how to switch conversations (or not)

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how to switch conversations (or not)

Post by njg »


This is not a bug, but rather a question about how to do something. I have an NPC who has a dialog tree which is composed of several sub trees each of which get activated depending on the stage of development of the PC. The NPC is a cross between quest giver and friendly advisor. His dialog tree is getting too large to display on the screen and each of these sub trees should philosophically be their own conversation anyways. Is there anyway to have a driver conversation for the NPC which checks the current state then switches to the proper conversation.


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Tony Li
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Re: how to switch conversations (or not)

Post by Tony Li »

Hi Nick,

Yes, conversations can link to other conversations. Select a dialogue entry node. In the inspector, open the Links To: dropdown menu and select (Another Conversation). This will let you link to a node in another conversation. You can use the Conditions fields of your main hub conversation to link to the proper conversation for the PC's current stage of development.

Another way to do this is to write individual conversations without a hub conversation. Add multiple Conversation Triggers to the NPC, one for each conversation, and set the conditions on the triggers instead of inside a hub conversation.

Yet another way is to put everything in one conversation and switch to Outline mode, which lets you collapse parts of the conversation. This mode is popular with Dragon Age and Neverwinter Nights modders because it's a similar compact interface.

BTW, if you put forward slash characters in conversation titles, they'll split into submenus in the conversation selection dropdown. A couple examples are here, below the table.
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Joined: Thu Feb 12, 2015 3:10 pm

Re: how to switch conversations (or not)

Post by njg »

thanks very much,

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