Voice acting and Continue Button

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Voice acting and Continue Button

Post by RojasGoni »

Toni, I have a couple of questions regarding voice acting.

1- We decided to go for voice acting without the lip sync because it didn't kook too brilliant. So the sequence command we used was audio, instead of voice. Is there an advantage is using the actual voice sequencer command? If so, is there a way, to avoid the error message regarding not having an animation? I didn't manage to get that right.

2- One problem we encountered is that when using the Continue button, the voice skips for the next 3 or 4 lines, it doesn't just affect the line you want to speed up. To avoid this problem, I blocked the continue button until the audio was played, which works well, but it will be frustrating for those players who play without volume and like to fly over conversations. is there a way to keep continue button functionality without butchering the lines?

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Tony Li
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Re: Voice acting and Continue Button

Post by Tony Li »


Use the AudioWait() command. You only need to use Voice() if you want to play legacy animation simultaneously.

Set the AudioWait() command to a very small delay, such as:

Code: Select all

When the player presses the continue button, the current line finishes on the same frame that the next line starts. It's possible to get into a race condition where the current line silences the Audio Source at the same time that the next line starts to play. By adding a 1/10-sec delay, you ensure that the next line plays slightly afterward, but not noticeable to the player.

You can set the Dialogue Manager's Camera Settings > Default Sequence to this so you only have to do it once. Note also that I used the 'entrytag' keyword, which is handy if you're managing a lot of voice acting lines.
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Re: Voice acting and Continue Button

Post by RojasGoni »

Thanks, Tony. That solved beautifully the problem.
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Tony Li
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Re: Voice acting and Continue Button

Post by Tony Li »

Happy to help!
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