Skipping dialogue temporarily

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Re: Skipping dialogue temporarily

Post by SuperSparkplug »

Strangely enough, I don't think I'm using either of those. Nothing in the Quick Starts ever mentioned legacy or Unity UI methods. It just said, use the dialogue manager and the player and NPC wizards. That's it. I have no idea how my dialogue text is being generated in this case.
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Tony Li
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Re: Skipping dialogue temporarily

Post by Tony Li »

The Quick Start instructions leave the Dialogue Manager's Dialogue UI field unassigned. (There's a brief mention about assigning a prefab UI if you want, but it's not emphasized.) This causes it to use a bare-bones default dialogue UI that doesn't have any continue buttons.

I suggest assigning "Dialogue System/Prefabs/Unity Dialogue UIs/JRPG/JRPG Dialogue UI with Continue Button" to the Dialogue Manager's Dialogue UI field for now. This is a legacy Unity GUI dialogue UI with a continue button named "Continue Button". Not all of the prefabs come preconfigured with all the bells and whistles like continue buttons. Early feedback from developers was that they wanted minimal prefabs that established a look and feel, and they would add only the extra stuff (continue buttons, text input fields, etc.) that they wanted. I think that stance has gradually changed, and in the future all of the Unity UI prefabs will contain all the bells and whistles. Developers can simply deactivate or delete any that they don't want.

Some developers use the provided prefab UIs in their released products. Others customize them or make their own from scratch. If you want to do either of those things, this tutorial may be helpful.
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Re: Skipping dialogue temporarily

Post by SuperSparkplug »

Okay, in that case I actually did have a Dialogue UI assigned in the Dialogue Manager. Currently I've been running the JRPG 2 (Persona 4 says hi ;) ) UI. I set it to the JRPG with Continue Button and it works, but that also brings me to another issue in addition to what I'm having trouble with.

Because my game is actually meant to be interactive art, I actually plan to potentially have this game playable by a controller in a gallery, playable via something like an Xbox controller or an interface I make myself (probably the latter since I've done so before). So, in addition to a continue button, I also need options in the dialogue system to be selectable due to movement commands rather than via mouse click. I noticed that the JRPG with Continue button only activates on mouse click with the continue button.

How do I make the game continue the game via key press and make dialogue choice selection via up and down movements?
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Tony Li
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Re: Skipping dialogue temporarily

Post by Tony Li »

A lot of the UIs are "inspired by X". The one named "Nuke" is a nod to a popular postapocalyptic RPG you may have heard about. :-)

To enable controller support in legacy Unity GUI (such as JRPG), follow these instructions.

To enable controller support in Unity UI, follow these notes, which supplement Unity UI's built-in controller navigation.

Controller navigation is disabled by default in the prefabs because, with a controller, the first response starts in the highlighted state. This makes sense with a controller, but mouse and touch developers didn't want to suggest to the player that one response was preferable to another.
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Re: Skipping dialogue temporarily

Post by SuperSparkplug »

Sorry, but I can't seem to get this to work in either sense. In the legacy Unity GUI method, there is no Response Panel for the JRPG2 GUI. I tried to enable a few different things similarly with no results. For the Unity UI, while I changed it from legacy UI to Unity UI in the canvas I don't quite understand how to implement certain parts of that part of the documentation, but when I added the key trigger nothing happened.

Sorry, but can you please walk me through this?
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Tony Li
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Re: Skipping dialogue temporarily

Post by Tony Li »

Sorry about all the difficulty with this. Making a UI system that's flexible enough to handle everyone's diverse needs means it's going to be somewhat complicated for everyone to use. The alternative was to make a simpler UI system that would be easier for some people's needs but would be inapplicable to others. That said, I've come to the realization that the Dialogue System should ship with a default UI that includes all functionality out of the box. Developers can drop it into their projects and turn off whatever features they don't want. I'll include this UI in the next release, which is coming out in a few days. It should make UI setup a lot easier for everyone.

Would you prefer to get an advance copy of this UI or work through it in your current JRPG2 GUI?
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Re: Skipping dialogue temporarily

Post by SuperSparkplug »

I can go either way. Feel free to send me an advance copy of the new update. However, I would like to know a way around this problem currently so I can both better understand the Dialogue system as well as be better prepared if other similar issues come up in the future.
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Tony Li
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Re: Skipping dialogue temporarily

Post by Tony Li »


Here's the current version of the Generic UI: GenericUI_WIP_2015-06-29.unitypackage

It imports into the folder Scripts/Supplemental/UI/Prefabs/Generic.

To use the dialogue UI:

1. Make a Canvas under the Dialogue Manager. (You probably already have this. Set it to Screen Space - Overlay.)

2. Add an instance of "Generic Unity UI Dialogue UI" under the Canvas.

3. Assign that instance to the Dialogue Manager's Dialogue UI field.

The dialogue UI has these features:
  • Controller navigation
  • Continue button
  • Input field, timer, QTEs, etc.
It's still a work in progress, so if you notice any quirks or layout issues, please let me know.

To use the quest tracker, add an instance of "Generic Unity UI Quest Tracker HUD" under the Canvas. That's all. If you already have a "Unity UI Quest Tracker HUD" script on the Dialogue Manager GameObject itself, remove it.

To use the selector, add an instance of "Generic Unity UI Selector Panel" under the Canvas. Assign its UI elements to your player's "Unity UI Selector Display" script:
  • Main Graphic: Generic Unity UI Selector Panel
  • Name Text, Use Message Text, Reticle In/Out of Range: The correspondingly-named UI elements
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Re: Skipping dialogue temporarily

Post by SuperSparkplug »

So I tried the general UI you sent a bit and while it did somewhat work, I don't particularly like the style of it and now my text is in a whole bunch of different places. I am wondering if its possible just to add some of its features to other UI styles that are without. For example, I'm using the JRPG2 UI for now. I simply just want to add a continue button to it, but I noticed from the documentation its missing the response panel, a key part of it. Is there a way to just add one to that UI or other UIs that do not have such a function?
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Tony Li
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Re: Skipping dialogue temporarily

Post by Tony Li »


I'll add a continue button to the JRPG2 UI and post it here later today.

Here's my plan for UI prefabs:

1. Leave the legacy Unity GUI prefabs as-is, except for adding the continue button to JRPG2.

2. Add all features (continue buttons, text input, etc.) to all of the current Unity UI prefabs.

3. Convert the remaining legacy Unity GUI prefabs into Unity UI versions.

The generic UI includes all dialogue UI features in a very plain layout. The idea is that developers can drop it into their scene and, using Unity's regular editor controls, customize the layout and textures, with everything already hooked up properly with the Dialogue System. This should be useful for developers who want to implement their own vision for the look and feel of the UI. But the prefabs will also be there so you can easily drop them in to get a finished design without requiring any extra editing.
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