Portrait images for Player actor in Runic Dialogue UI

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Portrait images for Player actor in Runic Dialogue UI

Post by PeterParked »

I'm using the Runic dialogue UI, and I've selected the "Only Show NPC Portraits" option:


I've exported my data from articy:draft with the IsPlayer boolean checked, but I'm still getting the white box that indicates that my player portrait hasn't been assigned:


Based on what I've seen in other forum threads, the problem may be related to the Is Player field not importing correctly, but I'm not sure where to check, since in the Dialogue System database display, I only see these two fields for actors:


I've run the Player wizard on the desired game object, and I'm figuring it's not just a matter of removing the PC portrait image game object as recommended in the following forum thread, since that doesn't display for me in the hierarchy:

I know I can check for IsPlayer on import from articy:draft, but is there a way to check for it after import? Or should I just import the dialogue again, and triple check for it then? Or is there something else that might be causing this issue?
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Tony Li
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Re: Portrait images for Player actor in Runic Dialogue UI

Post by Tony Li »


To view or edit the actor's details, click the double horizontal bars to the left of the actor's name.

Your guess is probably correct that the player actor's Is Player field isn't set to true.

There are two places you can set it:

1. In the Dialogue System's articy import window, click Review. Expand the Entities foldout. Set the player actor's dropdown to Player.

2. Or, in articy, add a Boolean feature named "Is Player" to your actor entities. The Technical Name should be "IsPlayer" (no space). For the player entity, set this feature to true.

Another possibility is that the player entity isn't assigned to the Dialogue in articy. Typically, you should assign the player entity first and an NPC entity second.
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Re: Portrait images for Player actor in Runic Dialogue UI

Post by PeterParked »

Hey, Tony, thanks for taking a look at this.

Thanks to your instructions, I was able to determine that it looks like IsPlayer is checked for that actor.


I've included the wider screenshot to show that it appears to me that the technical name for the boolean is correct.

The player entity also appears to be assigned first in articy, and the expected behavior in Dialogue System is working firing--the player actor is being assigned to the correct actor slot.


So if it's not the IsPlayer boolean that's causing the PC portrait to appear--any ideas as to what should I look at next?
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Tony Li
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Re: Portrait images for Player actor in Runic Dialogue UI

Post by Tony Li »

Sorry, I had a brain lapse. :-) You mentioned that you're using the Runic template. The Menu Panel Info GameObject has a Standard UI Menu Panel component. Unassign the PC Image and PC Name fields. Otherwise when the response menu appears it will set the shared UI elements to the player's image and name. You also need to the Standard UI Subtitle Panel's Only Show NPC Portraits checkbox ticked so it keeps the NPC portrait image up if the player speaks a subtitle.
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Re: Portrait images for Player actor in Runic Dialogue UI

Post by PeterParked »

Ah, gotcha. Thanks to your instructions, I've lost the white box, and the NPC portrait shows continuously. This makes total sense if I also keep the "Accumulate text" option clicked, but if I toggle that off, the result is that the NPC portrait shows during the PC's subtitles, which is a little bit visually confusing.

To achieve the effect I'm looking for, which is that the NPC portrait shows during NPC subtitles, but no portrait displays during PC subtitles, should I try to programatically set the PC portrait alpha to 0, or deactivate it? Or is there currently an editor-side way to get there?
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Tony Li
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Re: Portrait images for Player actor in Runic Dialogue UI

Post by Tony Li »


Assign a transparent image to the player's portrait. Here's one you can use:


Set its import type to Editor GUI and Legacy GUI.
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Re: Portrait images for Player actor in Runic Dialogue UI

Post by PeterParked »

Great! Thank you so much for the help!
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Tony Li
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Re: Portrait images for Player actor in Runic Dialogue UI

Post by Tony Li »

Glad to help!
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