Adding additional UI's (or Panels) to the Dialogue Manager

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Adding additional UI's (or Panels) to the Dialogue Manager

Post by chud575 »


Ok so you know what would be great? if I could attach additional UI's to the DM and have a way to interface to those dialogue panels through the manager. Specifically what I'm hoping to do is have about 3 different styled alerts. What do you think? How could I do this?
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Tony Li
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Re: Adding additional UI's (or Panels) to the Dialogue Manager

Post by Tony Li »


Currently you can do that for the dialogue part of dialogue UIs by using Override Dialogue UI, but not for alerts. BTW, if you want to override a single UI panel only for a specific actor, these are the steps:

1. Inspect the Unity UI Dialogue UI component, and tick Find Actor Overrides.

2. Add an Override Unity UI Dialogue UI Controls component to the actor's GameObject, and assign the UI elements that you want to use.

For alerts, you could:

1. Use a subclass of Unity UI Dialogue UI that overrides the ShowAlert() and HideAlert() methods to show the alert through one of your 3 differently-styled alerts, or

2. Set up 3 separate dialogue UIs. Before showing the alert, assign the one you want to use to DialogueManager.DialogueUI.
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Re: Adding additional UI's (or Panels) to the Dialogue Manager

Post by chud575 »

Step 2 for alerts makes the most sense.. basically if I got this right - i'll create custom sequencer functions called Alert2, Alert3 (or whatever), and those functions can set the correct alert panel before calling alert. I'll let you know how it goes
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Tony Li
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Re: Adding additional UI's (or Panels) to the Dialogue Manager

Post by Tony Li »

Sounds good. I haven't actually tried this myself yet, so if you run into any snags let me know and we'll get it working.
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