Continue Button Disappear

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Continue Button Disappear

Post by euniquism »


I have been working on customizing the Dialogue UI. And I used to have the continue button working on all the Subtitle Panel PC and Subtitle Panel NPC, but now these continue buttons are not showing in the UI anymore. I am wondering if I mess up any setting? Thank you!
ContinueButtonsIssues.png (79.51 KiB) Viewed 341 times
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Tony Li
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Re: Continue Button Disappear

Post by Tony Li »


Is the correct dialogue UI assigned to the Dialogue Manager GameObject's Display Settings > Dialogue UI field?

Is each subtitle panel's continue button still assigned to the subtitle panel's Standard UI Subtitle Panel component > Continue Button field?

Are you using any SetContinueMode() sequencer commands?

Are there any errors or warning in the Console window when you play a conversation?
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Re: Continue Button Disappear

Post by euniquism »


thank you for your response.

Is the correct dialogue UI assigned to the Dialogue Manager GameObject's Display Settings > Dialogue UI field?
>>> yes, it is assigned in the correct

Is each subtitle panel's continue button still assigned to the subtitle panel's Standard UI Subtitle Panel component > Continue Button field?
>>>yes, it is assigned to the correct "Continue Button" field.

Are you using any SetContinueMode() sequencer commands?
>>> I did not use this command

Are there any errors or warning in the Console window when you play a conversation?
>>> there are some warning messages about the conversation set up. I attached it below.

Thank you so much for your help!

It is strange to me since the continue buttons worked on my project few days ago. I do not remember I made any changes of the setting for interactions. Could it be possible because of the UI setup? Thanks!
WarningMessage.png (158.63 KiB) Viewed 318 times
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Tony Li
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Re: Continue Button Disappear

Post by Tony Li »


If you're using version control, you can review your recent changes in your version control history. If you're not using version control yet, I strongly recommend setting it up. (Example: Getting Started With Version Control)

There are 362 warnings. I wonder if more of them are about the Dialogue System. Can you fix the "Parameter 'Run' does not exist" warning so the Console output is cleaner?

When you start the conversation, expand your dialogue UI in the Hierarchy. Inspect the subtitle panel that's showing the current subtitle text. Make sure the Subtitle Text GameObject has the correct text that's showing in the Game view. If it doesn't, this means you're looking at the wrong dialogue UI.

If the subtitle text is correct, check that subtitle panel's continue button. Is its GameObject active or inactive? If it's active, is it somehow not visible -- either by being positioned off-screen or hidden by a Canvas Group whose Alpha is set to 0?
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Re: Continue Button Disappear

Post by euniquism »

Thank you for your response.

I have resolved all the warnings/errors and manipulated the setting yesterday. Somehow it did not work, until I change the camera setting and restart the project. Then I can see my continue buttons.

Now that the continue buttons show up again. When I click on the one on Panel 1 (PC), it stucked. The dialogue box does not go away. But when I click on the one on Panel 2 (NPC), it can proceed to the next dialogue box. Did I miss anything?

Thank you again!
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Tony Li
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Re: Continue Button Disappear

Post by Tony Li »


Check the configuration on Panel 1's continue button.

If it has a StandardUIContinueButtonFastForward component, assign the Subtitle Text's typewriter component to it, and configure the Button component's OnClick() to call StandardUIContinueButtonFastForward.OnFastForward.

If it doesn't have a StandardUIContinueButtonFastForward component, configure the Button's OnClick() to call the Panel 1's StandardUISubtitlePanel.OnContinue method.
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Re: Continue Button Disappear

Post by euniquism »

Hi Tony,

thank you for your response. I really appreciate it.

Also, I experienced that a few times I reopened the projects and the continue buttons will just disappear, even after I saved the project before I closed it. This is the same for importing the dialogue ui to a complete new project and open it. The continue buttons still disappear and need to resign all the parameters. Do you think this might be a bug?

Thank you!
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Tony Li
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Re: Continue Button Disappear

Post by Tony Li »


It's almost certainly not a bug in the Dialogue System. What version of Unity are you using? Can you update to the latest LTS version in your current major version? For example, if you're using Unity 2022, try backing up your project and then updating to Unity 2022.3.19f1.

Also, if you're editing a prefab, make sure to save the prefab before entering play mode or exiting Unity.

And keep an eye on the Console window for any errors or warnings.
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Re: Continue Button Disappear

Post by euniquism »

Gotcha. Thank you for the information again!
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