Each subtitle stays onscreen for the duration of its Sequence, after which time it advances to the next stage of the conversation, which may be another subtitle, a player response menu, or the end of the conversation. (More info: Cutscene Sequences.) If the dialogue entry's Sequence field is blank, it uses the Dialogue Manager GameObject's Display Settings > Camera & Cutscene Settings > Default Sequence. The initial value of Default Sequence is:
Code: Select all
You can change an individual dialogue entry's Sequence or the Dialogue Manager's Default Sequence -- or even the Default Sequence in an individual conversation using Menu > Conversation Properties in the Dialogue Editor. For example, to always delay for 2 seconds, set Default Sequence to: Delay(2).
Side tip: If your dialogue UI uses a typewriter effect and you want to do something as soon as the typewriter finishes, listen for the sequencer message "Typed". Example:
Code: Select all
required AnimatorPlay(CloseMouth)@Message(Typed)
Note 1: If you want to include the Dialogue Manager's Default Sequence (or the conversation's Default Sequence if you've set it specifically in conversation properties), include {{default}}; in the sequence. Example:
Code: Select all
{{default}}; Audio(Hello)