Dialogue boxes vanish on play

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Dialogue boxes vanish on play

Post by PaulG »

Hi there,

First up, love the tool, really great work.

We are far in development and it works grand, but we have one big issue on a more complicated cutscene.

We use a sequence to pause a timeline and continue on at the end, this works in all other cases.

But in one specific one we have a conversation which plays and the first line pops up a dialogue and then instantly closes in a second. In the dialogue editor it is flowing normally. All seems fine but the boxes vanish after a short moment.

I have tried many different setups, setting it as replace, everything I can think of, but does anyone know if this is a known issue of something silly on the data side?

Any advise would be appreciated.



This is our game by the way :)
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Tony Li
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Re: Dialogue boxes vanish on play

Post by Tony Li »


Your game looks great! May I add it to the Games Showcase page?

For the conversation that disappears, is it using a different dialogue UI than your other conversations? If so, maybe the Dialogue Panel's Animator or the subtitle panel's Animator is getting into the wrong state.

If that isn't the issue, does the conversation itself use a SetDialoguePanel(false) sequencer command to hide the dialogue UI?
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Re: Dialogue boxes vanish on play

Post by PaulG »


Yes please, it would be great to be on your show reel :)

I'll try your suggestions and update. There are indeed three people in the conversation, I'll dig deeper, thank you for the fast reply :)

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Tony Li
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Re: Dialogue boxes vanish on play

Post by Tony Li »

If nothing turns up after you dig deeper, feel free to send a reproduction project to tony (at) pixelcrushers.com. I'll be happy to take a look.
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Re: Dialogue boxes vanish on play

Post by PaulG »

Hi there,

Nope, the panels used are consistent for everyone and it appears correctly for a second before closing.

The dialogue tree progresses as normal, although nothing is shown for the remaining nodes.

The first entry pops up for a second then vanishes.

I did a full debug log and it seems to be fine on the outputs, just something appears to be shutting it down after a short delay.

I'm not using any sequencer commands apart from one to pause a time line as it's in a CIN (all the others have the same setup and seems to work great).


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Tony Li
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Re: Dialogue boxes vanish on play

Post by Tony Li »

When this happens, are the dialogue UI GameObject (e.g., Dialogue Panel, subtitle panels) inactive? Or are they active but their Canvas Groups' Alpha values are zero? If the Alpha values are zero, do they have Animators? And, if so, what state are the Animators in?
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Re: Dialogue boxes vanish on play

Post by PaulG »

After some digging it was an issues with an anim graph doing some alpha blending that seemed to go wrong which resulted in the text bubble vanishing immediately.

Thank you for the swift replies! Much appreciated :)

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Tony Li
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Re: Dialogue boxes vanish on play

Post by Tony Li »

Hi Paul,

Thanks for the update. I'm glad you were able to get to the bottom of the issue.
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