Barks showing only once.

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Barks showing only once.

Post by LeGingerDev »

So I'm trying to make barks. I got it working but let's say I have a selection of different things the NPC can say, Each with no condition. But lets say as I walk past an NPC I want it to say a 1 of 3 things randomly.
Currently the BarkUI goes through all of them one by one.

I'm wondering if there's a way to only show one at a time that isn't just setting the length of visible time being incredibly high.
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Tony Li
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Re: Barks showing only once.

Post by Tony Li »


How have you set up barks? Using a Dialogue System Trigger set to OnTriggerEnter, with Actions > Bark?

If so, then if you set Bark Order to Random it should randomly choose one line to bark from the 3 linked from <START>.
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Re: Barks showing only once.

Post by LeGingerDev »

So for testing I simply set it up with a Bark on Idle, but it shows one bark, then moves to another one, then another one when set to Random. Could it be because I have the Minimum time and max time at around 4/5 seconds? I'm using a Range trigger to do it by tag, that part works.

I've just tested it with the minimum time being 10/15 seconds min/max
And when the RangeTrigger triggers it. It waits 10/15 seconds to show, then only shows for a few seconds.
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Re: Barks showing only once.

Post by LeGingerDev »

So for testing I simply set it up with a Bark on Idle, but it shows one bark, then moves to another one, then another one when set to Random. Could it be because I have the Minimum time and max time at around 4/5 seconds? I'm using a Range trigger to do it by tag, that part works.

I've just tested it with the minimum time being 10/15 seconds min/max
And when the RangeTrigger triggers it. It waits 10/15 seconds to show, then only shows for a few seconds.
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Tony Li
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Re: Barks showing only once.

Post by Tony Li »

The bark UI will show a bark for:
  • The bark UI's Bark Duration (in seconds) by default.
  • Or, if Wait For Sequence is ticked, it will wait until the bark dialogue entry's Sequence is done.
  • Or, if Wait For Continue is ticked, it will wait for the player to click the bark UI's continue button. The bark UIs that ship with the Dialogue System don't have continue buttons. If you want to use continue buttons with them, you'll need to add a Button to the bark UI and configure its OnClick() event to call the bark UI's OnContinue() method.
When Bark On Idle is set 4/5, it should show a new bark every 4-5 seconds. If it's set to Random, it will randomly choose a dialogue entry from the dialogue entries linked from the conversation's <START> node.

If you want to show a series of dialogue entries, not just one, use a conversation instead. You can configure the actor to use an overhead bubble UI for conversations. See: How To: Show Overhead Conversation Bubble Text
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