Link to Another Conversation

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Tony Li
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Re: Link to Another Conversation

Post by Tony Li »

In the example scene, the line "This is conversation 1" remains after you click "Go to conversation 2." If you don't want this, you can import this updated StandardUISubtitlePanel:


It has a new method "ClearText".

This updated example scene uses ClearText:


The "Go to conversation 2" line uses this Sequence:

Code: Select all

SendMessage(ClearText,, Subtitle Panel 0);
SendMessage(ClearText,, Subtitle Panel 1);
SendMessage(ClearText,, Subtitle Panel 2);
Fade(stay, 2);
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Re: Link to Another Conversation

Post by Alatriste »

Great! The "ClearText" works with the new StandardUISubtitlePanel!
I have to use it in a combination of the "Close" because I also need to disable the portrait which may be visible otherwise.

Thanks for your support, Tony!
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Tony Li
Posts: 21069
Joined: Thu Jul 18, 2013 1:27 pm

Re: Link to Another Conversation

Post by Tony Li »

Sorry it took me a while to understand what you wanted to do. I'm glad it's working now!
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