Event when responses are shown

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Event when responses are shown

Post by NicoMou »

Hello !

Is there a way to detect when responses are shown on screen ? I need to display something when the response panel is appearing.

OnConversationLine is not fired for responses and I have not seen something like a OnResponse. Do I have to use OnContinue ?

Thanks !
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Tony Li
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Event when responses are shown

Post by Tony Li »


No message like OnConversationLine is sent when the responses are shown. Here are two ways to detect when responses are shown:

1. When the dialogue UI shows responses, it activates the Response Panel GameObject. You can add a script that implements OnEnable:

void OnEnable() {

if (PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.DialogueManager.IsConversationActive) {

// (response menu shown; show your "something")



By the way, if your "something" is a child of Response Panel, it will be automatically shown when Response Panel is activated.

2. Alternate method: Create a subclass of your dialogue UI class (e.g., a subclass of UnityDialogueUI). Override the ShowResponses method:

using PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem;

public class MyDialogueUI : UnityDialogueUI {

public override void ShowResponses(Subtitle subtitle, Response[] responses, float timeout) {

base.ShowResponses(subtitle, responses, timeout);

// (show your "something" here)



Then just inspect your dialogue UI and drag this into the Script slot.

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