Clear Conversation Prefs

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Clear Conversation Prefs

Post by OneManOnMars »


What do I have to do to delete all save date with a button press?
I have a button in a scene which should reset the game. Right now it clears PlayerPrefs.

PlayerPrefs.DeleteAll ();

But this seems not to include the conversations.

So how do I delete these?

Many thanks,
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Tony Li
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Re: Clear Conversation Prefs

Post by Tony Li »


To reset the Dialogue System's environment to its starting state (i.e., as originally defined in your dialogue database), call DialogueManager.ResetDatabase.

To reset the Dialogue System to contain only the initial database:

Code: Select all

using PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem;
To keep any extra databases you've loaded but simply reset to their starting values:

Code: Select all

If you're only using one dialogue database, there's no difference between the two.
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