.GetComponent<Inventory> ().GetItemByTemplateID (;
				entry.item = item;
				entry.item.Count = (int)props ["rewardsToChoose" + j + "_" + k + "Count"];
				gradeRewardsToChoose.Add (entry);
				//ClientAPI.Write("Reward: %s" % entry)
			gradeEntry.RewardItemsToChoose = gradeRewardsToChoose;
			gradeEntry.expReward = (int)props ["xpReward" + j];
			// Currencies
			List<QuestRewardEntry> currencies = new List<QuestRewardEntry> ();
			numRewards = (int)props ["currencies" + j];
			for (int k = 0; k < numRewards; k++) {
				//id, name, icon, count = item;
				QuestRewardEntry entry = new QuestRewardEntry (); = (int)props ["currency" + j + "_" + k];
				entry.count = (int)props ["currency" + j + "_" + k + "Count"];
				currencies.Add (entry);
				//ClientAPI.Write("Reward: %s" % entry)
			gradeEntry.currencies = currencies;
			logEntry.gradeInfo.Add (gradeEntry);
		// dispatch a ui event to tell the rest of the system
		string[] args = new string[1];
		AtavismEventSystem.DispatchEvent ("QUEST_LOG_UPDATE", args);


    /// <summary>
    /// Handles the Quest History Log Update message, which has information about the Historicaly Quests.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="props">Properties.</param>
    void _HandleQuestHistoryLogInfo(Dictionary<string, object> props)
        for (int ii = 0; ii < (int)props["numQuests"]; ii++) {
            QuestLogEntry logEntry = new QuestLogEntry();
            long qId = (long)props["questId" + ii];
            OID questId = OID.fromLong(qId);
            logEntry.QuestId = questId;
            logEntry.Title = (string)props["title" + ii];
            logEntry.Description = (string)props["description" + ii];
            logEntry.Objective = (string)props["objective" + ii];
            logEntry.CompleteText = (string)props["complete" + ii];
            logEntry.reqLeval = (int)props["level" + ii];

        // dispatch a ui event to tell the rest of the system
        string[] args = new string[1];
        AtavismEventSystem.DispatchEvent("QUEST_HISTORY_LOG_UPDATE", args);

    /// <summary>
    /// Handles the updates of the Quest State and updates the objectives in the players Quest Log
    /// to match.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="props">Properties.</param>
    void _HandleQuestStateInfo (Dictionary<string, object> props)
		long quest_id = (long)props ["ext_msg_subject_oid"];
		OID questID = OID.fromLong (quest_id);
		// update our idea of the state
		foreach (QuestLogEntry entry in questLogEntries) {
			if (!entry.QuestId.Equals (questID))
			for (int j = 0; j < (entry.gradeCount + 1); j++) {	
				// Objectives
				List<string> objectives = new List<string> ();
				int numObjectives = (int)props ["numObjectives" + j];
				for (int k = 0; k < numObjectives; k++) {
					string objective = (string)props ["objective" + j + "_" + k];
					objectives.Add (objective);
				entry.gradeInfo[j].objectives = objectives;
		// dispatch a ui event to tell the rest of the system
		string[] args = new string[1];
		AtavismEventSystem.DispatchEvent ("QUEST_LOG_UPDATE", args);
	void _HandleQuestProgressInfo (Dictionary<string, object> props)
		/// update the information about the quests in progress from this npc
		questsInProgress.Clear ();
		int numQuests = (int)props ["numQuests"];
		npcID = (OID)props ["npcID"];
		for (int i = 0; i < numQuests; i++) {
			QuestLogEntry logEntry = new QuestLogEntry ();
			questsInProgress.Add (logEntry);
			logEntry.Title = (string)props ["title" + i];
			logEntry.QuestId = (OID)props ["questID" + i];
			logEntry.NpcId = npcID;
			//logEntry.Description = (string)props ["description" + i];
			logEntry.ProgressText = (string)props ["progress" + i];
			logEntry.Complete = (bool)props ["complete" + i];
			logEntry.Objective = (string)props ["objective" + i];
			logEntry.gradeCount = (int)props ["grades" + i];
			logEntry.gradeInfo = new List<QuestGradeEntry> ();
			//ClientAPI.Write("Quest grades: %s" % logEntry.grades)
			for (int j = 0; j < (logEntry.gradeCount + 1); j++) {
				QuestGradeEntry gradeEntry = new QuestGradeEntry ();
				List<QuestRewardEntry> gradeRewards = new List<QuestRewardEntry> ();
				int numRewards = (int)props ["rewards" + i + " " + j];
				for (int k = 0; k < numRewards; k++) {
					//id, name, icon, count = item;
					QuestRewardEntry entry = new QuestRewardEntry (); = (int)props ["rewards" + i + "_" + j + "_" + k];
					AtavismInventoryItem item = gameObject.GetComponent<Inventory> ().GetItemByTemplateID (;
					entry.item = item;
					entry.item.Count = (int)props ["rewards" + i + "_" + j + "_" + k + "Count"];
					gradeRewards.Add (entry);
					//ClientAPI.Write("Reward: %s" % entry)
				gradeEntry.rewardItems = gradeRewards;
				// Items to choose from
				List<QuestRewardEntry> gradeRewardsToChoose = new List<QuestRewardEntry> ();
				numRewards = (int)props ["rewardsToChoose" + i + " " + j];
				for (int k = 0; k < numRewards; k++) {
					//id, name, icon, count = item;
					QuestRewardEntry entry = new QuestRewardEntry (); = (int)props ["rewardsToChoose" + i + "_" + j + "_" + k];
					AtavismInventoryItem item = gameObject.GetComponent<Inventory> ().GetItemByTemplateID (;
					entry.item = item;
					entry.item.Count = (int)props ["rewardsToChoose" + i + "_" + j + "_" + k + "Count"];
					gradeRewardsToChoose.Add (entry);
					//ClientAPI.Write("Reward to choose: %s" % entry)
				gradeEntry.RewardItemsToChoose = gradeRewardsToChoose;
                if (props.ContainsKey("xpReward" + i + " " + j)) {
  //                  Debug.LogError("Quest Progress xpReward" + i + " " + j + " ->" + props["xpReward" + i + " " + j]);
                    gradeEntry.expReward = (int)props["xpReward" + i + " " + j];
                } else Debug.LogWarning("Quest Progress no xpReward");

                // Currencies
                List<QuestRewardEntry> currencies = new List<QuestRewardEntry> ();
				numRewards = (int)props ["currencies" + i + " " + j];
				for (int k = 0; k < numRewards; k++) {
					QuestRewardEntry entry = new QuestRewardEntry (); = (int)props ["currency" + i + "_" + j + "_" + k];
					entry.count = (int)props ["currency" + i + "_" + j + "_" + k + "Count"];
					currencies.Add (entry);
					//ClientAPI.Write("Reward to choose: %s" % entry)
				gradeEntry.currencies = currencies;
				gradeEntry.completionText = (string)props ["completion" + i + "_" + j];
				logEntry.gradeInfo.Add (gradeEntry);
        // dispatch a ui event to tell the rest of the system
        if (gameObject.GetComponent<NpcInteraction>().NpcId != npcID)

        gameObject.GetComponent<NpcInteraction> ().NpcId = npcID;
		string[] args = new string[1];
		AtavismEventSystem.DispatchEvent ("QUEST_PROGRESS_UPDATE", args);

    void _HandleRemoveQuestResponse (Dictionary<string, object> props)
		int index = 1; // questLogSelectedIndex is 1 based.
		long quest_id = (long)props ["ext_msg_subject_oid"];
		OID questID = OID.fromLong (quest_id);
		foreach (QuestLogEntry entry in questLogEntries) {
			if (entry.QuestId.Equals (questID)) {
				questLogEntries.Remove (entry);
		if (index == questLogSelectedIndex) {
			// we removed the selected entry. reset selection
			questLogSelectedIndex = 0;
		} else if (index < questLogSelectedIndex) {
			// removed an entry before our selection - decrement our selection
		// dispatch a ui event to tell the rest of the system
		string[] args = new string[1];
		AtavismEventSystem.DispatchEvent ("QUEST_LOG_UPDATE", args);

    public void _HandleQuestEvent(Dictionary<string, object> props) {
		string eventType = (string)props["event"];
		int val1 = (int)props["val1"];
		int val2 = (int)props["val2"];
		int val3 = (int)props["val3"];
		string data = (string)props["data"];

        if (data.IndexOf(" killed:") != -1) {
            string objectivesNames = I2.Loc.LocalizationManager.GetTranslation("Quests/" + data.Remove(data.IndexOf(" killed:")));
            //    string objectivesValues = data.Remove(0, data.LastIndexOf(':') < 0 ? 0 : data.LastIndexOf(':')+1);
            data = objectivesNames + " " + I2.Loc.LocalizationManager.GetTranslation("killed") + ": " + val2 + "/" + val3 + (val2 == val3 ? " (" + I2.Loc.LocalizationManager.GetTranslation("Complete") + ")" : "");
        if (data.IndexOf(" collected:") != -1) {
            string objectivesNames = I2.Loc.LocalizationManager.GetTranslation("Quests/" + data.Remove(data.IndexOf(" collected:")));
            //    string objectivesValues = data.Remove(0, data.LastIndexOf(':') < 0 ? 0 : data.LastIndexOf(':')+1);
            data = objectivesNames + " " + I2.Loc.LocalizationManager.GetTranslation("collected") + ": " + val2 + "/" + val3 + (val2 == val3 ? " (" + I2.Loc.LocalizationManager.GetTranslation("Complete") + ")" : "");
        //string errorMessage = eventType;
        if (eventType == "QuestProgress") {
			// dispatch a ui event to tell the rest of the system
			string[] args = new string[1];
			args[0] = data;
			AtavismEventSystem.DispatchEvent("ANNOUNCEMENT", args);
#region Properties
	public static Quests Instance {
		get {
			return instance;

	public List<QuestLogEntry> QuestLogEntries {
		get {
			return questLogEntries;
    public List<QuestLogEntry> QuestHistoryLogEntries
            return questHistoryLogEntries;
    #endregion Properties

  //  List<GameObject> qObjects = new List<GameObject>();
    OID questOnMinimap;

    public void ClickedQuest(QuestLogEntry quest)
     /*   Scene aScene = SceneManager.GetActiveScene();
        List<string> teleports = new List<string>();
        string[] cords;
        GameObject obj;
        string qCordsObjects = "";
        foreach (GameObject qo in qObjects) {
        questOnMinimap = quest.QuestId;
        for (int i = 0; i < quest.gradeInfo[0].objectives.Count; i++) {
            qCordsObjects = I2.Loc.LocalizationManager.GetTranslation("QuestCoords/" + quest.Title + i);
            //   Debug.LogError(qCordsObjects);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(qCordsObjects)) {
                string[] cLoc = qCordsObjects.Split('&');
                for (int ii = 0; ii < cLoc.Length; ii++) {
                    cords = cLoc[ii].Split('|');
                    if ([0])) {
                        obj = new GameObject(quest.QuestId + "Obj" + i + "_" + ii);
                        obj.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(float.Parse(cords[1]), float.Parse(cords[2]), float.Parse(cords[3]));
                        bl_MiniMapItem mmi = obj.AddComponent<bl_MiniMapItem>();
                        mmi.Target = obj.transform;
                        mmi.Icon = GameSettings.Instance.MinimapSettings.minimapQuestMobArea;
                        mmi.IconColor =;
                        mmi.Size = cords.Length > 4 ? float.Parse(cords[4]) : 35;
                        mmi.InfoItem = "";
                    } else if (teleports.IndexOf( + "_" + cords[0]) == -1) {
                        qCordsObjects = I2.Loc.LocalizationManager.GetTranslation("QuestCoords/" + + "_" + cords[0]);
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(qCordsObjects)) {
                            string[] cordsTelep = qCordsObjects.Split('|');
                            obj = new GameObject(quest.QuestId + "Obj" + i + "_" + ii);
                            obj.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(float.Parse(cordsTelep[0]), float.Parse(cordsTelep[1]), float.Parse(cordsTelep[2]));
                            bl_MiniMapItem mmi = obj.AddComponent<bl_MiniMapItem>();
                            mmi.Target = obj.transform;
                            mmi.Icon = GameSettings.Instance.MinimapSettings.minimapQuestTarget;
                            mmi.IconColor =;
                            mmi.Size = 20;
                            mmi.InfoItem = "";
                            teleports.Add( + "_" + cords[0]);
                        } else {
                            Debug.LogError("No Cords for " + + "_" + cords[0]);
            } else {
                Debug.LogError("No Cords for " + quest.Title + i);
        qCordsObjects = I2.Loc.LocalizationManager.GetTranslation("QuestCoords/" + quest.Title);
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(qCordsObjects)) {
            cords = qCordsObjects.Split('|');
            obj = new GameObject(quest.QuestId + "Target");
            if ([0])) {
                obj.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(float.Parse(cords[1]), float.Parse(cords[2]), float.Parse(cords[3]));
                bl_MiniMapItem mmi = obj.AddComponent<bl_MiniMapItem>();
                mmi.Target = obj.transform;
                if (cords.Length > 4 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(cords[4])) {
                    mmi.Icon = GameSettings.Instance.MinimapSettings.minimapQuestMobArea;
                    mmi.Size = float.Parse(cords[4]);

                } else {
                    mmi.Icon = GameSettings.Instance.MinimapSettings.minimapQuestTarget;
                    mmi.Size = 20;
                mmi.IconColor =;
                mmi.InfoItem = "";
            } else if (teleports.IndexOf( + "_" + cords[0]) == -1) {
                qCordsObjects = I2.Loc.LocalizationManager.GetTranslation("QuestCoords/" + + "_" + cords[0]);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(qCordsObjects)) {
                    string[] cordsTelep = qCordsObjects.Split('|');
                    obj.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(float.Parse(cordsTelep[0]), float.Parse(cordsTelep[1]), float.Parse(cordsTelep[2]));
                    bl_MiniMapItem mmi = obj.AddComponent<bl_MiniMapItem>();
                    mmi.Target = obj.transform;
                    mmi.Icon = GameSettings.Instance.MinimapSettings.minimapQuestTarget;
                    mmi.IconColor =;
                    mmi.Size = 20;
                    mmi.InfoItem = "";
                    teleports.Add( + "_" + cords[0]);
                } else {
                    Debug.LogError("No Cords for " + + "_" + cords[0]);
        } else {
            Debug.LogError("No Cords for " + quest.Title);

    void UpdateQuestListSelected()
        bool jestQ;
   //     bool isQuestOnMinimap = false;
        List<long> toRemove = new List<long>();
        if (AtavismSettings.Instance != null && AtavismSettings.Instance.GetQuestListSelected() != null )
            foreach (long id in AtavismSettings.Instance.GetQuestListSelected()) {
                jestQ = false;
                foreach (QuestLogEntry q in questLogEntries)
                    if (q.QuestId.ToLong() == id) {
                        jestQ = true;
                if (!jestQ) toRemove.Add(id);
            foreach (long id in toRemove) {
        foreach (QuestLogEntry q in questLogEntries) {
            if (q.QuestId.Equals(questOnMinimap))
                isQuestOnMinimap = true;
        Debug.LogError("isQuestOnMinimap->" + isQuestOnMinimap);
        if (!isQuestOnMinimap) {
            foreach (GameObject qo in qObjects) {
    public int GetMaxQuestsSelected
       get { return maxQuestsSelected; }

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Tony Li
Posts: 22643
Joined: Thu Jul 18, 2013 1:27 pm

Re: Atavism Integration

Post by Tony Li »

Sounds good. It looks like Atavism has an event system similar to Quest Machine's message system. You can probably hook into the other to get notifications across both of them. In any case, good luck! If you have questions about the Quest Machine side, just let me know.
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