Conversation with Enemy - ARPG Kit

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Conversation with Enemy - ARPG Kit

Post by warlockoo1 »

So basically I am making Interactive RPG, so user a choice in every decisions. So I am making conversation with enemy boss. In fight if enemy health is less than 20, then it triggers a conversation where boss surrenders and player have to choose to kill or not kill him.
I added 2 scripts - "Conversation Trigger" and "Usable" to enemy boss and another script to enable conversation trigger component as I set Trigger to "On Enable".
So conversation starts but player still can attack it due to that enemy dies. So player fails to enter in conversation. I don't know if this is correct approach, please give some suggestions.

Heres the code which enables Conversation Trigger:

Code: Select all

private int getHealth; 

	// Use this for initialization
	void Start () {
	// Update is called once per frame
	void Update () {
		getHealth = gameObject.GetComponent<StatusC>().maxHealth - gameObject.GetComponent<StatusC>().health;

		if (getHealth >= 80) {
			gameObject.GetComponent<ConversationTrigger> ().enabled = true;
			var anim = GetComponent<Animator>();
			if (anim == null) return;
			anim.SetBool("run", false);
			gameObject.GetComponent<AIsetC> ().enabled = false;

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Tony Li
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Re: Conversation with Enemy - ARPG Kit

Post by Tony Li »


Here's a boss example:


I set it up similarly, but I used the script below (which is included in the example package).

I also added a Conversation Trigger set to OnUse on the boss:


It runs a conversation that sets a Dialogue System variable based on the player's response:


If the player chooses to let the boss live, the OnConversationEnd method turns off the boss's attack AI. The OnConversationStart and OnConversationEnd methods also pause the game during the conversation.


Code: Select all

using UnityEngine;
using PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem;

public class BossSurrenderMonitor : MonoBehaviour

    public float surrenderAtHealthPercent = 20;
    public string killDecisionVariable = "Kill Boss";

    private StatusC status;

    void Awake()
        status = GetComponent<StatusC>();

    void Update()
        var healthPercent = 100 * ((float) / (float) status.maxHealth);
        if (healthPercent < surrenderAtHealthPercent)
            Debug.Log("Boss is under " + surrenderAtHealthPercent + "% health. Starting conversation.");
            enabled = false; // Stop monitoring health.
            var player = FindObjectOfType<PlayerInputControllerC>().transform;

    void OnConversationStart(Transform actor)
        Time.timeScale = 0;

    void OnConversationEnd(Transform actor)
        Time.timeScale = 1;
        if (DialogueLua.GetVariable(killDecisionVariable).AsBool == false)
            GetComponent<AIsetC>().enabled = false;
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Re: Conversation with Enemy - ARPG Kit

Post by warlockoo1 »

Thank you, it worked, I just modified it to set boss to idle state. So it looks good :D

Code: Select all

	void Update(){
        	var healthPercent = 100 * ((float) / (float) status.maxHealth);
        	if (healthPercent < surrenderAtHealthPercent){
            		Debug.Log("Boss is under " + surrenderAtHealthPercent + "% health. Starting conversation.");
            		enabled = false; // Stop monitoring health.
            		var player = FindObjectOfType<PlayerInputControllerC>().transform;
			var eAnim = gameObject.GetComponent<Animator> ();
			eAnim.SetBool ("run", false);
			eAnim.SetBool ("hurt", false);
			gameObject.GetComponent<AIsetC>().enabled = false;
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