Call dialogue with 2 different buttons?

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Call dialogue with 2 different buttons?

Post by Hereder »

I've been away for some time and totally forgot how I call the dialogue system.
However, i want to make sure I can call it when I press Cross OR Square.
In this old script that I believe is responsible to actually call the UI to pop up, it sais "Action"
but what is that?

I added both Cross and Square, but its ignoring the cross now... If I remove ethe Square it works with Cross.
That little "Action" text, what is that and where do I change it/Add Action2 so we can use both Cross and Square?

Thanks in advnace!

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using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem;
using PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem;
using PixelCrushers.Wrappers;

public class DialogInput : MonoBehaviour
    public InputMaster controls;

    void Awake()
        controls = new InputMaster();


    void OnEnable()
        InputDeviceManager.RegisterInputAction("Action", controls.Player.Cross);
        InputDeviceManager.RegisterInputAction("Action", controls.Player.Square);

    void OnDisable()
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Tony Li
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Re: Call dialogue with 2 different buttons?

Post by Tony Li »


If you want to map an input to Cross or Square, in your input actions asset define an action that maps to Cross or Square. Then register it just once. For example, say you have created an action named "Action" in your input actions asset, and it's mapped to Cross or Square. Then use just one call to InputDeviceManager.RegisterInputAction:

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InputDeviceManager.RegisterInputAction("Action", controls.Player.Action);
It's best to name your actions using abstract concepts like "Action" instead of actual physical button names such as Cross and Square. That way they're not dependent on a specific device. For example, the same buttons on an Xbox controller are "A" and "X". But using an abstract concept, you're not tying the action to a specific device, and it also makes more sense if you allow input remapping (e.g., maybe the player wants to use Cross and Circle to interact).
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Re: Call dialogue with 2 different buttons?

Post by Hereder »

Okej, thanks- But in my InputMaster (New Inputsystem of Unity) Im naming them Square, Cross, Circle, etc so I know what button it is on a controller. I then link them to South, West, East etc so it works on all controllers. I find it easier to name them to a playstation controller since Im most familiar with it.

Anyway, What i dont understand is, where does "Action" ("Action - (THIS ONE)", controls.Player.Action) come from? Is it built in inside PixelCrusher? Do both Action have to match each other?

The example you gave, would I have to write ("Cross", controls.Player.Cross); to make it communitcate correctly with my Cross input inside the InputManager?

And one sidenote, In the Dialouge Condition section, how do I make OR statements? I believe there was some guide but I cant seem to find it. I wrote "WhateverFUnction" == True or "WhateverFunction2" == True and "WhateverFUnction2" == True.
Can it mike the or and And?

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Tony Li
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Re: Call dialogue with 2 different buttons?

Post by Tony Li »


There are no built-in input action names in the Dialogue System, including no "Action". You may have seen "Action" in some example somewhere.

I assume you're talking about the Selector / Proximity Selector component, but the same idea below applies to any place where you assign an input action. You can't -- and shouldn't -- set up the Selector to read two different input actions. Instead, define a single input action. For example, you could name this input action "CrossOrSquare" and map it to the Cross or Square buttons. (You can still also have separate "Cross" and "Square" input actions.) Then set the Selector's Button Name to "CrossOrSquare", and register it with the InputDeviceManager like this:

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InputDeviceManager.RegisterInputAction("CrossOrSquare", controls.Player.CrossOrSquare);
Hereder wrote: Wed Sep 27, 2023 7:02 pmAnd one sidenote, In the Dialouge Condition section, how do I make OR statements? I believe there was some guide but I cant seem to find it. I wrote "WhateverFUnction" == True or "WhateverFunction2" == True and "WhateverFUnction2" == True.
Can it mix the or and And?
Yes, you can mix them. I recommend using parentheses to disambiguate them. For example, this:

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(Function1() == True or Function2() == True) and Function3() == True
is different from:

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Function1() == True or (Function2() == True and Function3() == True)
In other words, to use a simpler form:

(a or b) and c

is different from:

a or (b and c)
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Re: Call dialogue with 2 different buttons?

Post by Hereder »

ok! Thank you for your reply! I think i undertand now :D

But just to clairfy, where you wrote () Thats where I will have to write Function("Night") == true For example?

(Function1("Night") == True or Function2("MidNight") == True) and Function3("Tired") == True
This means, if its Night OR Midnight, AND character is Tired - We call this next branch of the conversation?
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Tony Li
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Re: Call dialogue with 2 different buttons?

Post by Tony Li »


If a C# method / Lua function takes no arguments, you use (), as in:

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If a C# method / Lua function takes one string argument, you pass that inside the parentheses, as in:

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SceneManager.LoadScene("Main Menu");

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