VN Suggestion: Fade out/in automatically

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VN Suggestion: Fade out/in automatically

Post by Alatriste »


I'm doing a lot of background changes in my VN and all the time I have to be controlling the fades. Is not big deal, but it might be worthy to add a checkbox into this framework, so everytime a new background change is detected, a fade out/in is automatically applied when the next background is applied. The user could set how many seconds wants the fade to last.

Just an idea. :)
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Tony Li
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Re: VN Suggestion: Fade out/in automatically

Post by Tony Li »

Good idea!

I'll plan to put the following the next update:
  • Optional achievements panel.
  • Button to open the quest log window.
  • Option to fade in/out new background.
  • Fix: On confirm load or restart, make sure current conversation is stopped. (This may already be fixed; need to confirm.)
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Re: VN Suggestion: Fade out/in automatically

Post by Alatriste »

Sounds great!
About the fix, if you meant to save when there is no conversation playing, load and there is still not conversation active, is working in my test project after the latest patch.
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Tony Li
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Re: VN Suggestion: Fade out/in automatically

Post by Tony Li »

Great, thank you for confirming. Then the list is just the first three (achievements, quest log, background fade).
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Re: VN Suggestion: Fade out/in automatically

Post by Alatriste »

One thing about the fade out/in.

I usually use it not only because is a nice transition effect but also to do some cleaning in the scene (deactivate gameObjects, etc). The problem is that when I cancel the subtitle using the assigned key, the fade effect is interrupted no matter what, so the "trick" is visible. Is there a way to avoid this? Like force the fade effect even if the player decides to skip the conversation?

This is what my sequence looks like while I'm switching background and I do some cleaning: (the "fade in" is done in the linked conversation.)

Code: Select all

required SendMessage(ClearText,, Subtitle Panel 0)@2;
required SendMessage(ClearText,, Subtitle Panel 1)@2;
required SendMessage(ClearText,, Subtitle Panel 2)@2;
required SendMessage(ClearText,, Text Panel)@2;
required SendMessage(Close,, Subtitle Panel 0)@2;
required SendMessage(Close,, Subtitle Panel 1)@2;
required SendMessage(Close,, Subtitle Panel 2)@2;
required SendMessage(Close,, Text Panel)@2;
required SetActive(tag=SceneObjects, false)@2;
required Fade(stay, 2);
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Tony Li
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Re: VN Suggestion: Fade out/in automatically

Post by Tony Li »

Do you only need to fade when changing backgrounds? If so, then when I add the fade feature it will run independently of the subtitle, so it won't be interrupted.

If not, can you disable the Cancel input? Just set the Key to None and the Button to a blank string. The player can still skip ahead using the continue button. You can use the SetContinueMode() sequencer command to control when the continue button is permitted.

Code: Select all

required Fade(stay, 2);
required SendMessage(ClearText,, Subtitle Panel 0)@2;
required SendMessage(ClearText,, Subtitle Panel 1)@2;
required SendMessage(ClearText,, Subtitle Panel 2)@2;
required SendMessage(ClearText,, Text Panel)@2;
required SendMessage(Close,, Subtitle Panel 0)@2;
required SendMessage(Close,, Subtitle Panel 1)@2;
required SendMessage(Close,, Subtitle Panel 2)@2;
required SendMessage(Close,, Text Panel)@2;
required SetActive(tag=SceneObjects, false)@2;
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Re: VN Suggestion: Fade out/in automatically

Post by Alatriste »

Hi Tony,

One more thing about this future feature: it would be very useful to have a sequence command to enable/disable the automatic fade from the dialogues. I found some cases where I have to change backgrounds during a conversation and the fade in those cases would look weird.

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Tony Li
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Re: VN Suggestion: Fade out/in automatically

Post by Tony Li »

Good point. I just added that note to my list.
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