Dialogue System with Corgi Engine: Pause menu appears without pressing escape button

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Dialogue System with Corgi Engine: Pause menu appears without pressing escape button

Post by gstaik »


I have noticed a scenario where pause is triggered (Corgi Pause in-game menu appears) without pressing escape button. This issue happens during conversation with NPC when holding left button and pressing submit button simultaneously.

Please note that I am using new Unity Input System.

I can reproduce this scenario on scene "Assets\Pixel Crushers\Dialogue System\Third Party Support\Corgi Support\Example\Corgi Example.unity" by following the steps below:

After opening the scene, I do the following steps to switch to new Unity Input System:

- In UICamera game object, I have removed “Input Manager” and the added “Input System Manager”.
- In UICamera->Event, I press “Replace with InputSystemUIInputModule”.

In “Dialogue Manager”, I change the following settings:

- I change “Dialogue UI” to point to “Mobile Standard Dialogue UI”
- In “Subtitle Settings” in “Continue Button” I select “Always”.

In game object “Dude-DS1->ConversationZone” I change “Subtitle Panel Number” value to “Default” and “Menu Panel Number” value to “Default”.
Also, on “Activation Condition” I enable “Auto Activation”.

Now I start the scene and go with my player to talk to “Dude-DS1” from right to left (meaning that I hold left button). The conversation starts. At that point if I press “Submit” button (Enter in my case) the “Pause” in-game menu appears.

I have issue with this behavior in my game, especially when the players move from right to left to talk to an NPC.
Have you ever seen particular issue?

Thank you
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Tony Li
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Re: Dialogue System with Corgi Engine: Pause menu appears without pressing escape button

Post by Tony Li »


Is it possible that the "Pause" input is mapped to the same inputs in your input actions asset?

If so, change the mapping.

If that's not the issue, can you send a reproduction project to tony (at) pixelcrushers.com?
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Re: Dialogue System with Corgi Engine: Pause menu appears without pressing escape button

Post by gstaik »

Hi Tony,

I have tried to change the mapping of Pause button (from Escape to Q) and the issue still occurs.
I have sent you a “reproduction project” to your e-mail.

Please note that you can try scene "Assets\Pixel Crushers\Dialogue System\Third Party Support\Corgi Support\Example\Corgi Example.unity" as I have modified it to reproduce the issue.

After opening the scene, go to talk to “Dude-DS1” (I have placed this NPC on the left of the player).
While holding left button, press Enter multiple times and if the issue is reproduced, the Pause menu will appear.

Thank you!
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Tony Li
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Re: Dialogue System with Corgi Engine: Pause menu appears without pressing escape button

Post by Tony Li »


To fix this, inspect the dialogue UI's continue button(s) and change the Button component's Navigation from Automatic to None.

To help debug these kinds of issues in the future (in case it happens with any UI, not just the Dialogue System), keep an inspector view on the EventSystem GameObject. The bottom of the inspector will show what's currently selected. When I ran your reproduction steps, I saw that the selection changed between the continue button and Corgi's pause/background button.
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Re: Dialogue System with Corgi Engine: Pause menu appears without pressing escape button

Post by gstaik »


That's amazing! The problem is now resolved! (I had this issue quite a long time and couldn't figure out what's wrong)

Also thanks for the advice (keep an inspector view on the EventSystem GameObject)

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Tony Li
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Re: Dialogue System with Corgi Engine: Pause menu appears without pressing escape button

Post by Tony Li »

Glad to help!
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Tony Li
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Re: Dialogue System with Corgi Engine: Pause menu appears without pressing escape button

Post by Tony Li »

I'll put together an example and post it here today.
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