Gui Skin

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Gui Skin

Post by Demonith »

Hi i am new and have problem i realy donth know much but here is my problem
THis first pic is close to her and u see the ui is on her feet
and 2 oic is wary far from her and still see the image there is new UI system and there is no tutorial for it yet i hope they will make one can some one help me with this that image stays as hes size without shrinking and rising and to be on top of her ? and when i go far to have some kind distance from how much i can see her bark
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Tony Li
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Re: Gui Skin

Post by Tony Li »


Later today, I'll post a prefab here that you can drop into your RPG Kit project. This should get you going until I have a chance to record a Unity UI Bark UI tutorial.
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Re: Gui Skin

Post by Demonith »

Where i can find the prefab ?
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Tony Li
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Re: Gui Skin

Post by Tony Li »


The prefab is in an updated RPG Kit Support package. You can download it from the Dialogue System Extras page:

The Barker prefab now uses Unity UI Bark UI. Add the Barker prefab to your scene and expand it. You will see a child GameObject named Basic Unity UI Bark UI. Inspect this GameObject. On the Canvas Group component, set Alpha to 1. Then customize the appearance to your liking.

When you're ready to make a build for players, set Alpha back to 0. The game will still run fine if you don't set it to 0, but the bark will flicker when appearing and disappearing.

To limit the barks to a certain distance, add a Range Trigger to the NPC:

1. Add a Sphere Collider. Tick Is Trigger. Expand it to the maximum range at which the NPC should bark.

2. Add a Range Trigger component. Set Conditions > Accepted Tags to "Player". Add Bark On Idle (or whatever method you're using to bark) to the Components section.
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Re: Gui Skin

Post by Demonith »

When i try to import it its says Nothing to import ?
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Tony Li
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Re: Gui Skin

Post by Tony Li »

I'll take a look at the package and reply here later.

In the meantime, try deleting the Third Party Support/RPG Kit Support folder. Then import the package.
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Tony Li
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Re: Gui Skin

Post by Tony Li »


The package seems to be fine.

Did it work to delete and re-import the package? You can also download it here: RPGKit3_Support_2015-06-29.unitypackage

If you import this on top of your existing Third Party Support/RPG Kit folder, the "Importing package" window should look something like this:
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Re: Gui Skin

Post by Demonith »

I just put the GUI Skin on another empty object and now is above head now i have problem how to set up to stay the size of the gui like in images and still waiting the uGUI setup

But will try that one.
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Re: Gui Skin

Post by Demonith »

The bark uGUI works with your pack awesome looking :) i just have a question when i get a quest how can i make a quest log :/ ???? there is no quest log for RPG Kit
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Tony Li
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Re: Gui Skin

Post by Tony Li »

The Dialogue System 1.5.3 (coming soon) will have a quest log window and a quest tracker HUD for RPG Kit.
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