Compile error when importing Unity Bug Reporting package

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Compile error when importing Unity Bug Reporting package

Post by mgregoirelds »

Hello Tony,

I just integrated a new tool provided by Unity to do bug reporting from within a game. It looks really nice and useful. However, upon importing it, I'm getting the following compile error:

Code: Select all

Assets/Plugins/Pixel Crushers/Dialogue System/Scripts/Editor/Dialogue Editor/Exporters/ChatMapperExporter.cs(58,18): error CS0118: `Assets' is a `namespace' but a `type' was expected
To find out if this was a problem with my project, I created a new one, without anything but Dialogue System 2.0.4 and BugReporting. I added both Dialogue Manager and BugReporting prefabs to an empty scene and I'm getting the same issue.

Any chance of being able to see what is going on between these two packages? Thanks!
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Tony Li
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Re: Compile error when importing Unity Bug Reporting package

Post by Tony Li »


Are you using the latest version of the Unity Bug Reporting package? I tested the version from here, and there were no compiler errors. But I was using a Unity 2017.1 project, so I had to import the 5.6 version of the package. EDIT: I just tested in Unity 2018.2.5, and the version from that link also works fine, no compiler errors.

An earlier version may have neglected to put its code in a proper namespace, so it was conflicting with anything named Assets. The Dialogue System has a class named Assets, but it's properly in a namespace PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.
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Re: Compile error when importing Unity Bug Reporting package

Post by mgregoirelds »

That is really strange. I'll be off for two weeks, I will look back at this upon my return. Thanks Tony.
Unity 2022.3.17f1
Dialogue System
OpenAI Addon 1.0.12
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