I'm experiencing strange behavior with the autonumber feature for the response menu of the dialogue system. At some point in the dialogue the keys select the wrong responses. I wonder if there is not a problem in the code:
Code: Select all
button.text = string.Format(m_processedAutonumberFormat, buttonNumber + 1, button.text);
var keyTrigger = button.GetComponent<UIButtonKeyTrigger>();
if (autonumber.regularNumberHotkeys)
if (keyTrigger == null) keyTrigger = button.gameObject.AddComponent<UIButtonKeyTrigger>();
keyTrigger.key = (KeyCode)((int)KeyCode.Alpha1 + buttonNumber);
if (autonumber.numpadHotkeys)
if (autonumber.regularNumberHotkeys || keyTrigger == null) keyTrigger = button.gameObject.AddComponent<UIButtonKeyTrigger>();
keyTrigger.key = (KeyCode)((int)KeyCode.Keypad1 + buttonNumber);
I'm using numpad hotkeys & regularNumberHotkeys.
So, 2 KeyTrigger components are added per button on the first response menu display,
Then, on the next response menu, the response buttons are reused from the pool and a 3rd KeyTrigger component is added (because autonumber.numpadHotkeys is true and autonumber.regularNumberHotkeys is also true). At this point, the key binding still works. But after several response menu displays, there are a lot of KeyTriggers components per button, and some of the components coming from the pool don't have their key updated resulting in a big mess
The workaround I've found is to delete all KeyTriggers (with GetComponents()) each time:
Code: Select all
button.text = string.Format(m_processedAutonumberFormat, buttonNumber + 1, button.text);
UIButtonKeyTrigger[] keyTriggers = button.GetComponents<UIButtonKeyTrigger>();
for (int i = 0; i < keyTriggers.Length; i++)
if (autonumber.regularNumberHotkeys)
button.gameObject.AddComponent<UIButtonKeyTrigger>().key = (KeyCode)((int)KeyCode.Alpha1 + buttonNumber);
if (autonumber.numpadHotkeys)
button.gameObject.AddComponent<UIButtonKeyTrigger>().key = (KeyCode)((int)KeyCode.Keypad1 + buttonNumber);
I just wanted to let you know about this problem.